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(2 YEARS AGO…) **NIRVANA** Blinking awake, I find myself submerged in a haze of grogginess, the aftermath of a lengthy slumber. It's disorienting, not knowing how much time has slipped by in this sterile hospital room. Weeks, perhaps, since the fateful news that a donor heart awaited me, and now, post-operation, I'm in the liminal space between drowsiness and consciousness. The scent of antiseptic mingles with the familiar fragrance of my father's cologne, though he's absent from my immediate surroundings. He's been my rock throughout this ordeal, a cardiologist by profession, and one of the skilled hands that labored over me in the operating theater. Nirvana, that's me—a mere fifteen-year-old, daughter to a doctor duo. But my journey has been far from ordinary. Since childhood, I've grappled with a rare heart ailment, rendering me perpetually fatigued and frail. The diagnosis came later than expected, leaving us scrambling for solutions as my health deteriorated. Then came the beacon of hope—a heart transplant. Fate smiled upon me, aligning the stars to grant me a second chance at life. But the donor, a girl sharing my very birthday, lay in a state of perpetual slumber, her parents making the agonizing decision to donate her organs. Her selflessness is a burden upon my soul, mingling gratitude with sorrow. Her heart now beats within my chest, a silent testament to her sacrifice. She, a mere teenager like me, has become my savior, imbuing me with purpose and gratitude. And yet, there's a twist to this tale—a twist that defies explanation. Post-operation, I find myself altered, my senses heightened to an extraordinary degree. Glasses are rendered obsolete as my vision sharpens, while whispers and fragrances guide me like unseen hands. The transplant has endowed me with abilities beyond comprehension. I heal effortlessly, scars vanishing as if by magic, leaving behind a vessel renewed and invigorated. It's a mystery, one that eludes even the most learned minds, but one I'm compelled to keep hidden. For in a world where witches and werewolves clash in a deadly dance, my newfound powers are both a blessing and a curse. To reveal them would be to court danger, to invite scrutiny from those who would see me as an aberration. And so, I keep my secret close, a silent pact between myself and the beating heart within my chest. Who was she, this mysterious donor? A mere mortal, or something more? The question lingers, unanswered, as I navigate the treacherous waters of my new existence. As days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, I found myself adjusting to my new reality. The hospital became a second home, the rhythmic beeping of machines a comforting lullaby as I drifted in and out of consciousness. But even amidst the sterile walls and fluorescent lights, a sense of unease lingered. The whispers of nurses and hushed conversations in the corridors hinted at secrets buried beneath the surface, secrets that I was not meant to uncover. It was during one such moment of quiet reflection that I first became aware of my heightened senses. The faintest scent of flowers wafted through the air, accompanied by the distant murmur of voices. At first, I dismissed it as a trick of the mind, a side effect of the medication coursing through my veins. But as days passed and my strength returned, the whispers grew louder, the scents more pronounced. I found myself drawn to the edge of my bed, straining to catch every sound, every scent that drifted through the air. It was then that I realized the extent of my transformation. I was no longer bound by the limitations of my frail body; I was something more, something beyond human comprehension. The realization filled me with a sense of both wonder and dread. What happened to me? What had the transplant done to my body, to my soul? I knew that I had to keep my newfound abilities hidden, to protect myself from those who would seek to exploit them. But even as I buried my secrets deep within, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was destined for something greater, something beyond the confines of this hospital room. And so, as I lay there, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight streaming through the window, I made a silent vow to myself. I would embrace this new chapter of my life, whatever it may bring. I would not let fear hold me back; I would seize every opportunity that came my way, and forge my own destiny, one step at a time. (PRESENT DAY) "Subject 333; you are next." The words hang heavy in the air, a grim reminder of my fate. Bound by iron chains and stripped of my identity, I am little more than a pawn in a twisted game of survival. For months, I've fought in these matches, my hands stained with the blood of my kin. It's a harrowing existence, one defined by anguish and guilt. But beneath the facade of compliance lies a simmering rage, a fire fueled by the injustices of this cruel world. I am Nirvana, daughter of the stars, and I refuse to be a pawn any longer. With each passing day, my resolve strengthens, my determination unyielding. For I know that somewhere, amidst the shadows of this wretched realm, my enemy awaits. The Witch Lord, they call him—a tyrant whose reign of terror knows no bounds. But I am not afraid. For within me burns the spark of rebellion, a flickering flame that refuses to be extinguished. I will endure the trials that lie ahead, the battles that await me in the arena. And when the time comes, I will face him—face him with the fury of a thousand storms, with the strength of those who came before me. For I am not just Nirvana, the girl with a borrowed heart. I am Nirvana, the harbinger of change, the catalyst for revolution. And in the darkness that surrounds me, I see a glimmer of hope—a hope that one day, the shadows will recede, and the light of freedom will shine once more.
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