Episode 3: One night Affair

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After I woke up that morning, I found out that, Annabell and Diana were up already, and they were in the living room, so I decided to go meet them. "Good morning guys!" I greeted them with a calm voice as I approach them. "Good morning Khloe" Annabell and Diana answer in chorus, in a very exciting manner. "What's going on guys, why all the excitement this morning? And why did you guys get up so early from the room?" I asked, out of curiosity while smiling. "Today is a big day, and we are so sure you are going to nail the writing contract!" Annabell said, sounding so certain and happy. "You can't be that sure, plus, I have too many of my works turned down before. I don't think, this will be any different!" I replied as I was sounding not too happy, and disappointment could be noticed in my voice. "Come on baby girl, I believe in you, and we've also gone through this write-up. I so much believe you will get the contract, this time around!" Diana said, as she moves closer to me, and cheer me up. She makes me believe in myself, and also wants me to put on a happy face, always. "Don't worry, we are going to take you out for the celebration when you return! Hey, worry less, the bills will be on us!" Annabell said joyfully, when she saw the reaction on my face, about spending again! I've been the one spending for the past few days, so I need a break! After breakfast with my friends, I rushed into the bathroom to take my bath, then I started preparing for the visit to Crystal's mind publishing company, which asked me to come over today. I have submitted my write-up to the company for the past three weeks, and I was emailed last night, about my write-up getting approved. After several attempts, finally, my book got accepted! I'm so happy right now! I was about to step out of the house, when both Annabell and Diana, ran down towards me and wished me the best of luck. Then I left home... I finally arrived at Crystal mind publishing company, which is one of the biggest publishing companies in Italy! What makes me want to work with them is that they have a huge fan base, that accepts different genres of novels, and all kinds of languages. So working with them will be a dream come true for me! Immediately I stepped into the receptionist area, I walked towards the receptionist and greeted her. "Good morning, how may I assist you, ma'am?" The receptionist greeted me back and asked politely. "I am Khloe Williams, I submitted my work here and I was sent an email to come over today for a contract negotiation by the Director, Mr Leonardo Florenzi," I replied as I waited patiently for the receptionist to confirm my appointment. When the receptionist confirmed my appointment with the director, she asked me to go by elevator to the fifth floor and described where to find the director's office. I thanked her, and I left. After I got out of the elevator, I did as directed by the receptionist. When I got to the front door of the director's office, I was a little bit nervous before I knocked on the door. As soon as I knocked on the door, I was asked to come in with a very bold masculine voice, speaking English with an Italian accent. "Good morning s-sir" I greeted him, as my voice began to shake because of the nervousness in me. "Good morning Miss Williams, please come have your seat over here." He responded politely and lively, which helped me to calm down and feel a little bit relaxed. After about an hour with the director and the negotiation didn't make any progress, I stood up and prepares to leave. The company was very interested in my work, but they want to buy the book rights and pay me off permanently. Though, the money was okay. But I'm just like my Dad, I will never sell the right of any of my write-ups! Not even this particular one, because it carries a part of my Dad! So I wasn't going to sell the copyright for any reason, or amount! "So Miss Williams, are you sure about this decision of yours, not to sell the right to us?" Mr Leonardo said while staring me in the eyes. "Sir, I'm very positive about this. I can't sell the copyright for any reason or amount!" I replied to him, as I was also looking him in the eyes too. "The money we are offering you is good, but you know I can't force you to take our offer?" Mr Leonardo said. "Yes, I know the money is good and it will help me a lot. However, this piece of work is a part of me, and I can't let go of the copyright sir!" I replied to him and immediately asked him to take my leave out of his office. "Okay, Miss Williams. You can take your leave but have my card, in In case, you change your mind on your decision." Mr Leonardo said as he gave me his complimentary card before I walked out of his office with a sad expression. I was so angry and disappointed about what has just happened! I angrily walked out of the official company premises, and hurriedly hopped into a taxi that took me straight home, where I met my friends in the living room, and I also