
1142 Words
Esmé It took mom and me a while to get Mason to leave the hospital and shower and change. We just wanted him to go for a bit and rest. I didn’t want him to know I was feeling uncomfortable with the pain, so I waited for him to leave before calling the nurse. I pressed the Nurse call button on the remote hanging on the bed frame and pushed my head on the pillow. I hear a slight thud outside the door but dismiss it when I see the door open and a nurse walks in. “Hello, my name is Kai, and I will be your nurse for the rest of the afternoon until the next nurse arrives at midnight.” She announced, walked over to the whiteboard, and wrote down her name. She turned around and looked at me. “What can I do for you?” She asked and walked over to me, eyeing Aaliyah. “I have a bit of pain. If you can, please bring me some Tylenol.” I replied, pulling Aaliyah’s crib closer to my bed. I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach with this nurse. “Of course, let me get that for you, and I will be right back.” She answered and turned around, leaving me in the room. “What was that about?” Mom asked from beside me. “I am not sure. I don’t like her.” I answered, looking at Aaliyah. Kai returned a couple of minutes later when a syringe and a small vile. “Okay, so here is your medication. I am just going to administer it via your IV. That way, it works a bit faster.” She announced, walking toward the bed. Who was I to fight her about this? She is the one with the nurse's uniform, and we have plenty of men out there. I nodded and smiled. She walked over to me and eyed Aaliyah again. “She is a beauty.” She said, cleaning my IV plug with an alcohol pad and administering the drug through the IV. After three minutes of her giving me the medication, I felt very drowsy. I tried to keep my eyes open as much as possible, but it wasn’t happening. I could hear in the background how my mom was yelling at someone. I could hear gunshots, and then I could hear Aaliyah crying. I tried, I tried so hard to get up to stand up and fight, but I couldn’t. I opened my eyes as much as I could and moved my head from side to side as I saw an ambush right before my eyes. They were all dressed as nurses or doctors but clearly were not. Our men were getting killed. My mother was slumped on the chair. My eyes were snapping pictures of everything before me, but I felt my body heavy. I tried to move when the nurse that drugged me stood in front of me and pressed the trigger, shooting me in my stomach. I already had no energy, so you can only imagine how I slumped down to the floor while holding my stomach. I couldn’t keep it anymore. I couldn’t fight anymore. I shut my eyes and let the darkness take over me. I don’t know how long I have been under. I can feel that I am so tired of fighting this heaviness. I hear Mason whisper from afar, “Wake up, baby girl, I need you.” I flutter my eyes as he begins kissing me all over my cheeks and face, and lips while he cries. My Mason, my husband, is crying. My mouth was so dry, but the only thing I could worry about was Aaliyah. “Aaliyah.” I croaked. I could see how he visibly stiffened at my question. “I’m sorry, baby girl.” He replied, his voice croaking. He was holding in his tears what the fūck happened. Slowly, the images that I had captured were coming back to me. I sat down, not caring for the shooting pain on my side. I ignored the pain and looked at Mason. “What happened, Mason? What happened to our baby girl?” I asked him, my chest aching. My eyes filled with tears threatening to spill. “She was taken.” Mason whispered. He sniffled, making me throw my legs to the side and push myself to stand up from the bed. My legs almost gave up on me, but I sat back down on the edge of the bed. “Mrs. Walker, I don’t recommend that you stand up from the bed just yet.” The doctor advised as he walked closer to me. “Shove your recommendation up your asš. My daughter has been taken, and you want me to sit here and what? Read a fūcking book?” I exclaimed, trying not to wince thanks to the pain on the side of my stomach. I remember getting shot. I look down at the aching pain that is annoying the shīt out of me. I raised my head and looked between the doctor and Mason. “How long have I been under for?” I asked. “One week.” Mason mumbled. I widened my eyes. “One fūcking week? Are you fūcking serious? Take this shīt off me right now and get me discharged from this fūcking place.” I glared at the doctor, who nervously nodded his head and walked over to the wall to pull out a pair of sterile gloves. “Where is Thomas?” I asked Mason while the doctor gathered the supplies needed to remove the IV on my right arm. “He was also taken.” Mason replied. I wanted blood. I wanted whomever the fūck is doing this to pay for it with blood. “My mother?” I asked. I vaguely remember seeing her slumped on the chair next to the bed. “She is well. She is devastated. She keeps blaming herself for not being able to help.” He mentions as he stands up from the chair and walks out to the window. He has dark circles around his eyes, a clear indication that he has not slept in a few days. His hair is disheveled as if he has weaved his finger through his hair repeatedly. “How many men did we lose, Mason?” I asked as the doctor began peeling the tapes of the IV off and pulling it out. “We lost five men that were here in the hospital. We lost another ten back in the house.” He replied, turning around and leaning back on the wall. “What do you know so far?” I asked, looking at what the doctor was doing to Mason.
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