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The 1st episode started with the scenes of the beautiful city Manali, where these three brothers live with their mother and their father is in Mumbai for work. Then we see two girls on horses, the guide tells them that ‘badal’ (black horse) is the widest and can only be tammed by Prithvi (an intro of Gaurav Khanna in a great sizzling manner) and suddenly one of the horses gets out of control; the guide shouts out to Prithvi and like any hero (saviour of girls) comes running and saves the girl. Later when that same girl tries to thank him with a hug, he stops her and tells her to be more careful next time……Nikhil, friend of Prithvi asks him how come i bring all the tourists and these girls are dancing around you, why don’t you loosen up friend, then Prithvi says, let me the way I’m otherwise our family will have no one serious………then Nikhil asks about his younger brothers, Sameer and Varun, Prithvi replies Sameer is on to a new business everyday (kabhi hotel mein, kabhi photographer, etc) And so we see the entry of Sameer, at a poolside ordering his assistant (how’s my house in Sydney, get my chopper , etc…) and flirting with girls……just when he gets a call from his mom telling him to get up………OMG! He was dreaming about all that stuff; later in the day, he stops a family to check-in a hotel, in disguise……and makes them stay in another hotel but this he did for the commission, he received from the manager; After the last night, I concluded that Ria and the baby are my responsiblities and may be in future my family. I did not wanted my life to be a game but I ended up like a game.I signed heavily and wore my tuxedo white suit.I Getting prepared for the date with Ria. My first date of my life. Yes, It's first date of being rich and popular boy. I was still drowned in my Studies and competition. I wanted to have a special girl with whom my first date and my entire life could be spent I rubbed my forehead in the tension and closed my eyes. Sophia face flashed in front of me. I quickly opened my eyes and growled in frustration I have to forgot her, if she can move on in just one day. Then, I can also do that and I will show her. But heck she chose that b*stard in among all boys. She would have get better boy for herself.My heart twitched with a jealousy it's a very difficult for me to see her with any other boy. I wanted her for myself and told her my decision. I have made clear to her that she should stay away from me. Then, why she will wait for me. But yet she should have not did It's I must say you are a b***h we will be a great team! "I must say are an asshole tooo I gave tight smile rolling my eyes.He chuckled and starting the pen swirling in index finger. As the class got over.we started our plan. He snaked his hands around my waist.his touches were giving me adisgust feeling but I covered it with a smile. when we sauntered out of the class everyone gaze were on us. some had intrigued fake smile and disgustexpression. I don't care what people think I care is Xavier."Your smell is good he whispered in my ears. I might have agreed for this couple thing, but he have to be in his limits. I stomped on his feet strongly that he groaned coolin pain. "f**k, are you blind "No, I am not but don't 'stopped your flirty with me. Then I will make e you handicapped soons. I said in low tone grimacing at him. He hold my hand and pulled me into my his arms "I love your lips , baby he said sweetly as if I am his really girlfriend I was wrong that I was with this jerk. You I will cut I was interrupted in between by Nick.Xavier and Ria are coming to our directions he said. "Hmm " I hummed at his reply. We pulled apart from each other and acted like a lovey dovey couple. "I lifted my gaze to Xavier and Ria. Ria was sticking to him like a leeche he was disinteresting looking other side and she was rroaming her hand when they us,they both narrowed their eyes and come closer to us. I pecked on Nick's cheek and he hold me in his arms."What you both are doing together?" Ria asked in her screeching voice I glanced back to them, they looked intrigued "Nick and I was having fun time. Isn't nick. I asked nick so that ria and Xavier could feel the jealousy "Yes, baby" Nick took my right hand and kissed on it. Argh, why this i***t kissed me. Now I have to wash it hundred times. "But both don't liked each other?" Xavier questioned us. His eyes flashed with betray and hurt. His eyes gave me goose bumps that I felt his pain in my heart. Please Xavier stop giving me that look. I can't bear the pain while you are suffering sand pain from inside. His face looked dull, bis dimple and charming, smile was disappered. His eyes did not lit up when he speaksup. I missed it all so much Today missed those sparkling eyes , dimple smile and his funny behaviour .We both are similar in many ways. I liked her feisty and Sassy behaviour, and she liked mine. so we are giving a trial to our relationshipő Nick plastered a smile on his face Then, he rubbed my back and showing them how much we both are together each other Xavier gaze drifted in my direction and his jaw tightened with anger. Isn't it baby ?" Nick asked coyly. I pinned my eyes to xavier and replied Nick"Yes, Nick is right it's rubbish !Ria sudden interrupted a got everyone's attention. "Why is it Rubbish?" I raised my eyebrows to her pissed attitude. "She is a rubbish and you chose her Nick. Atleast you should have chose little better" She scoffed. " "Same you did Ria I replied her Xavier pupils flared and pulled Ria more closely, She beamed in happiness, and she was getting what she wanted him to do. This stupid Xavier why is so dumb that he can't See her evil intention. "Let's go baby,we have to plan for our date, she took him away from me. He did not looked convinced by my words.Till yesterday, you were singing name of Xavier's and today you wanted him Destroy .Are you kidding with me. He scrunched his nose and turned face away from me.I took the seat infront of him and kept index finger on his cheek.turning his face towards me.i am not taking his side just said the right about jason.That Xavier is only my project partner and he is poking his finger in my life which I didn't let my own mother we many often mang often together. If we destroyed him, then he will stop interrupting in our life I said twisting my lips in disgust. "Then let's be together and destroy him he smirked devilishly. We shook our hand in the sign that we are together He believed me and my bait is in my cage now.Tell me your plan he inquired. "We have to show infront of overyone that we are together as a couple? Why?" "He is my project manager and we will often together I will assault him for molestation me.You use this for degrading image and we both can take our revenge. his good boy image will be ended. Meanwhile you can be a protective boyfriend too
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