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"Let's break up!" Crescent was in tears as he said the words he never thought he'd say to Ace, the one he loved. Crescent didn't budge from looking at Ace. He was unable to believe in himself. He never imagined himself saying such things. Crescent let out a long sigh. The wetness that was beginning to form in his eyes caused him to blink a few times, dampening his long eyelashes. Ace was startled. Regardless of how hard they fought, Ace never imagined Crescent would say what she did. When he asked, "What," his voice was strained. Ace didn't fight at the moment. He remained motionless, his mouth hanging open. He found it unbelievable that Crescent was ending their relationship. Crescent was choking on his own sobs and finding it impossible to speak. He knows that saying it again will just make him feel worse, but he still did it. ''I said, Let's need to break up,'' he replied with a lump in his throat and a hoarse voice. Once more, Ace was stunned by the words, which in a matter of seconds completely destroyed him. Hearing Crescent's words caused his heart to break as he was still processing what he had heard. Ace's pained expression quickly turned into one filled with wrath, though. "Are you doing it because you want to be with that man?" Ace taunted Crescent, who growled angrily. "Ace, I'm sick of hearing about your insecurities. You're not even telling me what triggered you so suddenly, but you're blaming me for something I didn't even know I did." Crescent's tears streamed down his cheeks. Ace, on the other hand, was hurt when he watched his most beloved one cry. He even intended to take a step closer and wipe those tears away from that beautiful face, but the photos he received this morning exposing his lover sharing an intimate moment with another man stopped him from doing so. He was betrayed by the one he most trusted. That's all Ace knows, and the fact that Crescent himself said they should split up only leads Ace to believe Crescent is having an affair and Ace is just a major roadblock in his way. As for Crescent, Ace was his first love. Crescent still remembers every stupid act of his that he did just to make Ace notice him. Ace was his first love and the day Ace himself came to Crescent was a dream come true for Crescent. But it was now only a matter of a few moments that Crescent was going to crush his beautiful dream with his own hands. "Did I ever criticize your past relationships, Ace?" Crescent asked, brushing away his tears, and Ace was taken by surprise. "I don't have anything going on with anyone." Ace spoke, but Crescent let out a laugh. Crescent can't help but say such things as the city's most eligible bachelor and the well-known player Ace was before their relationship. Because he disregarded several rumors about Ace's relationships, despite the fact that he knew Ace had been a player in the past. But, since Crescent chose to trust Ace despite this, and since Ace is interrogating him this time, why shouldn't Crescent get his answers as well? "Whatever I had with other people was before you! Why the heck don't you trust me?" Ace raised his voice aggressively, but the next moment he was calm and he asked Crescent, "Now I see what you're talking about!" Why don't you just be honest and say you want to end the relationship because you already have someone?' "I'm not giving any answers to your baseless questions." Crescent averted his gaze. "Do you think questions about our relationship are baseless?" Ace arched an eyebrow as his eyes darkened with rage, but Crescent did not intervene or try to calm him down like he usually did. Ace used to tell Crescent that he was his solace, but Crescent now realizes that such words were meaningless. "So this is how you chose to go to your so-called lover? By putting the blame for our breakup entirely on my shoulders?!" Ace asked. Hearing Ace, Crescent was shocked. "If we don't trust each other, there's nothing we can do to make this relationship work. So, it's better for us if we split up." Crescent spat as he was ready to walk away, but Ace stopped him by tightly grasping Crescent's arms and pulling him closer to himself. Crescent could sense Ace's faint breathing because his face was so near to his. Crescent felt like melting as he gazed into Ace's eyes, but he mustered the strength to move away from Ace. Ace was taken aback, but he laughed when he saw Crescent acting so repulsive to his touch. "Very well, let's break up." Ace finally said what he needed to say. Crescent didn't say anything. Instead, he walked out the door and out of Ace's life. Ace stood motionless as he watched Crescent go away, his heart pounding. Crescent, on the other side of the door, burst into tears as he felt his heart shatter into pieces. That day, it rained. After leaving Ace's apartment, Crescent was walking to his car. For a moment, he halted his steps, thinking about something. He took a heavy sigh, turning his head to the sky. The dark and grey clouds rumbling their discontent, as if alerting everyone below that the heavens were going to weep. The first drop of the rain landed on Crescent's face, stinging him coldly and appearing to jolt him out of his trance. Its presence brought a tidal flood of depth of thought tumbling down. Finally, their relationship was over. the flow of emotions that were finally exploding and fading along with the deep pains in his soul. Although it was heartbreaking, he finally brought an end to the love he had spent so much effort on hanging onto, giving his story a tragic end. Crescent's tears flowed down his cheeks in sync with the rain. Two people. Ace, someone who had built iron walls between himself and the rest of the world because of his past trauma Crescent, who barged his way into Ace's life and fixed his heart. They both loved each other dearly and swore to be together forever, but a simple misunderstanding, as well as their lack of maturity in dealing with such issues, resulted in disaster. Even though none of them wanted to leave the other, they made the decision to do so. That was the end of it. All it took was a single misunderstanding. It was over.
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