Chapter 4 Sophie POV

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It was too bright, way too bright and I sooo didnt want to wake up from the amazing dream I was having. Me and the mystery man were dancing. First, it was at a club , the same as last night. Then he suggested we go outside, where I'd willingly follow him. He had led us to a beautiful garden that was filled with roses and other amazing-looking flowers. We had continued to sway together, just happy to have our arms around one another. Lifting my arms, stretching my hands above my head. Was he real, was it all a dream? Even at the club, did I actually see him or had I imagined it? I guess I'll never really know, but oh my days, he was handsome and dreamy. I look over at the alarm clock on my bedside cabinet at 8am. I was already pushing back the blankets and getting out of bed. I did it straight away . I was very OCD. After I'd made sure all the blankets were pinned straight without a crease, I smiled at a job well done and strolled over to my wardrobe. Today's Saturday, so once I'd hit the gym, it was mine and Anyas day to do absolutely nothing , besides becoming couch potatoes. Sundays were for studying and visiting our families. Slipping on my cycle shorts, my sports bra and a crop top with a baggy zip-up hoodie, I headed out to the kitchen to get some coffee. Anya is already there in her gym gear nursing a cup of coffee, staring off into space. She has this dreamy look about her as she rests her chin on her hand . When she sees movements, she turns her brown eyes in my direction. Am I seeing right is she blushing? Anya never blushes. "Morning, what's got you looking so happy," I mumble as I pull my mug from the cupboard, turning my back on her , but I hear the sigh that falls from her lips. Flicking the kettle on and turning around, leaning against the counter, I raised a brow at her silence. She lets out a breathy laugh and takes another sip of her coffee before she speaks. " I had the most wonderful dream except it felt so real ". Startlingly, I look at her thinking how alike we had become, our dreams are even in tune now. Before I can comment, she carries on . " He was so dreamy blonde hair perfectly styled, a sharp jaw line, those piercing dark eyes and lips I could get lost in for days, he looked all prim and proper. Oh, he was well he was until, " she glances at me, clears her throat and blushes again before looking away from me. " You can't stop there, Anya, until he's. What? " To be quite honest, I was a little freaked out. I thought she was going to describe my dream man, but he had black glossy hair that fell over his forehead. How weird we both had such vivid dreams in one night. Instead of elaborating, Anya jumps off the breakfast bar stool and dumps her cup in the sink, instantly distracting me. I turn and wash the cup, dry it and put it away. When I turned back she had disappeared out of the kitchen. Sneaky women had used my OCD to escape. I'll get it out of her eventually . I made my coffee drinking it, then headed to the door to get my trainers on. Anya was already standing there waiting , tapping away on her phone. When I'm ready, we head out the door to the gym just down the street. Anya remained aloof all the way there , but I'll let it go for now, but when we got back and we were eating take out and watching movies later, there was no where to hide. She never hid things from me, but then again, I hadn't been very forthcoming about my mystery man either. I was pounding the treadmills when his face appeared in my mind again. This wasn't like me. I didn't obsess over boys well. Calling him a boy was all wrong. He was all man, definitely all man. The treadmill beeping fetches me out of my day-dream. I was dripping in sweat and had been running for 30 minutes without even realising it. Maybe a mystery man can help me out at the gym every day. I laugh at myself. Heading over to the weights section, I removed my hoodie, threw it over a work bench and picked up some dumbbells ready to start my work out routine and saw a shadow in front of me. I look up to seeing Luke, a guy that I bump into at the gym a lot. He's smiling down at me and I smile back. He has always been chatty. He was an accountant for a living. Anya always teases me by saying he wants my pants. I could tell he did, but he didn't stir anything in me. Don't get me wrong, he was a good looking man but nothing sparked. "Hey luke you having a good session?" His smile brightens if possible and he takes a seat on the bench. " its better now I have you to talk to ", then does a cheeky wink. I laugh him off and start doing lunges. When I turn my head, his eyes are glued to my ass, so I clear my throat and he has the decency to look embarrassed. He gets up and picks up some weights and moves to the mat beside me. We work out in an awkward silence. I get 3 sets of my routine done before I drop my weights back on the rack . Turning to look at him and I could tell he was wanting to say something. The air was becoming way more awkward than