Chapter 3

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"Perseus" A voice called out audibly in his head. Perseus replied and could see himself to be very much alive and alright in his head. He was not awake, he was not dead either, he was just in-between places of time and in a condition or state of oblivious neglect which resulted in an unresolved status of shock and deadlock. "Yes, that's my name. Where are you talking to me from? Show yourself!" He summoned and stormed as his manner was whenever he needed to be sure about a thing: he loved interrogations a lot. "Look to this Western corner you i***t!" The voice jeered as it echoed in the room of his mind. As he turned, he could feel his entire body move in his mind, but in reality, he was still lifeless in the hospital bed as far as Diana who sat next to him and reading a book was concerned. "Who the hell are you and what am I doing in this hospital bed?" He mused. "Poor Perseus needs to be educated" the man whose image and face he was yet trying to figure out chuckled. "Then make it quick, I have a meeting to attend!" Perseus scolded. "Then go for your meeting!" The man hilariously laughed out loud. "Silly old man" Perseus sighed and stood up on his feet in his minds eye. "No am not silly, you i***t! You are the one who's silly. You are half way dead you punk!" The old man boasted. Perseus immediately turned to look at him again as the man's tune of speech captured his interest. "Wait, what do you mean dead?" He inquired. "Think of it this way, how did you find yourself in this room when at first you were attending a meeting?" There and then, Perseus turned to see his sister seated on a chair next to him and reading a book, but he could not see anyone lying on the bed: the bed was empty and he was up and perfectly alright from hair to toes. "Hey, what are you doing here Diana? You should be on your way to school, it's sunrise already" he called out, trying to communicate with his sister. "She can't hear you damnit!" The old man said. "Wait, what do you mean she can't hear me. Am I dead?" He asked surprisingly as he turned towards the man again. "No you are not dead, and definitely not alive. You can call this state Limbo, a state of standstill resulting from the opposition of two evenly matched realm, a situation of no obvious possible movement, but does not involve any personal loss" "A stalemate, you say?" "More like what you call it. But how you got into this realm is simply unexplainable but practically possible." "In that case am dead right?" "No you are not. If you were dead, you would have been able to see your body lying on that bed." The man explained in what sounded like a parable to Perseus. "Seriously, am I on a sick bed as we speak?" Perseus asked in astonishment. "No, you are not. It's way more than that. You are on an incident bed, broken arm, some stitches done on your legs and hands, oxygen mask too; that's as far I can go to explain to you that you are in coma boy!" He scolded. "Then how am I talking to you?" "Because I found you." He replied without delay. "What do you mean by that?" Perseus said, being startled and disoriented. "I am from the past and have access into the future where I now live and with the help of science, I was able to break through realms to get to you." He said and paused for a moment. "Come on!" Perseus exclaimed as he sat down feeling anxious, yet delighted to hear more. "Science is beautiful and each time I reincarnate, I loved to take that line of study. And in the future, I happen to discover an astounding means of getting into different times in world's history without having to seek a divine means. Science is so powerful Perseus and am delighted to teach you and only you what is going on in this dimension." "Tell me about it" Perseus replied, giving a listening ear. "For a start, only I knows about this dimension we are in at the moment, and no scientist in history have been able to break into it. I called you into it by the knowledge I have with me and can call anyone else if I choose to, into it." "Wait a sec. Why me?" "Because you are special and the only one capable of saving the past and the future. Do not undermine your potentials, you are even more powerful than I am." "More powerful, Like a super power you mean?" "Who said anything about superpowers?" The old man said. "I suggest that" He shrugged. "Wake up son, this is happening. Now we've got to go." "Go where? Wait a minute, I don't even know your name" Perseus argued. "Alexander is my name. Now you know my name, save the questions and come along, time is of the essence here and we have not much time left." "What do you mean we have no time left?" Perseus asked as he followed him from behind through a corridor that just appeared out of no where. "Yes, I discovered this dimension, but am yet to figure out how to stay in it for a very long time. I think if I did stay here much longer, I may go into extinction never to be remembered anywhere in history and I mean, like I never exited at any time." But why is that and how did you get to know all this information?" "That will be easier for you to understand if you understand the nature of the divine who has no origins but founded all things. He gave me knowledge to find this dimension but strictly said it's dangerous for the mortal flesh to dwell in it for long. And I believed, for I have proved it to be true with an experiment I carried out using a mouse." "Seriously, so you believe that saying about a God watching over us?" "Perseus people believe many things and people doubt so many more than they should. However, discovery is the prime factor to tracing the divine. Like I said, I used a mouse caged in a proper position and I marked it before getting out at my second visit. On my return, it vanished, leaving the cage empty at the exact spot. When I brought the cage out of this dimension, both the records and informations about the mouse all gone, wiped out from the surface of the earth and everybody who knew that mouse could not even recall it exited: only I had the exact idea what happened to it." 
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