Lover's Enter

1149 Words
The down draft of the wind was excruciating. This time around it took me almost an hour to land my airship. As the dockworkers begin unloading my cargo, I search out the dock foreman, handing him all the paperwork that goes with transporting recycled greenhouse gases. Then head to a little café here in Denver, Colorado called The Pour House, a bit of a punny name if you ask me, but it's whatever. I decided to walk there instead of trying to hail a cab. Walking the streets of Denver is quite an experience when you’re used to smaller cities and crowds of people who live in the clouds. Approaching the little café, I could smell the fresh roasted coffee wafting from its open door and windows as a small group of people seemed to be shuffling in and out of the place. Waiting in line for the crowd to thin, so I could enter, I stood playing on my phone, slowly trudging along. As I finally entered the coffee house, my eyes took a moment to adjust to the dark ambiance of the café. I look at the crowd searching for an open table or seat at the bar. Luckily, there seemed to be fewer people inside today than I anticipated, filling me with excitement, I went to the counter to order my coffee and a sandwich. Then zero in on the table. I want a one-seater near the windows where I can watch the people as they go by and my airship as well, knowing that I’ll be in the city for at least five or six hours since I had to double up this load and make two full deliveries. Planning the rest of my day, makes me oblivious to who is around and, with no preparation, a handsome man approaches me, his hair short and curly, with deep chocolate eyes, a strong jaw, high cheek bones, and muscles for days shorter than me as most are since I grew up in the clouds, I am slightly taller than most land dwellers. His toned body is shown extremely well through his tight shirt and jeans. Before I had a chance to react, he sat down next to me, coffee in hand. “So, what is a sexy captain like you doing down here?” His eyes were full of curiosity and playfulness. Surprised by his boldness, I manage to stammer out "I… I’m on a layover. It’s going to take them five or six hours to unload my cargo." My eyes try not to focus on this man’s stunning features and stay on his face, but I can’t help looking at him, he is just so damn sexy. Noticing my constant scan of his body, he gets a coy smile, slides his chair closer to mine and places his hand on my knee. My body shudders at the touch. It had been too long since my last encounter with a man in a setting like this, ever since he ghosted me on our anniversary. That would have been four years ago now. I welcome the touch as I return the gesture, after an hour of conversation. His eyes go mischievous, and his sultry voice has an air of excitement “Hey, would you like to go check out a local play nearby?” Excited, we left the café and headed towards what I assumed was a theater. Walking among the land dwellers, I could feel the tension from old grudges and bitter rivalries as he and I walked through downtown Denver. Feeling more nervous than I probably should, I ended up practically hugging his side as we arrived at an enormous theater that could easily accommodate two hundred people. Surprised by its size, I wasn’t sure what kind of play we were going to, but I was excited to find out. Approaching the obviously annoyed teenager working the ticket booth, he purchases our tickets, and we take our seats near the front of the stage. People filed in and in no time at all the theater was full to bursting. A very attractive man then took the stage in women’s lingerie, a cute little camisole and panties with matching garters and stockings as well as an impressive six-inch stiletto heel. All the outfits are a luxurious shade of pink. I feel myself getting aroused at the site of this gorgeous young man who isn’t much younger than myself I’d imagine. His silky voice crackles through the mic, bringing it to life, “Welcome, all to the annual Sissy boy cabaret, I am your gorgeous host Selene. Today our show’s theme is lucid dreaming. The unique and interesting theme, the only recommendation for it was what a girl would wear to bed. So, anything else that our stars have come up with is entirely their own. Isn’t that exciting?” The show progressed. As we sat there, his hand slowly creeped up my thigh, coming to rest just below my member on the inside of my thigh. I had initially been shocked by this but quickly came to relish his touch. I had moved my hand to rest just on top of his bulging pants. The show was still going on in the background but not holding either one’s interest, we sat there slowly exploring each other through our clothes until he, in a quick deft movement, had his hand inside my pants, slowly stroking my member and rousing to attention. His soft hands surprised me, but it felt amazing on my throbbing c**k. Slowly stroking up and down, I felt the desire growing in me to return the favor. I slid my hand into his pants and was greeted with a little bit of precum, making my desire grow. I reached further and grasped ahold of his massive d**k. It was as big as a soda can and had to be at least above average in length, the thoughts flooded my mind of him topping me and making me scream as I continued to jack him off. Both of us match the others' rhythm perfectly, slowly building to a most inevitable ending. I felt my body tensing as the moment of release drew closer. Still slowly building, I became even more enraptured by this man and just as my climax was about to boil over, he stopped and removed his hand entirely from my body. A chill rushed through me going deep into my soul as I began to question why he stopped, or what I did wrong, and just as I opened my mouth to relay these concerns, he motioned to the stage. Turning my head, I noticed that the cast was doing their curtain call, the show had ended. Relieved that I hadn’t messed up, I stood up and, with no reluctance, grabbed my date and headed for the next part of our evening.
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