2 Years Later...

1753 Words
Jamie's p. o. v   “GO JAMIE! Smash his head in!”   Carl is screaming out to me, In a blazing passion. He fell out of the warrior tournament in 4th place, and I am in my final round. All fights are in human form (No risk for anyone seeing my golden fur!) and shifting is an automatic disqualification. I can see him up in the 3rd row of the stands. With a quick look round, I can see every seat is filled with either someone from our pack or someone from one of the 6 packs that are here today, we are at full capacity. Uncle Nile has been training me and Carl for the past 2 years and I have reached masters level in all my fighting styles. I am the gold wolf and I have vowed vengeance on the Rouge King for killing my pack and murdering parents. Uncle Nile and aunty Sally are hoping I will find my mate this year, as me and Carl turned 18 today. With 6 other pack here, it will be our best chance. When we shift at 17, Most wolves find their mates with the first 6 month after their 17th birthday. But unfortunately, we have not been so lucky yet! We have already checked everyone within our own pack for our mates and have had no luck finding them anywhere. We also checked the pack closest to us, Again zero results. With so many people here for the tournament, our aunty and uncle are both hopeful for us, as my uncle is afraid, we will go off to exact our revenge. He doesn't want that to become our sole focus it life, He feels we deserve more... Nile thinks that with my power and being an Alpha's daughter, My mate will be a Alpha, But I don’t want to be some sheltered Luna, Saying “Yes sir, No sir“ all day long. I have waaaaaayyy to much attitude and sass for all that, it would piss any Alpha off being the way I am. I take orders from no-one. Even the Alpha of this pack knows that. Now, If I could be a badass Luna, Out fighting beside him and our warriors, I could do that. But what alpha is going to ALLOW their Luna to do that??? “Jamie can we take this asshole down now? I know we agreed to put on a show for the crowd, but I'm bored with this guy!” Sky my wolf asks... Me and sky have bonded to the point we can even merge, so we both have control at the same time... My uncle says I am only the 2nd wolf in history that he knows of to be able to do this... I had asked who the other wolf was, and he could not remember, if he cannot remember, What's the point in saying anything to me? Whatever! Like I care!  “Yes, He is just acting cocky and has tried some low blows, so let’s do this” I answered Sky back. Leaving my right side deliberately exposed, I wait for my opponent to attack. As I predicted he takes the bait... I waited for the right timing and deliver a perfect round house kick. Just like that, I drop him to the ground. Knocked out! Serves him right for trying to land low blows. As he hits the ground, Not moving. The crowd goes wild... This is the 2nd year running I have won this tournament and earned the Warrior Queen title...I take my bow and our pack Alpha hands me my trophy. I take a few steps forward, Lifting the trophy up high and once again, the crowd erupts for me.... When I have had enough and Carl had made his way to me, we jog over to Nile to chat when aunty Sally yells to me whilst walking to meet us.  “Jamie lee! Get your ass going home, you need to get ready. Carl your escorting Jamie again, your tux is hanging in your room.... Jamie! Come on! And yes! You will be the dress I have left hung up on the wardrobe, for once, I will have you looking like the beautiful woman you are! Please for once, Just tonight for me?  ...” I nod as my ass-hat of a brother is laughing his head off with the thought of me in a dress, That was till I remind him he’s in a tux to escort me again, to which he groans...  We walk to the pack house moaning to each other about tonight. Both pissed off we must do this, Again!                                                                            4 hours later ...  I’m shocked at how I look as I look in the full-length mirror.... I am in a royal blue thigh length dress, With diamond straps. A sweetheart cut bust with a deep cut all the way to my navel, being held together by diamond chains. Diamonds are sprinkled all over, So I sparkle like the night sky. The back is open, All the way to the small of my back with a de-attachable netted train. The dress is matched with sky high heels covered in diamonds, With the straps crisscrossing all the way up my calf. My unruly dark curls are left long and down, reaching midway down my back, and kept back on one side with one of my weaponised hair slides. They are made from Obsidian with encrusted Diamonds, they are wickedly sharp. I have also got a sheathed silver knife, that is strapped to my thigh (As a warrior I am always armed). My make-up is kept light and airy, with sexy smoky eyes and diamonds stuck on all around my right eye to hide what is left of the cut I received in the second round. All finished off with clear lip gloss... I look like a vixen, s*x goddess on legs. My skin has a golden tan as I am always outdoors, and the royal blue colour looks amazing against my skin tone. If I were to meet my mate tonight, I am gonna blow him away in this outfit! “We look smoking babes. Carl will not be happy with all this skin showing, Though! Hahaha” Sky laughs in my head. As me and Carl appear from our rooms, Me from the right, Carl from the left, Uncle Nile announces us to the room full of people below. "Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honour and greatest pleasure to introduce to you, My niece and nephew. Firstly, my niece as the winner of the warrior tournament for the last 2 years, Miss Jamie-lee Silvers of the Silver pack...... And escorting her this evening, Is my Nephew Mr. Carl Silvers." Everyone is applauding while Carl’s mouth is hanging wide open, gob smacked at how I look. I walk across to the stairs and we link arms to begin our descent. As I open my mouth to speak to him, I’m hit with an amazing smell, my favourite smell, the smell of the forest after it’s rained.  “Carl!" I panicked, whispering in his ear  "My mates here right now! Sky is going crazy, Yelling mate's here at me... I can pick his scent out going towards the bar area” Carl looking at me a little inquisitively  "So, are we avoiding him or finding him?” He discreetly asks. Sky hears Carl ask me; she begins to beg me to find him... “Please Jamie let us find him.... I know your fears about having a mate, that we could be restricted and caged, Just like some poor pathetic Luna. But if he does that, I will agree to reject him with you. If he is not, this could be amazing for us. He could be a big help to us in the battle to destroy the Rouge King... Please Jamie do this for me!”  “Okay! But if he tries caging us, you will agree to the rejection? Yes? “I ask her  “Yes, I will, I promise you!”  “Okay, Deal” I answer her after I got my reassurance from her. When one is rejecting their mate, both human and wolf must agree. This makes rejecting someone difficult and almost unheard of. I turn to Carl and say  "We are finding him. Head straight to the bar for me." I reply to his earlier question. By this time we had come to the bottom of the staircase and we try to head for the bar, But after 20mins of fighting off guys trying to grab my ass and chat me up, I really am in need of a stiff drink. Carl goes into over-protective brother mode, Subtlety breaking one guy’s wrist. I am starting to curse Aunt Sally for this outfit. I so need a drink now more than ever and my mate still has not come for me. Having all these guys pawing at me, I thought he would be over grabbing me, Shouting and growling 'mine’. Part of me is happy my mates not all possessive, but it would be a good thing right now. The other part of me (the Sky part) is not pleased he has not come straight for us, especially with the way we are dressed. She thinks he should have come over by now, to stake his claim on us and get all these rabid dogs out the way. Finally getting to the bar, I down the 5 shots of vodka and chase it with a pint. I can smell him close but as he left us to fight the dogs off, I am now going to make him come to me first. I grab Carl to go to the dance floor. Let us hope he finds me here!!  “Well it will be his last chance, if he’s willing to let all these guys paw us, he isn’t worth the effort!” Sky growls all pissed off. “Sky chill, I’m sure he’ll come, just watch! He won’t be able to watch us dance here, With all these unmated wolves around, For too long!” I say to calm her down. I really hope I am right for his sake or he will be dealing with an incredibly angry Sky!
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