Chapter 4

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6 months later. Tomorrow is Molly’s first birthday party. I’m not sure of her actual birth date, but I decided I’d go with the date that I rescued her. The doctor stated she wasn't more than a few days old when I found her. I might be a few days off, but this day is special for me. For both of us. I spent months worried that she would be human, but when she was 9 months old, we could sense her wolf. I put a lot of pressure on myself to train and get stronger, and it was all for nothing. However, I have realized that not only do I love fighting and training, I am actually really good at it - so it wasn't completely for nothing. Now that Molly is one, she is a happy toddler. She says about a dozen words, one of which is Mama, and it melts my heart every time I hear it. Tonight, Grace came over and we stayed up late decorating and preparing a baked potato casserole, coleslaw, we cut up fruit, and I baked the chocolate cupcakes. We call it a night just after midnight, and I’m so pleased with what I see. The balloon archway at the front entrance is amazing. It’s pink, purple, white and gold. There are unicorn balloons and decorations everywhere. I know Molly won't remember her first birthday, but I want to celebrate the sweet little person she is. Now that we're done, Jett stopped by to pick up Grace. Jett looks a lot like his father, Alpha Maximus. He is also over 6’ tall, very muscular and a good-looking guy. He can also be very intimidating, just like his father, but he's also very kind and loves his mate very much. And just like all Alpha’s, he’s very possessive and protective of his mate. He doesn't want her walking the three minutes to the packhouse alone at night, even though the pack lands are guarded. They are both crazy for each other, and they’re a great couple. The packhouse has sleeping quarters for lots of single wolves or young couples. There are a few hundred houses on the packlands as well. I live in a 3-bedroom home that I grew up in with my parents and brother. Cold Moon is like a cute little suburb. Nice houses, and then off to the side is the packhouse, which looks almost like a mansion. It’s huge. It’s 3 stories high. The main level has a giant cafeteria, a large common room, communal bathrooms, the child care room, and Alpha’s office. The basement is all bedrooms and bathrooms, the 2nd level is bedrooms and bathrooms, and the 3rd Level is the Alpha’s floor. A huge living quarters for the Alpha, and his family. Grace and Jett live in the Alpha suite with Jett’s family, but Grace assured me that the rooms are very soundproof. She's excited for the day Jett becomes Alpha though, and his family moves out. "Thanks for all of your help," I smile. She’s a proud auntie. She’s not my biological sister obviously, but she’s like family, so I consider her and Jett Molly’s aunt and uncle. Molly sure has made an impact on everyone that’s gotten to know her. She’s adorable, and she’s such a smiley happy girl, she steals everyone's heart. “Oh, by the way, my Dad wants you to see him in his office at 8 am tomorrow morning,” Jett tells me. Why would he want to meet with me? “Really? Should I be worried?” I ask. He sees the concern on my face and quickly reassures me. “He just has a favour to ask of you, don’t freak out.” “Oh, thank Goddess! I was panicking,” I exhale. They both let out a little chuckle at my expense, and I very maturely stick out my tongue at them, which makes them chuckle more. Jett grabs Grace’s hand, “Come on babe, it’s late. Let’s go.” “Thank you for all the help, Grace,” I holler, as they made their way out. --- Beep Beep Beep. Molly is still sleeping, so I get myself ready. I take a look in the mirror and I’m reminded of this day one year ago. I have come a long way since then. My long black hair is shiny, and my natural loose curls look healthy. I have a nice summer glow, from spending so much time outside. My eyes are bright blue, and they stand out. My body looks healthy and strong. I’ve got my womanly curves again. I am me again and all because of Molly. She made me find my purpose again. I don’t even want to think about where I would be if I didn’t find her. I didn’t tell anyone exactly how bad I was back then, but my mind was not in a good place. When I'm ready, I head to see Miss Molly, and she’s still sleeping. I stroke her hair, and watch her stir as she slowly starts to wake up. “Good morning, Miss Molly,” I sing quietly. Immediately, I’m greeted with a big toothy smile. She starts to sit up, and I scoop her up. I hold her close for a minute and sing, ‘You are my sunshine.' “Happy Birthday, my little Princess!” Lev interrupts, as he walks into her room. He grabs her out of my arms without even asking, and lifts her high in the air. Up and down giving her raspberries on her belly each time. Molly is laughing so hard, and it’s the most precious sound ever. Lev and I can't contain our laughter either. No matter how often he does this, she rewards him with a deep belly laugh that's almost too cute to handle. After a minute or two, he pulls her close and gives her a hug, and kiss. Looking at Lev, I am often reminded of my Dad. He looks a lot like my Dad and I actually look exactly like my mother. Lev has blonde shaggy hair and blue eyes. They were both tall and muscular. Dad and Lev are both very handsome. He's 22, and he still hasn’t found his mate, and I know it weighs on him. Watching him with Molly, I know he’ll be a good Dad one day. Lev hands her back, “I had better get going. I have to get to work! Love you, Princess,” he beams. I get her ready, and when we head downstairs Molly is enamoured with all the decorations and balloons. That alone made it all worth it. After we've eaten, I drop her off and then head to Alpha’s office. When I make it to Alpha's office, I’m surprised to see both Luna and his daughter Sophie, sitting on the couch in his office. Luna is a kind woman, and very beautiful. She doesn't look like she's in her mid-40's either. Sophie has long, light-brown wavy hair, and green eyes. She is also beautiful, but she’s not kind like her family, unfortunately. It's so crazy to think she is related to Jett and the offspring of Luna and Alpha.My guess is they spoiled her way too much, and it went to her head. “Come in, and take a seat,” Alpha directs me to the chair across from him, by his desk. “You wanted to see me, Alpha?” I ask. “I’ve noticed you have improved a