Chapter One: Unlucky

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Adam I threw myself into my car and hit the steering wheel several times, trying to dissipate the raging frustration coursing through my veins after being fired. I had just gotten into a heated argument with my boss over some shady s**t a few of my coworkers had been doing. Come to find out, the boss was in on everything and had threatened to take me down with them if I didn’t leave quietly. The way he had explained my demise in detail if I went to the authorities had my hands bound. He knew I didn’t have a lot of money and I had two littles at home to take care of. Throwing myself back into my seat, I forced myself to come to grips with the lawless unfairness of it all. Breathing, I decided I would go pick up my son and daughter early from daycare and deal with my unemployment problem on Monday. I had enough in savings for a month, possibly two if I was extra careful. The last time I had been unemployed, we had been evicted from our home, had lost everything except for what we could carry, and lived out of our car. I still had nightmares about that chapter in my life and I refused to go back to that. “Papa! Papa!” Aidan and Anika screamed excitedly, running up and latching onto my legs. I smiled, forgetting for a moment my troubles and worries as these two little miracles bombarded me with tales of their day. Maria, the main childcare worker at the daycare greeted me. Aidan and Anika absolutely adored her. “How did they do today?” I asked, resting an arm around each of their shoulders, thankful for these two blessings in my life. “They did wonderful!” She smiled assuringly. After the horrible nightmare with their mother, Aiden had started acting out. Biting, hitting, and being more aggressive than usual. Anika on the other hand, had retreated into herself. As much as it had hurt the pocketbook at the time, I was thankful I had put both of them into therapy. “Thank you Maria, we will see you Monday.” “Papa, I want pizza!” Aiden blurted as we walked to the car. ‘“Oh papa, please! We haven’t had pizza in ages!” Anika seconded her brother’s request. As much as I knew I shouldn’t give into their demands, I decided to cave. It was easier than explaining what had happened and it gave me a little more time before I had to tell them, to worry them unnecessarily. Hopefully, by late next week I would have some interviews and by the following week, I would be working. After a fun filled dinner of pizza, movies, and games, I got them cleaned up and to bed. Falling back onto the couch, exhausted, I turned on the news and instantly regretted it. “We are at the scene now, where the body of ten year old Eliza Allen was found,” the reporter announced, pointing back into the riparian vegetation at the Stanislaus River’s edge. I had been hopeful, when Eliza was reported missing late last week, that they would find her healthy. But, here she was, the third victim of a serial killer in the Stanislaus, San Joaquin, Mariposa and Merced County areas. Hanging my head in my hands, I rubbed my eyes. The place they found her had been a favorite hang out when I was young. “It has been confirmed that we are dealing with a serial killer, who has been named Dracula by the public. Eliza had the same satanic symbol carved onto her wrists, eyes gouged out, and puncture wounds to her neck as the other victims. It has also been confirmed that this is the same killer that is wanted in Maine, Michigan, Louisiana, and Colorado for the killings of several young adults and children that occurred last year and earlier this year. Here with me now is Sargent Moore with the Stanislaus police. What can you tell us about the murder? Do you have any leads?” “Thank you Ms. Adams. We do have some suspects at this time that we are actively investigating. Our team, and those in the surrounding counties, have come together to lend support and aid as we continue to work tirelessly to bring this heinous murderer to justice. I would like to take a moment to address all parents watching now, please do not allow your children to go out alone. The murderer has targeted children that have been alone, walking home from the park and from school. Make sure they are in groups or are accompanied by an adult. Talk to your children about stranger danger, how to avoid dangerous incidences and if they do find themselves in a situation, arm them with the tools they will need to escape. If you go onto our webpage, you will find a link to a short video on some basic self defense techniques that can be used by both adults and children. Please, stay vigilant and safe. And, if anyone out there has any information I implore you to come forward.” “Thank you Sargent Moore.” As the reporter continued on, I zoned out, reaching absently for the gun at my hip. I had gone through the hoops of getting a CCW when the first child had gone missing. I had involved my children in the learning process so they knew how to safely handle a firearm and to know and understand it wasn’t a toy to be played with. It was a dangerous weapon only to be used if the situation called for it. And I had wanted them to know how to use it in case I was incapacitated and they needed it in order to save their lives. I hadn’t kept them in the dark about the murders. As much as it was traumatizing, scary and stressful for them, I felt it was important for them to know and be aware of the current situation going on in our own back yard. My dreams were dark and disturbing that night, and for the following two weeks. The job search hadn’t been as successful as I’d hoped for. I had filled out numerous applications, gone straight to the source for some of them, and had some interviews that didn’t go anywhere. I was starting to feel panicked as the days ticked by, trying to figure out any possible means of providing an income. Late