1946 Words
Lex’s POV “Oh I love X-men”, I said through the mindlink to make conversation to my Beta who was wearing a cool t-shirt about them. Although, it was more about giving him an opportunity to lash out at me before we died because of my folly. He was giving me the silent treatment so far ! “Yeah coz that is what we are gonna be- ex men, in a few minutes”, he fumed. “Woah ! Woah ! Woah !”, I tried to cool off the sudden and direct attack at me, although I had seen it coming. “Look at the silver lining, bro !! We found their wretched hideout place which no one could have done for ages !”, I tried to lighten the mood. “You are such a doofus, Lex”, Rowland growled through the mindlink as we both tried to free our gagged selves from the bounded tree. “You just had to enter the forbidden zone without your Dad’s orders and drag me along with you, didn't you”, he snapped. “God, I am so sexy to die right now”, he whined. “I thought the phrase was too young to die”, I corrected him (blame the nerd in me) and chuckled when a pissed growl came from my Beta wolf. It was so fun messing with him. Poor Beta. Haha. “If these thugs don’t kill you, Lex, then I swear I will”, Rowland swore before cursing like a sailor and as expected I was called all kinds of innovative and beautiful names. “ …. and what the f**k were you thinking about coming here like a dodo lone wolf and solving a century old problem of our ancestors ? s**t ! I was so stupid to follow a brainless fool’s orders”, he lamented. “Now I am f*****g stuck in this s**t fest because of you”, he gritted out. “Me brainless ? Oh puh- lease”, I sassed and complimented it with a suave hair shake to prove my pride for my under - the - attack brains. “Yes brainless. Meaning no brain- at all ! Not even the zombies will get a whiff of it near your head during a Zombie Apocalypse”, he vehemently spat back. “Now you are just being mean”, I solemnly said while making puppy eyes. “Don’t you dare make those eyes at me, Lex”, Rowland growled. “They are exactly what got me here, in this crap hole in the first place !”, he indignantly exclaimed. “You talk as if I got you pregnant”, I rolled my eyes. “Get that nasty d*ck anywhere near me and I will choke it to death”, he gritted out. “Sounds like you are giving my d*ck an invitation for a blow job !”, I chuckled and the fuming Beta glared at me. “You are a d*ckless wonder”, Rowland snorted and turned away his face to the other side in anger. Gawwddd. He was sulking on me like a child now ! Shaking my head for getting such a childish Beta. “Well, well, well”, a mocking, deep voice resounded suddenly before a beastly figure came in sight. “Look who we have here !!”, he exclaimed and acted surprised. “Drama Queen. Argh ! He f*****g ordered the guards to gag us moments ago”, my Alpha wolf spat out before internally cursing the asshole. Thinking about it now, my wolf was the real culprit who convinced us to step a little further into the boundary at the first place. “Yes, yes. Just one more step ahead and we will get a clearer view. And what is that chicken headed Beta doing behind the tree ? Ask him to leave his chicken spine behind and join us towards the boundary”, he had instigated me and nudged us towards this danger. I was so stupid to believe him. Sigh ! He was an ultra strong Alpha wolf but a highly emotional one, especially when it came to our mother. Ever heard of curiosity killed the cat ? Ughh, that is what was happening to us right now. “Oomph - Oomph - Oomph”, I rambled through the gag. The motherfucker rolled his eyes before tearing out the duct tape out of my mouth harshly. Fuck ! Did he wax out my facial hair ? And it hurt like a mother. Dammit !! However, as trained all these years, I did not squeak out even a small “Oww” in pain. I was a hardline Alpha warrior afterall. “Why the f**k are you making such a commotion ?”, the zinging bastard asked irately. “I just wanted to say Happy National Animal Day to you”, I cheekily said and I swear on Rowland’s tiny d*ck, I had never seen a more aggravated face than the Rogue King’s ever. “Nerd”, I heard Rowland murmur through the mindlink but from the amusement filled gleam in his eyes I could tell that he was stifling a laugh. However, a grin still popped out of him like a soap bubble, peeking out of the duct tape. Scowling at me, the Rogue King of the eastern part of the continent and a pain in the ass of the Water Moon Pack asked with a frustrated hiss, “Are you demented ?” “No, just gay”, I made conversation while nodding my head animatedly. Better stall our deaths as much