Chapter 1

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ANATOMY CLASS F**k me, Max," I moaned. "You don't tell ME what to do. I tell YOU what to do." On the outside, sexy 25-year-old grad student, Jessica Scott has it all – a great apartment, a sharp intellect, good friends, and she's gorgeous. The only problem? She's just days away from getting evicted and having her car repossessed. And oh yeah. She's still a virgin... When she gets a job interview with sexy billionaire, Max McGuire, she vows that she'll do just about anything for a paycheck. Max is a sexy as hell older man, filthy rich, and yes, a cocky bastard. Even though she tried as hard as she could, she could not take her eyes off of his fine a*s. After a very brief interview, he gives her a document to sign. Thinking that the document is her job description, she signs it without reading the fine print. She learned about Max McGuire and his job opening from her college friend, who recommended that she give him a call. Since Jessica trusted her friend, she had no reason to believe that the job interview would be anything but professional and legit. After signing the document he gave her, she realized she made a mistake. A TERRIBLE mistake. The document was definitely NOT her job description. It was a contract. A surrogate contract. It stipulated that if she complied with the terms of the contract, she would be chosen to be Max's surrogate, which would make her a very rich woman. The contract was very specific and it stated that she would only get the opportunity to be his surrogate if she complied with it. The contract was a b**m VIRGIN SURROGATE CONTRACT: Remain a virgin and become his perfect submissive. **r******w** Episode #1 I'm Jessica Scott, a 25-year old Ph.D. student, and soon-to-be homeless person. After losing my job as a marketing assistant, I fell behind in my rent, and now, I'm facing eviction. I was recently hired by Max McGuire, CEO bad boy extraordinaire. He's sexy as hell, a cocky bastard, and heir to the multi-billionaire dollar McGuire Steel Corporation. During my job interview, he asked me a bunch of questions, some of which were very inappropriate, I thought. He asked me questions about my personal life and my dating history. After grilling me for what seemed like two hours, he handed me my job description. I was so damn tired from answering his intrusive questions, that I just glossed over it. As it turned out, I read my job description wrong. Scanning the multi-page document, I thought I was hired as his administrative assistant. I was not. Instead of his administrative assistant, I was hired to be his surrogate. His virgin surrogate. Well, good thing I'm a virgin then. I knew it would come in handy. I felt blindsided by this whole fiasco. What the hell was I supposed to do, now that I signed his stupid job description? I know it's my fault for skimming the job description instead of reading it word for word. I was honestly terrified at the prospect of becoming a surrogate, but I was also fascinated by it. Not only by the surrogacy process but fascinated by the idea that I would soon be a very rich young lady. I was freaking out and on the verge of a panic attack. What do I do when I'm stressed out? I eat, of course. I headed for the kitchen and took a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream out of the freezer. I set it on the counter so that it would soften up, but by the time it did, I put it back. I was packing on the pounds ever since my money situation tanked, but I'm trying to make a conscious effort to eat healthier. Instead of the ice cream, I opted for some raw vegetables and low-fat yogurt dip. Not as decadent and fulfilling as the ice cream, but definitely more nutritious. Now, more than ever, I needed to be healthy and prepare my body for the changes it's going to undergo when I become pregnant. After overcoming the initial shock of my new "job title," Max explained in great detail what my responsibilities would be and how I would be financially compensated for being his surrogate. For one thing, I was f*******n to date, and of course, I would have to be celibate and maintain my "virgin status" until I gave birth to his baby. What wasn't so clear to me, was how was this pregnancy going to materialize? Would I get artificially inseminated or have in-vitro fertilization? Are they the same thing or are they completely different procedures? Who the hell knows. If not those procedures, then what? I must say, that Max McGuire is one sexy m---ther f--ker. I would not be averse to getting pregnant the old-fashioned way. Who knows, though. Maybe he's unable to father a child. Maybe he's sterile or infertile, or whatever you call it. Maybe he had the mumps when he was a kid and now his sperm count is zero. Maybe he's gay, but I don't think so. I heard he's quite the Casanova. Every now and then, an article about him pops up in some magazine or business publication. They're usually juicy stories about his lavish lifestyle, his bad-boy persona, and the bevy of gorgeous women he surrounds himself with. I determined that it was probably too late to talk to my landlord about the eviction. Unless I gave him the entire amount of the past due rent, he wouldn't give me a break. Even though I signed on to be Max's surrogate, I wouldn't get financially compensated until the baby was born. Maybe I could ask him for an advance. I don't know about that though. I barely know him and having him pay my rent isn't in the surrogacy contract. I poured myself a glass of wine and headed upstairs to take a hot bath. I sunk into the soothing water, allowing the bubbles to completely cover my body. Tears flowed down my face as I contemplated my future. Not only was it uncertain, but I was having trouble controlling my eating. Despite my best efforts at eating healthy, my weight was spiraling out of control, and I know that if I get too heavy, I might not be able to get pregnant. Not only that, but if I keep packing on the pounds, Max might rescind the surrogacy contract, leaving me with nothing. I always loved my curves, but enough is enough. What's even