lot in your training. I was told you are now the third strongest female fighter,” he smiles. “Third or fourth,” I correct him. “Joscelyn and Cora are both leading all of the women warrior classes, and their schedule is quite full already. I know you currently train at least two hours a day. I would like to increase that,” Alpha says with a smile. Joscelyn is the strongest, and Cora is the second strongest female in our pack. “O-kay?” I say hesitantly. “I want you to train my daughter for me.” s**t. Sophie is lazy, weak, and an entitled snob. “Why now, sir?” I ask, hiding my disdain for his request. The men in our pack start training at around 13, younger for Alpha’s, and the girls at around 15. Sophie is 18, and she only did the mandatory 6-week course at 15. “The why is not important. Will you do it?” He presses. “Of course, Alpha,” I respond, even though I'm internally groaning. He smiles appreciatively, “It needs to be intensive! I need her to make a lot of progress in a relatively short amount of time,” he explains. I wince, “Is there a danger I should be aware of Alpha?” After studying me for a very long minute, “We might be looking to make a match for Sophie. A match that might require her to be a strong fighter. Nothing is set in stone, but we just want to be prepared if the opportunity presents itself, but that information doesn't leave this room, do you understand?” His Alpha tone is full and deep. “Of course, Alpha. Why don't we get Sophie started in the daily women's classes, and then I can train her an hour on top of that?” I question. “Ugh, I don't want to train with all the women. That’s why we called you here,” Sophie scoffs. Alpha looks to me, waiting to hear what I have to say about Sophie’s demands. “Alpha... Sophie... training with all the women might not be what you had in mind, but believe me when I tell you that it’s incredibly valuable. You will learn so much more, and so much quicker, in a group setting. I can train you privately, but if you want to make a lot of progress in a short amount of time, the best option is to do both private and group training. I’m not the best, and missing those group classes with Joscelyn and Cora would be a disservice. Not to mention how much we learn from watching other warriors fight. That’s my two cents, but it’s ultimately your call.” I look between Sophie and Alpha Maximus. “She’s right, Sophie. I learned a lot from my group training sessions,” Alpha admits, and Sophie looks pissed at me. Great. “Sophie, think about why you’re doing this,” Luna reminds her. “There isn't any guarantee, though. Dad is just hoping to make this match,” Sophie snaps. “You should know how to fight regardless, you’re an Alpha’s daughter,” Alpha grumbles. I really wish I could leave this conversation. I look at my watch. Group training starts at 8:30 am this morning, and it’s 8:25 am. “Do you have somewhere to be, Lexi?” He raises a brow. “Sorry, Alpha. One of my training classes starts at 8:30. I can be late, though. I apologize.” He looks at me for a second, “I thought group training was at 9:30 this morning?” “The women warriors train at 9:30, but a few of us women train with the men as well. They’re fine with it, and it’s … intense,” I confess. “Sophie, get dressed and get down to the training grounds for 9:30. To start, she’ll do three women's group classes per week, and 5, one-hour classes with you per week. Okay?” “Yes, Alpha!” I nod quickly. “Daddy,” Sophie groans. “I’m not asking you to train with the men, just the woman warriors of MY pack. You better show respect to Lexi and the other warriors, too. You will not reflect poorly on me, do you understand,” Alpha growled. Wow. He’s pissed. “Okay,” Sophie agrees with her head down. “You’re excused. Thank you, Lexi!” “Yes, thank you, Lexi,” Luna adds and smiles warmly. I smile too and nod. I rush down to the training grounds, and the warriors have already started. I usually train one hour with the guys, one hour with the women, then a one hour advanced ladies class with Joscelyn and a few other women warriors. Now I need to add an hour with Sophie. It makes for an exhausting day. I might have to skip a group training session once in a while, which sucks. I owe a lot to Alpha for supporting me with Molly, so I’ll help with anything he asks. The men's class was intense and invigorating. When the ladies' class starts, Sophie is nowhere to be seen. What the hell? I head towards the packhouse, and to the top floor and knock. Luna answers but with a puzzled look. “Sophie wasn’t at training,” I explain. “SOPHIE CLARKE,” she yells. Sophie appears, and she looks annoyed. “I don't want to, Mom!” Sophie whines, but I sense fear in there too. Or maybe I'm crazy? “Why don't we go and have a private lesson or two first, and then maybe you’ll feel more comfortable coming to a group class?” I ask. Sophie nods and agrees. I wonder if she was embarrassed? It can be intimidating to fight with experienced fighters. I wait for Sophie to get dressed, and then I take Sophie behind the packhouse for privacy, and we spend an hour training. She doesn't seem to remember much from the mandatory 6-week course she took three years ago, but I am sure to give her the same kindness Alpha showed me, and I don't make her feel small or weak. I try to positively encourage her. After the hour is up, I attend my last advanced class. Both advanced men and women use the space, since each group is so small. I never skip my advanced training session because it’s the training session I enjoy the most, and the one I learn the most from. We train at the same time as the advanced men, which includes Lev, Jett, and Eli. We sometimes train together, too, and those sessions are my favourite. I feel myself getting progressively stronger and better. It’s 11:30 am, and I know Molly has a nap at the childcare centre between 10:30-noon, so I head home to shower and get ready. Molly and I spent the afternoon together, and right before her party I dressed her up. I put two little pigtails on the side of her head, with a unicorn headband and rainbow tutu. Everyone gushed about how cute she was. The party went off without a hitch. Lev BBQ'd, and I put out the food I had prepared. The little ones played in the ball pit for a little while. When we sang Happy birthday to Molly, her eyes were wide with excitement. I’m not sure if it’s because of the fire, or the chocolate, but it warmed my heart.
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