Chapter 3: Hideously Disfigured And Unrecognizable

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Once Robin was gone, Sarah turned to Joanna and said, "That was pretty impressive, what you did to the pressure point on my elbow. It hurt me a lot, but it seemed to take very little effort. Who taught you to do that?" Joanna stared at Sarah and folded her arms beneath her breasts. She sneered and said, "I can do whatever I want, and I don't owe you any explanations. I learned how to do that, though, so that I could teach you a lesson." Suddenly, Sarah swung her arm towards Joanna in an attempt to slap her in the face, but Joanna was able to get her hard up in time to block the attack, and she grabbed Sarah's wrist. Sarah tried to pull her arm back, but Joanna squeezed it and would not let her go. Sarah's face turned red from the pain, anger, and exertion, and she shouted at her stepsister, "Let go of me! I'm warning you!" Joanna smiled and said, "Well, well, well." Joanna twisted Sarah's arm and used her free hand to slap her across the face, and then, as she let go of her wrist, she pushed her, causing her to stumble and fall on the ground. The result of the fall was that Sarah's recent cosmetic surgery became distorted. Sarah, who had been beaten down to the ground, stared at her stepsister maliciously and roared, "Joanna--" Joanna looked at Sarah's crooked, droopy face, and she couldn't help but laugh. She said, "With the exception of people who are reincarnated, I always wondered how people could change their ugly faces – talk about a face-lift gone wrong! You didn't pay for that, did you?" Sarah felt that something was not right. She touched her face, fearfully, and then she cried out in horror. Susan was upstairs with Robin, and when she heard Sarah's cry, she ran downstairs, and when she saw Joanna hovering over her daughter, she exclaimed, "Joanna, what on earth are you doing?" Without waiting for an answer, she rushed over to Sarah and helped her off the ground. When Susan saw Sarah's face, she was worried about her. "Honey, how are you feeling?" Sarah moaned and said, "Mom, my face! Save my face!" Susan comforted her, saying, "Honey, it's okay. Mommy will take you to the hospital now, and your face will be fine. You'll see." Susan held Sarah in front of Joanna and glared at her. "Joanna, you are too vicious. Aren't you afraid that your dad will reject you once he hears about what you've done?" Joanna offered her stepmother a slight smile. "Reject me?" she asked sarcastically. "I thought he rejected me when he married you." Joanna laughed bitterly and said, "I remember that you are more vicious than me. In the past, you purposely remodeled the walls of my bedroom to prevent my father from discovering that you were beating me. No matter how hard I cried and shouted, he couldn't hear a thing. And you never hit me on the face. You were afraid that, if you did, he would find out. I especially like to hit people on the face, though, and I like to strike them, until they are hideously disfigured and unrecognizable, as Sarah is now!" The more Joanna talked about it, the happier she looked, and the angrier Susan and Sarah became. Sarah showed her dark side and shouted at Joanna: "Joanna, I will ruin you!" Joanna enjoyed the expression on Sarah's face. She smiled, shrugged, and said, "Okay. If you want a go at me, you know where to find me. I'm not afraid." Once Joanna had said everything that she'd intended to say, she turned around and walked out of the villa. Once Joanna was gone, Sarah looked at her mother and said, "Mom, we must destroy Joanna!" Susan put her hand on Sarah's head indulgently, and to appease her, she said, "Okay, we'll do whatever you want." As soon as Joanna was outside, she received a call from her friend Olivia Hilliard. She took her phone out of her pocket, accepted the call, and said, "Hey, Olivia, what's up?" Olivia: "Joanna, come, and see me right away! I saw your husband's lover with a young man!" "Where?" Joanna asked anxiously. Olivia: "Injoy Bar!" Joanna: "Okay, wait for me." Joanna arrived at the bar twenty minutes later. Olivia saw that she was breathless, and she said, "Don't worry, they are having fun, so they aren't going anywhere anytime soon." Joanna frowned. "Can you get a photograph of them together?" she asked. Olivia: "Unfortunately, no. They are in a private room with no windows." Joanna frowned and sighed unhappily. Olivia suggested she order a drink, and when the waiter came by, they ordered a bottle of wine to drink while they waited for the couple to emerge from the private room. One hour later, the door to the private room slowly opened, and Joanna and Olivia hurriedly hid in the corner. When the couple emerged, they recognized the woman immediately. It was Jane Wilson. Olivia held the camera and took several photos of Jane and the young man, and because the couple was so enamored with each other, they didn't notice that their pictures were being taken. Olivia showed Joanna the photos and asked, "Will this work?" "It's perfect," Joanna replied. "Now I have proof that Jane is cheating on Ken! Olivia gave Joanna the camera and said, "Here, take it and show it to your husband." Joanna: "Okay! I'm off! Let me buy you some drinks next time!" "Drinks?" Olivia grumbled. "I want a beefsteak!" Joanna smiled and said, "It's a deal!" and then she turned to leave the bar. Before Joanna could get to the door, Olivia stopped her and said, "Joanna, you're a nice girl, but don't you think that Ken doesn't deserve you?" Joanna paused and left without saying anything or looking back at her friend. Once she was on the street, she sent Ken a text message: "Where are you?" Ken: "The company." Joanna: "I'll meet you there shortly." Ken: "Don't bother." Joanna: "It's okay. It's no bother. I'm just walking around." Joanna put away her phone without waiting to see how Ken would reply. The Green building was not far from where she was, and she arrived there about fifteen minutes later. She walked happily into the building and made her way to the president's office. Ken was sitting at his desk, working hard, and he looked up as Joanna walked in. "Are you still working?" she asked. Ken frowned, but Joanna pretended not to notice. "You must be hungry," she said. "Mrs. Moore set aside a plate for you." "I had dinner," Ken said impatiently. "I ordered the very." Joanna paused. She had initially intended to come directly to show him the photos from Injoy Bar. She wanted to tell him that Jane was not a good person and that she was cheating on him. In consideration of his feelings for Jane, though, she felt that it was too much to tell him at the moment - after a hard day at the office. Thus, she decided that she would tell him about the pictures when he was in a good mood, perhaps in a few days.    
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