sadder, is that I had to cancel my gym membership. At least when I went to the gym, I could work off the calories from my eating binges. Not anymore. God, help me. As soon as I got out of the bathtub, I received a text. It was from Max, but I was scared to read it. Did he forget to mention something about the surrogacy agreement? Probably so. We didn't get into the logistics of it. I should have asked him more questions. Lots more. I still don't know what to expect. I've never had any real experience with contracts or powerful rich men who are looking for young virgins to carry their babies. Finally, I read his text. "I need you to come to my house tonight. I'm sending a car to pick you up in an hour. Pack a bag. You'll be spending the night." Episode #2 What the hell does this man want from me. Granted, I got myself into some big s**t when I signed his surrogacy contract, which I thought was my administrative assistant job description, but I didn't think I would be required to make personal house calls. Just as I was scrambling to get ready to go to his house, my mother called. "Hi, Mom, How are you?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound as cheerful as possible. "We're good, honey. We were hoping that you could come home for our annual family barbeque next month." I used to love the family barbeques, but now, with so much crap going on in my life, I don't even want to think about it. "I'll try, Mom, but I think I'm scheduled to work that weekend." I hated to lie, but I didn't want to burden my mother with my problems. My mother didn't say anything at first, but then she spoke up and said, "We miss you, Jessica. Please try to come. Your brother has some good news he wants to share with you but he doesn't want to tell you over the phone." What kind of news, I wondered. Knowing my brother, it could be anything, from the smallest of victories such as getting a good parking spot, or some life-changing event such as getting a huge job promotion. "So you'll see what you can do, Jess?" My mother asked. "Yes, I said I would try to make it there but I can't promise you," I snapped back. I felt bad for lashing out, but I was so damn stressed out. "I'm so sorry, Mom. I've got a lot going on in my life now. I'm so busy and I'm just really exhausted," I said. "I understand, sweetheart, my mother replied. "We miss you terribly." "I know you do, Mom. I miss everyone too." When I lived at home, my brother and I were close. We told each other everything. We were close in age, he, being only two years older than me. It was hard on him when I left home. "Mom, I have to go now." I was so damn nervous because Max's chauffer was picking me up in a few minutes. "I'll call you soon." "Okay, Jess, I love you." I hung up and gathered the rest of my stuff to put in my bag. I didn't have time to worry about the family barbeque and my brother's "good news." My so-called "interview" with Max McGuire was brief. Other than asking inappropriate questions about my dating and personal life and having me sign the papers, there was no substance to the interview. He didn't ask me about my education or job experience. He didn't even have a copy of my resume, nor did he want one. One of my college classmates referred me to Max. She told me that he might have an "interesting" job available that pays well and would provide me with financial security. Not even in my wildest dream could I have ever imagined that his "job opening" was to be his surrogate. His virgin surrogate, no less. Is it too late to back out? He's a billionaire CEO who employs some of the best attorneys in the world. They know how to draft an iron-clad contract, like the one I signed. I suppose there's really no way out. The driver was right on time to pick me up. I was a nervous wreck, but the guy seemed kind, and I felt at ease during the long ride. We exchanged pleasantries but didn't really engage in small talk. I had a feeling that Max instructed his driver not to speak to me. Maybe he was afraid that I'd ask him too many questions. Anyway, once we got to his house, the driver opened the car door for me and helped me out of the limo. "Have a nice evening, Miss," he said. "Thank you, and you do the same," I replied. I quickly went from being relatively calm during the car ride to trembling. My knees were shaking, I was sweating, and my heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was going to come out of my chest. I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself. I honestly could have kicked myself for being so damn stupid. How did I get myself into this mess? I'm 25-years old, and I literally signed my life away to be this guy's surrogate. I've never had s*x in my life, and I've only had a couple of boyfriends. Even though Max McGuire is a well-known businessman, he could still be crazy and harm me once I'm alone with him in that mansion. I walked up to the massive door of his home and rang the bell. I just about got down on my knees and kissed the ground when a member of his staff answered it. At least I wouldn't be alone with him in the house. "Good evening, Miss Scott. Mr. McGuire is expecting you," she said. "Good evening, and thank you," I replied. My eyes almost popped out of my head as I looked around at the stunning artwork on the walls. When you stood in the living room, you had a panoramic view of the ocean. It was stunning and I've never seen anything like it in my life. His house even smelled rich, like fine leather, expensive Italian men's cologne, and aged cognac. It was obvious that he had a good sense of style, or at least an amazing interior decorator. The living room had an aristocratic atmosphere feel to it. It was almost as time stood still and untouched by modernism and the latest decorating trends. The space was definitely reminiscent of the distant past instead of the "here and now." It was like stepping into a museum. Lots of sculptures, gold, heavy draperies, and brocade upholstery. It's not really my style, but I have to say, it is stunning and even very cozy. I could see myself living here.
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