Mad Night

1130 Words
The moment I have been dreading is finally here. After all the work of cleaning, cooking and decorating, I feel like I will be collapsing any moment. But before that, I have to get Irene her flowers. The orders are that Philly is to take me, I have to wait for her. I am trying to get a short nap in my dark room when Philly knocks hard on my door. "Knockie! Knockie! Pigie! My God, you actually snore like one!" She remarks from the other side of the door. I rise from my old mattress laid on the floor and reach out for my jacket which also acts as my pillow when folded. I start to pull it on. "Hurry up and open this door! I got no time to waste waiting for pathetic, fatty things like you!" Philly hisses banging the door. I c***k it open only to meet with a slap to the side of the face. I yelp. "f*****g never waste my time again!" She roars. "Now follow me!" My left ear is ringing because of the slap, my head feels hazy. If I don't go with her, things will only get worse. So I stumble after her, keeping my distance. It is almost dark and guests are already arriving for the night party. Philly leads me through the back gates which are not guarded. I spot Irene peeking out at us through her bedroom window which has a view of the house's backyard. There is a smirk on her face. Philly walks fast, having a wolf gives her strength. I am wolfless so I start panting even before we get to the forest. "Hurry up, fatty! You waste my time again and I will break your neck!" She threatens, walking even faster. I have to run to keep up. I slip and fall countless times as she leads us deep into the forest. Her wolf eyes can see in darkness, mine ... not so well. * * * * * ISAIC'S POV I don't know why I can't smell my mate's scent. I know even through she is yet to get nineteen, I am supposed to sense her smell or our bond. So far I don't feel my connection to her. I caught a hint of her unique scent yesterday when I entered the room she was dressing. But the smell suddenly vanished yet she was right in front of me. I don't doubt her grandmother's prophecy, there isn't a thing that woman has ever said that turned out wrong. So maybe everything will be right after she phases, she is already beautiful as a human, not with an innocent face I had wished my mate to have, but she is beautiful in her own way. I can only imagine what she will look like as an angel. Sometimes, it feels like she is uncomfortable in my arms. I hug her and she cringes. Doesn't she like me? She is yet to phase so I understand she can't feel our mate bond, so I will let her be for now. In a week and six days, today being one of them, my Queen will be ready to join me in this palace. I already have her room extravagantly furnished and filled with decorations. She is the only female in this pack that can be my Queen, that can be mother to my children. Everything must be done right for her. I am choosing the best outfit for today's party when a loud scream hits my ears! I don't always get unnerved by a sound of a scream, but I know that voice. It is the voice of my most treasured creature, Irene! Something hurt her! Or someone! If it's the latter, the person better vanish in thin air before I get to them. I tear my shirt apart, giving room for my wings to emerge. They spread out, ready to take flight. Instead of finding my way out of the palace through doors and corridors, I smack my way right through my bedroom window. There is no time to waste when my only mate is in danger. My wings carry me to the front of her house, the one I built for her and her family to live in before she turns nineteen. I let my wings disappear so I can easily maneuver through the corridors of the house. I don't want to scare her by smashing everything on my way. A lot of people and guards are running up the stairs leading to her room. They all step aside for me to pass then they follow behind. I burge into her room to find her laying on the floor, she has several bruises on her face and hands. One of her two friends, Joan, is peeking out through a large hole made on the bedroom window. She too has bruises on her face and one on her wrist. I rush to pick my mate from the floor but she holds out a hand. "Go after her! I will be fine, go find that animal!" She screams, terror evident on her face. "Who? Tell me who did this!" I demand. "Her sister did it! She shifted, went wild and attacked Irene! I tried to protect Her Majesty, but that girl's wolf is a monster! She broke out through the window and ran when Philly shifted to fight her." Joan supplies. "Where is Philly now?" I ask. "She chased after her, you must go save my friend, please! I don't care what you will do, just stop that evil girl!" My mate pleads, tears run down her smooth cheeks. I have never felt so overwhelmed with fury, whoever that girl is, she better vanish before I get to her. "I will find her, and I will end her! She will know she made a awful mistake." I say. My mate grasps my hand and kisses the back of it. "I am so glad I have you, I don't know how I could survive without you." She says. Irene has always told me about how her evil sister envies her. I should have done something before this happened. "Keep her safe!" I order the two pack guards that wait at the door. I hug my mate, holding her close to my chest. As usual, she cringes, so I let go. I leave the house. A crowd of people has gathered around the house. I can sense their anger, their displeasure in having their future Queen attacked. This time, I don't feel mercy, only anger. This crowd is begging my consent to go after the evil wolf, I will let them have their way, because I too will have my way. No one lives after hurting my mate.
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