before . " I'm ready Sophie ", I heard Anya's voice behind me and I blew out the breath I'd been holding , more grateful than ever she intervened, especially before luke got up the courage to ask me out and I had to mumble out a lame excuse for a decline. Before he could do just that, I did an awkward wave turn, picked up my hoodie and grabbed Anya by the elbow, rushing her out. By the time we hit the sidewalk, Anya is in hysterics clutching her belly. I gave her the stink eyes and stormed off back towards our apartment building. " come on Sophie, that was the most awkward thing I've ever seen. Why don't you just tell the poor man you're not interested " . Letting out a sigh, I slowed down so she could catch up. She knows why I don't like hurting peoples' feelings. Strangely, considering when I'm in the courtroom doing mock cases, I'm ruthless, showing no mercy in winning the case. That was different though I had all the facts, picked apart every statement, picked by the defence I was in charge of. We walk along in silence and then I get this awful feeling, a feeling we are being watched. Swinging my head around, I looked for the source. When I look at Anya, she's doing the same, we give each other a pointed look and quicken our steps. Coincidence, I think no , not when we both felt it. It was broad daylight. No one would try anything surely, but still the feeling of being watched was creepy. As we entered the building and stepped into the elevator, as the doors shut we both let out a breath. " Well, that was weird " she said, looking down at me. " Yes, definitely so what, we, ordering for movie night? " I laughed at her because we would argue , every week both saying what we fancy then we would flip for it. As the elevator dings, we step out into the hall and head to our door. Pulling out my key, I opened the door and turned to look at her, grabbing a coin from the hallway table as I walked in. " I'm flipping for Chinese. What is your poison? " she sits down on the floor removing her trainers and scrunches her nose up at me. Chinese wasn't her favorite. I smiled sweetly down at her. The cup thing was coming to bite her in the ass. That's if I win the coin toss, she rolls her eyes at me. " Fish and chip shop", she muttered, well win win. I love both, " call it ", I ask as I flip the coin, catch it and then flatten it on the back of my other hand. "Heads". I lifted my hand off of the coin and let out a triumphant yell as I saw tails. She walked off grumbling. I walked behind her laughing . We busied ourselves for the rest of the day, both getting showers, changing into our lounging gear, then we did all our chores, laundry etc, did a bit of studying and then met in the living room at six. As I walk in she grumbles again about having Chinese. The thing is, she loves one Chinese dish anyway, and she always enjoys it when I pick this cuisine. But she just likes to put an act on, so I give in to the calories she really wants to consume. Anya has a major sweet tooth. " Come on Anya, I'll make it up to you and order from your favourite desert place ". She halts in her steps and turns to face me, hands on her hips looking at me through narrowed eyes. " milkshake and cookie dough" she challenges, raising her chin. " I'll even ask for some extra ice cream for your cookie dough" she beams a blinding smile at me, wrapping her arms around me and proceeds to walk us back to the sofa until we both tumble onto it. Me landing square on top of her, we burst out in a fit of laughter, getting comfy cuddling up. She hands me the phone. I put our regular orders through as she sets up the first movie in our moviephon. We always take it in turns to pick this week's first movie was her choice. The second movie choice is mine. Either way, we have the same taste anyone would think chick flicks, right ? Nope, we like scary movies. The more gore and paranormal the better. She kicks us off with the conjuring. We lay back and cuddle up as we wait for our food to arrive. When the phone rings from downstairs, we both jump, causing us to laugh. She jumps up and races down to the lobby to collect our food. As luck had it, the dessert delivery turned up while she was down there, so she came back in loaded up with bags. I ran off to the kitchen to grab our plates. We worked like a well oiled machine, scooping food onto each other's plates, placing the cookie dough in the aluminium trays on the closest radiator to keep it warm while stowing the milkshakes and ice cream in the fridge and freezer. Then we tuck in until our plates are empty, placing the plates on the table, the only night I fight with my OCD , to not wash up immediately. The film ends and as I set up, for my pick, the Poltergeist, she heads off to grab desserts. Once fully pigged out and feeling sick, she flips out the recliner while I grab my pillow and place it on her lap, our eyes still glued on the TV. Then her hand strokes through my hair like she always did. Our closeness has put guys off before. Well, mainly Anyas' boyfriends. I've only ever