one afternoon, my phone went off. A quick glance at the screen showed it was Ralph, one of my old band mates. No doubt he had heard about my unemployment situation. He had a knack at finding things out. As nosey as he was, though, he was a good man with a good heart. I had contemplated calling him earlier in the week when my searching had been unsuccessful, but decided to hold off until the following week. I knew if anyone could get me a job it was Ralph, but I didn’t like to bug him. He was a busy man with his own life. He didn’t need me or my problems thrown onto him. “Hey Lyon!” Ralph greeted warmly. “Hi Ralph, how are you?” “Well, I know I’m doing better than you are at the moment.” “Who told you?” “Who do you think?” I sighed heavily. Ava. My sister. “I’m going to kill her.” “She’s just trying to look out for you and your stubborn ass.” “Ralph, look, I don’t— “Have you secured a job then?” Again I sighed. “No.” “Then why don’t you listen to what I have to say first before telling me you’ve got this and don’t need any help?” “I’m listening.” “Have you heard of the band Knight Necromancers?” “Yes.” “What do you know about them?” “Not much. I’ve seen them on the news a few times. They are a new hard rock band who has used their fame and fortune to help out communities in need.” “Well, they are at it again. They have decided that they would like to do something for the Stanislaus Community.” “Well, good for them,” I muttered, not sure where this conversation was going. “Why is this relevant?” “Well, come to find out, they are combining this event with an extended vacation. They are in need of a break, one away from all media, paparazzi, blah blah blah. They have reached out and contacted me asking if I know anyone who is available and is willing to be a tour guide and travel assistant for them for a couple months. The person would have to be discreet, know the area, be resourceful, etc. He would be expected to escort them and to set up any reservations needed ahead of time. And you instantly came to mind when they were describing what they needed. You know this area, and most of California, like the back of your damn hand. You are well known and liked by many across the state. And, at the moment, you are unemployed. They are willing to pay a substantial amount of money, and, not to mention, it would relieve some of the pressure from your shoulders and give you time to find a good and decent job.” It sounded too good to be true, honestly. Nothing in my life had ever come easy, and nothing like this had ever been handed to me before. “I don’t know Ralph . . . .” “How about this? I’ll set you up with an interview and you can talk it over with them directly. Okay?” It sounded like a great opportunity to get myself on the right path. I loved to drive. And, I was sure I could get some very credible letters of recommendation from them to use. Heck! I might even be able to get in with some music production or recording studio if I played my cards right. “That sounds like a plan, Ralph. Thank you for thinking of me and always having my back.” “Of course brother! I’ll message you with the details for your interview in a bit.” And, not even a half an hour later, Ralph messaged me with the information for the interview. Tomorrow at noon. Excitement bubbled up in my chest. An excitement I hadn’t felt in years. There was real opportunity with this, and, even though I hadn’t met any of the band members nor secured any form of agreement with them, I felt, deep in my gut, this was meant to be. Sleep was hard to come by that night, my mind racing from all the possibilities. Even running on little to no sleep, I was energized when it was time to wake up and start the day. I got Aiden and Anika ready for their summer school and dropped them off before getting myself ready. Showered, dressed and armed with a notebook and pen, I hopped into the car and entered in the address Ralph had given. To my surprise, the house was not flashy, armored or even in a gated community. It was a large two story in a nice neighborhood the band had AirBNB’d for their stay. It seemed out of character for those who were in the fame and fortune category. And, I would know because I had once been there before. “Hello, you must be Adam,” a giant of a man answered the door warmly. Aside from the imposing figure he presented from his size alone, his features were rather plain. Brown hair, brown eyes, clean shaven. He had some facial piercings and visible tattoos, but that was characteristic of the business. “I’m Derrick.” He held out one huge paw of a hand. “It’s nice to meet you,” I replied, shaking his hand. “Come in,” he smiled, stepping aside to allow me entrance. Once inside and past the entrance way, we stepped directly into the great room. There was some furniture. A large dining room table—where three other band members sat— a matching hutch, a couch, love seat and a coffee table. There was a small TV mounted to the wall, while large paintings and a mirror were hung precisely to keep the room from feeling too empty. “Hello Adam, I’m Garret,” a stocky, athletic built man stood up from the table to shake my hand. He was handsome, black hair, nicely groomed beard and strikingly dark eyes. Tribal tattoos decorated his exposed arms. He sported a snake bite and several earrings. Garret introduced me to the remaining members, Blade and Briar. From what I could tell, they looked like siblings. Both had short black hair, Briar’s being slightly longer. Blade’s was spiked while Briar’s was more haphazard. They both had striking blue eyes. There weren’t any visible tattoos but that didn’t mean anything. As I was led to a seat, I naively thought this was everyone. That this was going to be a breeze. If only I’d known what I was about to get myself into, I would have run for my life.
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