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It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. -Aristotle    “This is a good thing, Zoey,” the social worker whose name I didn’t care to remember said as she turned down the tenth dirt road. We had been driving for over six hours and it had been over an hour since I saw signs of civilization. I began to count the dirt roads out of boredom.   “I know losing your dad is hard, but you have a family. Many children don’t have a family they can go to and end up living in the system. You are one of the lucky ones,” she said as she glanced at me.    “I guess.” I turned and looked out the passenger window at the sea of trees. Never ending trees and now I am stuck living with trees. “Never knew I had any family.”     “This is your mom's sister and her husband,” she said yet again. This had to be the millionth time she has told me, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to know about them or even meet them.    “You have told me that,” I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.    “Well, you're a lucky kid. We will be there soon.”   “Got that from the gps system that keeps updating us.”   The woman sighed. I know she was trying to cheer me up but nothing could. Nothing would. My dad was murdered and my mom died when I was born. It was just us and now I find out I have family. Family who never sent cards or called, but somehow ten days after his death I am being sent to live with them. Ya, I’m lucky.   “Look, Zoey, I know your grieving, but give this a shot. I will be checking in to make sure you're adjusting well, but they are family.”  I snorted. “Sure.”   The road curved and as the car came out of the curve a large house came into view and several smaller cabins as well.    “Oh, isn’t this lovely,” she said as she slowed down and began approaching the large house.   “Charming,” I said as I pulled my hood on over my head. I could suddenly feel the sun on my skin and it felt like it was about to burn me.   As the car slowed down, the front door to the large house opened and two people exited.   “That must be your aunt and uncle. They have several children. Your grandparents don’t live too far either.” I didn’t bother to respond because I didn’t care.   She parked the car and looked at me. “ OK kid. This is it. A fresh start.”  I shrugged, opened the door, and got out. As the wind blew, the scent of pine and magic hit my nose and I had to look away so no one saw my eyes. I balled my hands into fists and allowed my nails to cut into my skin. I was different from everyone else, dangerous even, and yet here I am in a place that could cause me to become the worst part of myself. I was already on the verge of losing myself and this might be the tipping point.   “Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, I am Emily Watson with social services. We spoke on the phone,” I heard the lady say as she walked up to the man and women standing in front of the house.   “It is very nice to meet you Ms. Watson. Thank you so much for bringing my niece home,” the woman said. I looked at her once I had my body under control and then looked away.   “Of course. We want children to be with their family and not in the system. I have some papers for you to sign and then I can be on my way. Is there a gas station nearby?”   “There is. I can show you once everything is settled.”   “Thank you.”   “Please come inside,” the man said, and turned to the house. I could hear them talking but didn’t bother to listen.   “Zoey come on,” I heard the women say as I began to look around, trying to identify why the air smelled the way it did. The smell was bothering me. I looked at the woman who was my aunt and smiled as I picked up my bag and walked inside.   I followed everyone into a living room that was bigger than the apartment my dad and I lived in. I sat down and shut my eyes, tuning the adults out.   “Zoey,” a woman's voice said as they shook me. I opened one of my eyes and looked at the woman who was my aunt.   “Would you like to see your room?” She asked with a calming voice.   “Sure,” I said. I looked around and noticed everyone was gone.   “Where is the social worker?” I asked as I stood up and stretched.   “She is leaving. Your uncle Thomas is walking her out.”  I shrugged my shoulders and said, “So where is this room?”   My aunt smiled and began walking out of the room. We walked up two flights of stairs, and I heard people talking, but no one was in sight.   “The third floor is our family's floor. The young adults who are not mated live on the second floor.”   “Did you say mated?” I asked, causing her to stop and look at me with a questioning look.   “How much do you know about us?” She asked.   “As in my mom's family?”   My aunt nodded.   “Nothing,” I said as I looked her in the eye, causing my aunt to shake her head.   “Of course. Well, here is your room.” She stopped in front of a door and opened it. She allowed me to walk in before her and my jaw dropped. The room was beautiful and huge. Again, this room was larger than my old one.   “I hope you like it.”   “It is bigger than my old one. Thank you.”   “Of course. Your family, I wish your mother would have remembered that.”   “What is that supposed to mean?” I asked as I dropped my bag.   “There are things we need to talk about, but first why don’t you get settled in.”   “No, I would like to know why you said that about my mom?” I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.   My aunt sighed. “Zoey, in time you will learn about your family, but right now, let's get you settled. Tonight, the family is coming to meet you. I have already registered you in the local school. You can start this Monday or the following.”   I wanted to push her about what she said but the look she was giving me made me back down. I knew she wasn’t about to say anything.   “I can start Monday and I really don’t want to meet anyone tonight,” I said.   “Zoey, your family has been waiting so long to meet you. Plus, everyone is planning to be here in a few hours.”   I closed my eyes and just took a deep breath. “Fine,” I said as I opened my eyes and walked over to the bed and sat down.   “If you need anything, my room is at the end of the hall. Your cousin's rooms are between mine and your room.”   “Ok”   My aunt shut the door and I laid down.   “Dad, why did you leave me,” I whispered into the air.   While Zoey was in her room, her aunt walked into her husband's office and sat down in his lap.   “Everything OK?” He asked as he ran his hand down her back, causing shivers to break out over her skin.   “She knows nothing about us,” she said as she leaned into his touch.  “We knew that was a possibility.”  “Do you think she will have a wolf being half bred?”   “I am not sure but her birthday is coming up and she will be of age to turn.”   “True. She doesn’t want to meet anyone.”  “Cindy, this is all new to her and she is probably over whelmed. Imagine how she is going to feel when she learns she is half wolf.”  “Why would Sara do this.”   “She fell in love and our laws state no mixing of species.”   “I know. The council is probably having a field day over this. A half human half wolf child.”   “I am sure they are, but we will protect her. They most likely will send someone here to investigate.”   “Thats what I am afraid of.”   Thomas and Cindy sat in silence until Cindy stood up and said, “I need to get everything ready for tonight.”   “ The rest of the pack knows to stay away during this gathering and not to transform unless in the woods until we tell her.”  “Good.”   Cindy walked out of the room while Thomas ran his hands over his face and sighed. This was not going to be easy.    
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