had one. He didn't last long and he found our behaviour odd too. We've been accused of having a secret affair with each other many times. Anya was definitely my sole mate, but not in the romantic sense. She was the sister I never had the loud to my quiet. When the film ends, I turn and stretch out my body Anyas, smiling down at me. "Why couldn't you be a guy, Sophie?" I smile up at her. It's not the first time she has said this. She doesn't find me attractive as much as I don't find her. I mean she's beautiful. I know she's good looking but she misses certain parts. I look for vice versa. She means the easiness between us, the comfort and the quiet we have both confessed we won't know what to do. When the time comes,when we find partners, we both begrudge and dread the day we move in with the men in our lives. We've joked that we would have to buy a mansion so we could still live together with our families. I sat up and kissed her on the cheek before grabbing all the dirty dishes. I mean I may let them slide for a few hours, but there's no way I could leave them overnight. Tomorrow was the day I dreaded all week seeing my mom. Anya knew what she was like. She always looked at me with pity. She grew up with outgoing hippy-type parents. They were still loaded but they were so down-to-earth and fun-loving. Mine was old money, strict and conservative. My mother picks at everything I do, wear and says I can never win anything. It never ever pleases her. I usually get back on Sunday depressed and exhausted. I'd throw myself into studying until Anya would burst into my room. Call it a night for me and then we would both climb into my bed and she would hug me to sleep. Another thing the guys thought us weird for. It was routine now. Anya had listened to me cry for weeks when we had first moved in , every Sunday night until she said enough was enough. I was startled when she first climbed in behind me and spooned up. But now I need it. She made me feel loved after a shitty day and I didn't cry anymore. " I'm going to do the dishes and then head to bed to try to get some beauty sleep before I have my soul sucked out." I hear her growl behind me like she always does when I mention how my parents treat me and right on cue like every week she offers " blow them off and come home with me" I smile we both no I'll decline id done that once and the week after was five times worse it wasn't worth it. I gave her a pointed look. She throws her arms up in the air, jumps up off the sofa and grabs all the take out rubbish off the floor. She throws it all in the bin before coming up behind me as I fill the sink with water and soap. She gives me a quick hug, a kiss on the cheek and then stomps off to bed. She isn't mad at me. I know that she's mad at the situation and she disappears before she loses her temper and accidentally throws it at me for not telling them to stick their money and their opinions up their ass. They pay half of the bills for my university fees and place an allowance in my bank each month to live on. It's why I keep peaceful.She's told me plenty of times she would pay half of the bills and I wouldnt have to worry about money, but I couldn't do that. I wouldn't. To be honest, I had enough money saved up in my bank to let them cut me off if I wanted. I'd saved up for years not spending all my allowances that they gave me. They gave me a lot , an old money thing they didn't want to be out done and keep up apprences and all. But I wanted them to keep sending me money because I knew at some point they would cut me off. They didn't want me to set up my own firm with Anya because I'd once made the mistake in telling them our plan. They wanted me to join the family firm. My dad was one of the best in the field. His firm was worth millions at this point and all the rich used him. We didn't want that , we wanted to help those less fortunate those that were being wronged by the justice system. So I know the day I finished university and did 5 years slogging it out there to build a reputation. It's where I would finally stand up to them to tell them I was for once in my life not doing what they demanded of me. I know I'll be on my own from then on and as long as I had Anya I'd be ok with that but I also wanted to be able to pay my way as we set up. I don't want Anya footing the whole bill or her parents. That's why I put up with them each week. I haven't told Anya their objection, against our plans, but when I finally give them the finger I know she will be proud, but if I told her now she would ring them and do it for me and then I wouldn't have the nest egg I wanted to save. Sighing, I finished putting the dishes away and turned the lights off on my way to bed. As I was on my way out of the kitchen, my eyes were drawn to the balcony like a pull. I can't ignore it. My feet start moving me in that direction and then all of a sudden the pull is gone. I shake my head to clear it, turn off the lights and head to bed already feeling depressed.
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