joined them. "Why the long face?" Diana asked in curiosity, as she moved closer to me, where I was sitting. "How did the contract negotiation go? Have you signed it?" Annabell asked too, out of curiosity while smiling. "No, I couldn't sign it!" I said with a lot of things running through my mind, as tears strolled down my cheeks. "Why didn't you sign it, what happened?" Annabell asked, as she tries calming me down, but was also curious as to know why I didn't sign the contract. "The company wants me to sell the copyright to them permanently! That means I won't even have my name written on it or anything related to me at all!" I explained to them in anguish, as tears kept on pouring out uncontrollably. "Come on, this is an Improvement girl... At least, they recognize that your work is a massive one, and they are ready to pay for it!" Diana said with a smile, as she tries to tickle me so I could cheer up. "Yes Khloe, it's something to celebrate. A very big company like Crystal mind publishing could recognize that your work is a great one! Isn't that something to celebrate about?" Annabell said as they both made me feel relieved and proud of myself. "Nevertheless, we are still going out tonight, and don't worry, the bills are still on us!" Diana said, as she jumped up and started dancing to put everyone in a partying mood. "No guys, I'm not in the mood for partying. Please, just let me be at home!" I pleaded with them to let me stay at home, but Annabell and Diana will never let me stay home by myself! So I don't have any option other than to go with them to the club and have a nice time. We arrived at the club at about 8 pm, and everywhere was already busy, and bubbling in a high party mood. We were allowed to enter by the bouncers without questioning because we do work here, but today is our off-duty day. We went inside and started dancing and having fun. After we took some drinks, we decided to go sit for a little while. Then suddenly, we noticed a very tall handsome man, walking toward our table, and his appealing appearance caught us all off guard. "Hello ladies, hope you are all enjoying the night?" He said while smiling and waving his hand to our face. "Yes, we are and who are you please?" Diana hurriedly answered and threw a question at him. "Oh sorry, my bad... My name is Mason" He responded calmly. After introducing himself, he asked for the indulgence of my friends, to have a word with me. "Me? why do you want to have a word with me?" I asked in surprise, as I stare at his charming face. "Because you are attractive to me, and I think I like you!" He replied confidently and the tone of his voice was so appealing and alluring. Annabell and Diana persuaded me, and I decided to go with him to his table, where we chit-chatted and have some drinks for about two hours, and we both started feeling tipsy. Mason is a cool guy, with a lot of good manners in his voice. So for that night, I fell for his charming look and behaviour, so I followed him home. After getting to his place, I didn't know what I was thinking or doing... I only realized that we were already kissing, and before I could process everything properly, we were already having s*x. It was a good night feeling while it lasted, and after s*x, we were both tired and still tipsy to go wash up, so we just slept off like that. When I woke up the next morning, I was so damn angry with myself for acting stupid, and cheap! He was trying to talk to me, but I ignored him! I hurriedly dressed up and as I was about to leave, Mason pleaded with me not to rush out, or if possible, I should give him my number. I was so angry and ashamed of myself, and with everything that happened, I couldn't say a word to him. So I left angrily. When I got home, Annabell and Diana were not at home. I was somehow glad that they are not because I don't have the strength to explain what happened to me last night! I ran to the bathroom to wash up and immediately after I got out of the shower, my phone beeped and it was an email from Crystal mind publishing company. I was asked to come over to their office, that my contract has been approved, and that I will have my copyright to myself. The feeling that the message brought me, immediately lighten up my mood! I dressed up quickly and rushed down to the company. As I stepped into the receptionist area, I met with the director, Mr Leonardo. He told me that it was his boss, that put in words for me, to get my contract signed. Inwardly, I was so happy and as well, being grateful to the boss. Mr Leonardo showed me to the boss's office, where the contract documents will be signed. And he also reminds me to thank him, for putting in words for me at the board meeting. "I will surely do that sir! Thanks, I appreciate your efforts too!" "It's nothing, You deserve it!" Mr Leonardo tells me and walks away. Immediately after I open the office door that was shown to me, I was met with the shock of my life! The person I met inside turned out to be Mason!
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