Chapter 4

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    When we were almost done with eating a blonde girl walked by our table and smiled at Ryan. Suddenly I smelled a sweet scent, what was familiar but I couldn´t remember where I smelled it before. “She is in our biology class, right?” Jake asked with a frown from Ryan and he turned to him suddenly. “Hmm... yes she is .” Ryan shrugged his shoulder and we all stood up to go to our next class. To be honest I am a bit jealous. That girl is beautiful, with long blonde hair and curvy body. I hope she isn’t onto Ryan because I wouldn´t have a chance and the way she smiled at him says differently. Maybe I’m just overthinking it again.      Classes are ended finally and I headed towards the lockers to meet up with the girls and I hope Ryan will be there as well so I can say goodbye to him before going home. “Hey Sis, ready to go?” Kelly asked when I arrived to the lockers. “I just want to say goodbye to Ryan, where is he?” I asked them and looked around, but I didn’t see him anywhere,  my phone started to ring in my pocket. “Ryan?” I answered the phone when I saw his name on the screen.  “Hi angel, I am sorry, I didn’t have time to come to see you before you go home.” He said breathlessly. “It’s okay, just be careful on practice.” I told him softly. I was disappointed to be honest. If he really wanted to see me before I go home, he would have come even for a minute.  “I will. See you later at home.” He said and hung up the phone. “Are you okay?” Dyna asked when they saw my sad expression. “Yes, I just miss him. Even though we are living together, I feel like we are falling apart day by day. Is that makes sense?” I asked them or more like I asked myself. They looked at me with pity, then at each other.  “Let’s just go, I will see the doctor today and ask her about my sudden change of emotions and mood. I am sure it’s because of the pregnancy, maybe she has some kind of herbs for it.” I told them and they smiled at me. “Actually that’s a good idea. Come on, we will drop you by the hospital. Cloe misses you anyway so it’s time to pay her a visit.” Kelly said and Dyna nodded along. “Yes, that was the plan anyway, thanks girls.” I said and we walked towards their car. We headed to the hospital where the girls will drop me off to visit mom and the doctor as well.  “Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow.” I said and waved at them. “No problem sis, see you tomorrow.” They said and drove away. I walked into the building and towards the elevator to go up to the seventh floor where mom’s department is. I stepped out on her floor and looked from right to left, hoping to see mom passing by on the corridor but I didn’t see her anywhere. I walked to the reception desk to ask the receptionist about mom’s whereabouts. “Hello, I am here to see Cloe Banks... oh she is now Cloe Harper.” I corrected myself with a smile. “Cloe? I will call her, wait a second please.” She said kindly and I stood aside to let the doctors and nurses pass. “She will be here in a minute.” She said and smiled at me. “Thank you, I will wait for her over there.” I smiled at her and pointed towards the waiting room. She nodded her head and I went to sit down. My foot are killing me, even though I was sitting the whole day on class or in the auto. I guess it’s also thanks to the pregnancy. I looked around and find a magazine on the table of the waiting room. I picked it up and started to reading it till mom comes.  ‘House for rent for vacation or honeymoon on Santa Monica’ the advertisement said with a beautiful photo of the ocean. I would like to go on a place like this and it isn’t even expensive and it’s just a few hours drive from here. Maybe I will ask Ryan to go there for a weekend and enjoy ourselves like we did on our honeymoon. That was our happiest 3 weeks. With that thought I tear the page out of the magazine and put it in my bag after folding it. “Hey darling, I am so happy to see you. How are you?” Mom asked when she find me waiting for her in the waiting room. I stood up with a huge smile on my face and hugged her tightly. “Mom, I happy to see you too. I am fine ,I missed you.” I said and pulled her even closer. The best feeling in the world when you get to hug your parents who cares for you the most. It feels like home , not like when I hug Ryan, but it feels like when I was small and mom hugged me lovingly.  “Awww sweetheart, I missed you too, you should visit more often.” Mom said and sit down next to me. “I don’t have so much time so tell me, how things are?” She asked happily. “Mom, actually I wanted to see the doctor as well to ask her about a few things. My emotions are driving me crazy sometimes and I am worried that it’s going to cost my marriage with Ryan if I am not careful so I want to ask doctor if there are some kind of herbs what can help me calm down.” I said to mom and she nodded at me with concern. “That’s a great idea honey. I am so glad that you try to solve your problems like an adult. I am so proud of you.” She said and tears filled up in her eyes and I smiled at her. “Can you help me, I hope she have a few minutes for me if I am here already.” I said and she stood up right away. “Of course, let’s go and ask her.” She said and I stood up as well and we headed towards the elevator to find the doctor. Luckily one of her patients cancelled at the last moment so she was free for the next ten minutes what was enough for me to talk to her. “Hi Mia, take a sit.” The doctor said when mom walked away because she got a call and she needed to hurry back to her floor. “Thank you for this ‘last moment appointment, I won’t take much of your time. I have just a few questions.” I said to her politely and she nodded with a smile. “It’s okay, go ahead.” She said and I told her about my doubts and problems. “I see, I advise you to try this tea.” She said and wrote down something on a peace of paper and handed it to me. “I will also ask our psychologist to talk to you and you can tell her the same as you told me, I am sure she will have some good advice as well. I will call her now if she has time at this moment, then you don’t need to wait.” She said and lifted the phone to her ear and dialled the number.  “Thank you so much ,doctor.” I told her when she lead me out of the room. Luckily the psychologist has time now too so my next stop will be the third floor. “Your welcome and see you next week for your next check up where we will be able to see the gender.” She said. “Okay, have a nice day.” I said and headed towards the elevator again. When I reached the floor a nice lady greeted me with a smile. “You must be Mia. Hi, I am Dr. Dion.” She said and reached out her hand for a handshake and I accepted it with a smile.  “Yes, good afternoon.” I said a bit shyly. “Come into my office where we can talk privately.” She said and I followed her. She offered a seat for me.  “So Mia, what can I help you?” She asked kindly and I told her everything what is bothering me and I told her a part of my past too to help her make a diagnosis. “Well... I think that herbs will help you, but when you feel like everything is too much for you and you can’t handle the situation anymore, it’s always good to change environment for a few days to see your situation clearly. It’s not good to stress too much in your condition, but don’t worry because 70% of pregnant woman go through depression so it’s normal. Try not to let your past poison your present and future, otherwise you won’t be happy ,doesn’t matter how much you try.” She said and she is right, I need to focus on the present. “If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to contact me for an appointment.” She continued with a smile.
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