2. Healer

1652 Words
Aria's P.O.V Our pack, although with many enemies, had never been attacked until today. Esteban and I had worked so hard to build a safe space for our wolves, to give them land they could call home with a smile on their faces, but as I peaked out the window, I knew most, if not all, would be gone by the end of today. It was very early in the morning when my mate and I were woken up to the sound of bombs and grunts, instantly alerting us of the attack. Esteban ran off to fight, while I hid in the safe house with our pups, Zaria, our Beta female, gathering the rest of the elderly and pups. Now, after a few hours of sitting around, praying none of our loved ones would lose their lives, I was slowly starting to lose my mind. Rosalie, being only three, hadn't stopped crying since she woke up, and Knox hadn't stopped asking questions or demanding to go to his father. The two had an amazing bond and our son wasn't stupid, even at six years old, he knew it was dangerous outside, knew his father was out there, yet it only broke my heart a little more. "Ari?" Zaria slumped on the ground next to me with a tired sigh. "Everyone has been given a blanket and a bottle of water, but that's all we could gather. We won't be able to make it in here for long." I nodded, feeling the tears burn my eyes, and my chest tighten just a little more. I said another silent prayer to the Goddess to return my mate to me, to not take my happiness before I could truly live it, and to not leave our pups as orphans at such a young age. My arms burned as I continued to rock our little girl, her screams echoing around and into my ears, while Knox pulled at my arms, needing my attention. I tried to block them out for a bit, just long enough to get my thoughts straight. Now wasn't the time to get distracted, tired, or overwhelmed, now was the time to step up as Luna and mother and attend to those that need me, but before I knew it, the tears I had been holding back had already broken down the wall and spilled onto my cheeks. "Hey, we'll be ok!" My best friend draped an arm around my shoulder, urging my son to come to her. He obliged and sat on her lap, his grey eyes, the exact same as his father's, curiously staring at her. "What's up, buddy, why aren't you with Zane?" She asked, throwing me a glance. I sighed in relief, using the time she had him occupied to pull myself together and breathe. "I want dad!" He demanded. "Dad is on a mission!" Zari explained, faking enthusiasm. "You can't go yet because he has to show you how strong he is when he comes back. If you go now, you'll ruin his surprise!" My little boy's eyes light up. "A surprise?" He questioned, making her nod before she started to tickle him. "Now go play with Zane before the tickle monster gets you both, okay?" He jumped off her lap, laughing as he ran to his friend. "Thank you, Z!" I smiled gratefully, her gaze softening as it landed on the still-crying pup in my arms. "No need to thank me, Luna!" She smiled, winking as she took Rosie from me and tried many ways to soothe her. Finally, she relaxed her attention on an empty water bottle. Both of us sighed in relief, the atmosphere becoming a little less tense. At least now there wasn't a screaming pup around while the elderly worried about their families, and older pups and teens wondered if their parents would make it back to them. As the sun began to settle, so did the commotion outside. With a heavy heart, I peeked through the small window again, the sight making my stomach tie in knots. Young warriors were left dead, their blood seeping into the ground. Weapons were scattered around the corpses along with pieces of ripped clothing. "It's over, we won." Esteban linked me as soon as he removed the block, letting me feel his emotions. My mate was hurting, both physically and emotionally. He had lost a lot of well-trained warriors, he had lost his pack members, his territory no doubt reeked of death, blood, and destruction. He was sad, processing his grief, but he was also exhausted and in need of someone's care. "Where are you?" I asked, Ailia whimpering to get to him, to pull him into our arms and reassure ourselves that it really was over and that he was safe. "I'm on my way to pick you up." I picked up Rose, running towards the door. "The attack is over, our pack won. My condolences to those that lost a loved one, you may go find your families!" I addressed the members which had remained in the safe house. "I'll go get your dad and we'll come pick you up together, ok, Hunny? I turned to Knox, whose hand was being held by a knowing Zaria. But knowing my son, he threw a tantrum, forcing me to take him to his dad. I made sure to keep both my pups' eyes covered, so they wouldn't see the cruelty of the world just yet. One day they would be forced to grow up and endure it, but unless I've taken my final breath, I'll do all that I can to make sure they stay away. "Esteban!" I yelled happily as I spotted him. He ran over, pulling all three of us into his arms and pressing his cold lips to our foreheads. He was shaking with exhaustion and pain, but he was here, alive, and now safe. My mate had made it. "Where does it hurt?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from trembling. He glanced towards his shoulder, which looked like it was torn open. The wound had been wrapped by a piece of fabric ripped from his shirt that was already covered in blood. I let out a whimper, shutting my eyes tightly to prevent them from crying. "Ari, I'm fine." He sighed. "Just tired, let's go!" His uninjured arm met the small of my back, pushing me towards the pack house. Knox was trying hard to break free of my hold and look around and my strength was slipping. "Knox, keep your eyes closed for just a bit longer, buddy!" His father told him, and luckily, he listened, unlike Rosalie who was screaming her heart out, her tiny arms stretched toward her dad. "Let me hold her," Esteban told me with a sigh, his body in need of rest, yet he still wanted to help in any way he could. "Are you sure?" I asked, worried his shoulder might cause him more pain if he was holding her. "Just pass her along!" He snapped, making me flinch, but pass the child to him. He had never used that tone on me and despite the seriousness of the situation we were in, it hurt. It was dumb of me to react this way, I knew it, but I couldn't help but get flashbacks of my parents yelling at me and blaming me for whatever didn't go their way. I knew he didn't blame me for the attack, yet I still wish he wouldn't raise his voice at me at times like these. "Ari?" He called, snapping me out of my thoughts, my attention back on him. My eyes glistened with unshed tears I could no longer hold back. "Ari, the wound-" I looked him up and down, panicking about what he might have meant. "It's gone." He finally mumbled in disbelief. "But there's no way you could've healed that fast?" I more asked than stated, my gaze snapping to Rosalie, who was clapping her hands. The hands, which were just on his shoulder. The injured one. Esteban and I's gazes met briefly before he passed her back to me and ripped the piece of fabric away. There was no scar, no trace of there ever being a deep, bleeding wound. "A healer!" A voice from behind us yelled. An old wolf around his sixties walked to us with a slight bow. "Alpha, Luna!" He greeted, his eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets as they stared at our little girl. My mate growled protectively, shielding all of us from his gaze, but even with his body in the way, I felt the old wolf's eyes on our daughter and I hated it. "Your girl bears a huge blessing!" He finally murmured, his gaze still trying to examine the toddler. "What are you talking about?" I growled, shielding my babies. "Luna, your daughter is the new healer wolf, you know, the ones born only every one hundred and fifty years!" His voice sounded amused, curious. "Healers can fix any wound on others in seconds, but they heal like a human, which is why most of them stay a secret to protect themselves." He explained. "You may not worry, I will keep your secret!" With that, he bowed and walked away, leaving us completely dumbfounded. Unwilling to believe the old wolf's words were true, my mate grabbed a dagger lying on the ground next to us and sliced his palm, then placed the wound underneath our daughter's tiny hands. And once again, the wound, along with the blood, disappeared in seconds, not even a trace or scar remained. That's when I knew, nothing would be the same after today. A/N: Hi, Treasures! Make sure you join my F-a-c-e-b-o-o-k group Teddy's Treasures for extra content and discussions! This is how Aria and Esteban found out their daughter is a special wolf! What do you think?
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