
Gamma Sebastian


Gamma Sebastian is 34 years old and still waiting to find his mate. His best friend, Beta David, is the complete opposite. The two friends go to the local bar in town every Thursday night. This is the last place he thought he would find his mate, the new bartender. Can he win over the heart of a 21-year-old, single mother, who wants nothing to do other than work and focus on her child?

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Sebastian The hot water cascading down my body is the best feeling after a battle. The water rinses off the blood as much as possible before I scrub myself with soap. Not only am I the Gamma of this pack, but I am the strongest warrior, besides Alpha Damon, of course. As Gamma, it is my sole duty to protect Luna Alexandria at all costs. This would be more simple if she would just stay inside the packhouse with most of the other women, but no. She insists on fighting in battle, and Alpha Damon can never say no to her. She’s a tough, stubborn, beautiful, and kind woman whom we all look up to. I can’t wait until the day I meet my mate. I hope she is just as strong as our Luna. “Bar tonight?” Beta David links me. He’s my best friend and almost every Thursday night we head to the local bar. “Yeah. I’ll be down in ten minutes.” I reply back through our link. Just as I expected, David is already on his motorcycle waiting for me. The fire is bright as dead rogues are tossed into it. Hopping onto my motorcycle, the engine roars to life. We live in a gated community just outside the human town, so it doesn't take too long to arrive at our destination. David and I take a seat on the bar stools, and the barmaid, Bella, is quick to hand us our usual beers. We thank her and chug them down in one gulp. I can feel the eyes of the two giggling women a couple of seats away from us. "Which one are you thinking? I'm digging the brunette." David's voice rings in my mind. It's the same thing every single time we come here. "You know I'm waiting for my mate. You can have them both." I reply back to my horn-dog of a friend. "Your loss." He smirks at me. Calling Bella over, he orders two shots for the women. As they are delivered their shots and are told it's from David, the two giggle and squeal in excitement. "I'll be back in an hour," David informs me with a wink. He pats my back as he stands and smoothly walks over to the women. I feel bad for whoever ends up being his mate. With an arm around each of them, he walks out of the bar with the ladies. There's a motel literally down the street from here, so it's not a long walk. He'll be back in an hour as he said, and smelling like s*x. "So, Sebastian. Know anyone looking for a job?" Bella asks as she slides another beer to me. "Don't tell me you're leaving us?" I ask, genuinely concerned. This causes other regular customers to look at her as well. This is my favorite bar because it’s small and not popular with dance floors and DJs blasting shitty music as the other ones that young adults go to. Because of the size, Bella is the only one who works here. "Don't worry gentlemen, I'm not going anywhere." She laughs. "But, I'm getting old and could use a helping hand. I've been running this place on my own for 29 years." She truly is an inspiration. Running her own business. I wish I knew someone that could help her out. An hour goes by and David is back just as he said he would be. I wish Bella the best of luck and leave a hefty tip for her as I stand from the bar stool. Walking outside, we hop on our bikes and head home. The fire is still burning bright, so David and I join the pack members who are still outside. "You guys have a good time? Smells like it." Luna Alexandria says as she shoots David a dirty look. “Hey now. Don’t look at me like that, Luna. A man has needs.” I roll my eyes at his response. The next week flies by with no attacks, which I am kind of bummed about. I hate being in a routine, doing the same exact thing every single day. It’s Thursday night and I am waiting for David to finish getting dressed. A couple of other pack members decide to tag along with us tonight. The ground shakes as seven motorcycles roar to life. I sure help Bella has hired someone by now. As we walk into the bar, my wolf starts wagging his tail rapidly. “Do you smell that?” My wolf asks. I take a deep breath in and the most intoxicating scent of lavender fills my body. Locking eyes with a young woman behind the bar, my wolf says the word I have been longing to hear. “MATE!”

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