as possible, isn’t it ? Maybe some kind of miraculous help would arrive. Although I am pretty sure I was frustrating our captivator to kill us sooner than he intended to. “What ?!”, he shrieked and backed away from me instantly as if I was a kind of plague. Homophobic much ? I laughed heartily before chuckling out, “I am just kidding. I am Lex, the Alpha of the Water Moon Pack and …. your nemesis”, I owned up with a growl. “Have your freaking brain cells gone AWOL, Lex ?”, Rowland screamed frantically through the mindlink. “Why the f**k would you tell him that ?!”, he angrily ranted. “And this is my Beta, Rowland. You can kill him first”, I said and I did not know who was more shocked- the Rogue King or Rowland. Rowland looked at me with fiery red, murderous eyes and sent volcanic tremors through the mind link. I was sure the aftershocks were going to be equally bad. “You f*****g traitor ! I knew it I should have never shared my ice creams with you during your training secretly !!”, Rowland said the first think that came in his mind. “You owe me $10,000 dumbass for those treats. I am not dying before I get it out from you”, he yelled. “How the f**k did you calculate $10,000 ?”, I asked him astonished. “Your giant ass stomach is a f*****g huge tank that gobbled 15 ice creams in a day. No wonder the elder Alpha saved so much money all these years by denying you treats during your Alpha training”, he admonished. “Stop mindlinking the two of you !!”, the Rogue King suddenly shouted, bringing our heads back to reality. “I asked a damn question, f*****g answer it !”, he growled. “Why are you here ?”, he demanded. “To avenge the death of our pack members, get back the pack’s prized stone- ‘The Water Moon’ stone back and kill your f*****g stinky ass”, I spoke through clenched teeth while narrowing my eyes into furious slits, my cheeky, playful demeanor evaporating the moment I remembered the bastard’s crimes. “Hahahahahahaha”, the devil laughed when he heard me out. “For a moment I thought that one of the largest packs titled a clown as their Alpha. Now I see that they made a f*****g stupid clown as their Alpha”, he heartily laughed before sneering, “Give me one good reason why would I not hesitate to kill the two of you right now and become the Alpha of the stupid pack instead, which has only beauties and no brains as can be seen from the leaders they chose”, he chuckled amused. So unscientific and so not true, I internally rolled my eyes. “Pfft”, I scoffed bemused as I managed to partially free my hands from the goddamn prickly, steel barbed ropes. “I would love to see you try”, I challenged him. “Stall him for a minute more, Lex”, Rowland hissed. “These ropes are smeared with Wolfsbane”, he added. “They are making the f*****g untying process even harder”, he winced through the mindlink. However, I no longer cared about that. Fuck, even the pain of wolfsbane was nothing compared to what I felt that fateful day. All I cared about was the day I lost my mother because of this f*****g rascal in front of me. He had snatched the Luna’s stone from her neck before sadistically murdering her in front of my very eyes ! I was hardly a pup aged 10 at that time. I had been scarred for life and still woke up having nightmares about it. So Dad had enough about it and delegated the task of finding the murdering scoundrel to me before reluctantly giving in to my demand to attend the human university here. “You just signed your own death warrant, young lad”, the old wolf gruffed out. “Say hello to your beautiful mother for me when you see her. How I wish I had made a few beautiful babies with her and then slowly killed her”, the p*rvert sadistic*lly laughed so hard that it brought a coughing attack and angered him further. “s**t”, Rowland cursed. “We are doomed”, he added when he saw that I had bled my wrists with wolfsbane and still struggling to untie my binds completely while he himself was hopelessly tied up halfway through. However, today was not the day we were dying when the Mother Goddess wrote our fates. It was this evil wolf who was going to get a taste of his own medicine. And you ask how and by whom ? Fortunately or unfortunately enough, I knew the answer to the first question but not to the second. Just when the rascal shifted, ran at an insanely fast pace and proceeded to pounce at us to kill us both, that is when I saw Her. A dangerous beauty. Yes that is what she was. A dangerous beauty- full of mystery and grace. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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