Chapter 04

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Ryan POV: I was getting tense for Maria and almost got myself killed while searching for her and here she brought someone with her and that too late at night. I don't know how I should react. So, I just kept on staring at them. “Who is she, Maria?” I asked her. “Bro, Her name is Aria. She saved me tonight from getting hit by a vehicle. After that, I got to know that she doesn't have a place to stay. That's why I brought her with me, and she is going to stay with us until she finds a place for herself” I heard her answer. I was shocked when I heard her answer. She also got into danger just like me. I have to be thankful for the girl has she saved Maria's life, Wait!!! Did she say this new girl is going to stay in our house? If she was grateful then she should thank her properly not like bringing her home along with her. I don't want to ask her these questions in the presence of that girl. That's why I stayed quiet while observing them. I don't want to sound rude. She introduced that new girl and I got to know that her name is Aria. I don't know, How I should react to the new person because I am still not convinced that she is going to stay with us. So, I thought walking away was the best option for now because my questions may sound rude for that person. I turned around and started walking towards my room. . . . I waited for a few minutes. I thought Maria would come to see me, but she didn't come. I don't have the patience to wait for her. So, I walked out only to find her with the new girl. “Maria, come with me. We need to talk” I said and walked away and started waiting for her in my room. “What do you want to talk about, bro?” I heard Maria speak as she walked into my room. “Are you alright? Did you get hurt? And, What happened?” I asked her. “I am fine bro” she replied and explained how Aria saved her. It is relief that she didn't get hurt, but It didn't cease the anger that is raising in me. “Why did you go out late at night? And, Where did you go?” I asked her sternly. She kept quiet without answering, and I saw her avoiding my gaze. I am getting a feeling that something is dubious. I faked a cough to gain her attention. “Answer me, Maria,” I said. “I went to the internet cafe,” she replied. “I think our house has Wi-Fi, and you have your laptop. Then, What is the need to go to an internet cafe?” I asked her, particularly because I know she has another reason to go out. “I went with my friend. And, before you ask about her. I will say that you don't know about her” she replied. I know she is lying, but I decided to end the topic here because I have another thing to discuss. “Ok, but Why did you bring her to our house? We don't know anything about her? What if she is a dangerous person?” I questioned her. How can she trust a person and bring her home whom she met just a few hours ago? “Bro, You should be more social. Try to have a social life at least this year. Mingle with our classmate and stop spending your time with those books more” I heard her reply. She and her nagging never end. She always wants me to mingle with others which I don't find comfortable. “It is not the answer for my question” I stated. “Bro, we are the only two staying in this big house and I find her trustable. That's why I brought her with me. Anyways, I thought of bringing a paying guest for us this year. She is also a high school student like us” she answered me. “If you are done with your questions. I am leaving” saying she walked away. Ohh!! This girl is never going to listen to me. I hope she is right and that girl is a nice person. . . . . . Next Morning: “What are these sounds? Where are they coming from early in the morning?” I murmured with closed eyes. Yesterday, I slept very late because of Maria, and now I am unable to complete my sleep because of some sounds. As I woke up completely I realized that the sounds were from the doorbell. We rarely have visitors. That too early in the morning it is impossible. I walked out of my room to open the doorbell. As I came to the living room. I saw the main door wide open and the doorbell was ringing continuously. I walked out of the main door only to find out that Aria is the one ringing the doorbell and looking around like she was searching for something. “What are you doing?” I asked her while standing behind her. “Where does this sound is coming from? I am not able to find any bell but by pressing this I am hearing the bell sound” I was shocked by her answer. Is she dumb that she is searching for the bell? Or, what should I assume from her actions? “Why are you not answering? I am getting really curious” she asked me. What is there to be curious about a doorbell? Is she from a small town? No, even if she is from a small town she must have known about the doorbell. “What if she is from Mars like aliens” I heard my nonsense part of the brain speak. Just shut up!! I yelled at that part, internally. I shifted my concentration to Aria again. All this time she didn't stop pressing the doorbell. I don't know by which angle my sister finds this girl trustworthy. “Why are you not telling me? Where is this sound coming from?” she asked while turning towards me. “From that” I answered while showing the speaker box inside the house. She looked at the box and then looked at me and by that look I know she has more doubts. “How come sound is coming from there when I am pressing it here?” she asked me. “Don't you think you are asking completely dumb questions?” I asked her. “Is it a dumb question, but I am finding it interesting? If you don't know then there is no need to answer. I am going to ask Maria. And, yesterday you walked away without introducing yourself. It is bad manners. Don't behave like that in the future” she replied with folded hands and a serious face. What does she think about me? Is she lecturing me about manners? AHH!! I am feeling a rise in my anger. “I know about this, but I am not going to answer you and, everyone in this world will say that this is a dumb question. About yesterday, I don't find you trustworthy. That's why I don't want to talk to you” I said in a low yet stern voice. But, There was no change in her expressions. As if she was not at all intimidated by me. Even Maria gets intimidated by my stern voice. “Ok, Your wish” saying she walked away. What does it mean? Wow, I received this type of treatment just because of a doorbell and that too by a girl who doesn't know about a doorbell. Ahh! I have to find a way to send this girl out of my house. I walked into my room to freshen up. . . . I came to the dining room to have breakfast. I gazed at my sister and that girl. She was busy observing every moment of Maria. I sat at the opposite side to them. As I looked at the dishes it was pasta made by my sister. I can say just with a look. Only my sister can make pasta which is never going to look and taste like pasta. “Where is Annie Aunt?” I asked, Maria. “Bro, did you forget? She is on leave today” I heard her reply. Annie aunt is our cook and unfortunately, she is on leave. I would like to die, but I am not going to eat this paste. My gaze fell on bread and butter. Yes, It is better for breakfast. “I forgot to bring forks” saying Maria walked into the kitchen. I was busy applying butter on bread and causally lifted my head and the sight my eyes viewed was shocking. Aria was eating pasta with her hands and I can say that she was enjoying that pasta. “Don't you know the proper way to eat?” I asked her. She looked at me with confusion. Ah! She and her confused expressions. “Aria, Why are you eating with your hands? I went to bring the forks” Maria said, walking towards us. She looked at Maria with the same confused expressions. “I know you were eager to taste my pasta, but you should wait for forks,” Maria said with a smile. “Forks” Aria said with her constant confused expression. “Yes, come wash your hands” saying they both walked away. What did I just see? She was eager to eat pasta? That pasta!!! How come she liked it? “Now, eat with these forks,” said Maria, handing the fork to Aria. Aria kept on looking at her and the forks. Then at last after a few minutes, she started eating and they both were enjoying the pasta. “Bro, You know Aria is the first one to compliment my pasta '' I heard my sister's words. “It is very delicious,” I heard Aria. “Thank you” I heard Maria. What is going on? If that is a delicious pasta which looks like a set of attached twins and tastes salty. Then the cooks are going to attempt suicide If they hear Aria's words. “Bro, do you want to try?” I heard Maria. “No, ” I replied. I don't want to die early. Yesterday only I escaped a near death experience. I don't want to get into another one. Remembering yesterday I still find it mysterious. I tried many times, but I am unable to remember that person's face. To be continued..........
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