02. The Bracelet

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Endora woke up with a sore body, she was not sore from drinking and partying but rather from the position she slept in. How could she sleep that recklessly when she didn't even party or drink that hard last night, she was a chaperone she wasn't supposed to be that exhausted when they got here last night, afterall all she did last night was get tipsy dance a little with Lee and then a little around the table they were sitting at then after that she enjoyed the show that Lee put on for them. The small yet comfortable sitting/dining room of Lee was really stuffy this morning which means they really smelled bad. A hot shower she thought, that will fix all her problems, I mean at this point she needed a bath but unlike her when Lee chose a small apartment to buy he chose one with a shower and no bath. She went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, took a huge dump then hopped in the shower and took a hot, steaming shower. At least the shower was of good quality she thought to herself after getting out of the shower drying herself. She took some clothes and threw the ones she wore yesterday in the laundry. She was now in the kitchen just opposite the sitting area, making breakfast and that party monster Lee was still asleep and he hasn't moved since she woke up. "Is he dead?" She whispered to herself as she stopped preparing breakfast and approached him. She poked him several times and that b**ch didn't move or make any sound. This annoyed Endora and made her a little nervous. She started shaking him violently but that only caused him to roll over. At least he was alive , now he was going to hate the next part but Endora was going to enjoy it thoroughly. She slapped him accross the face which caused Lee to jump awake and he fell off the couch. "B**ch!!" He screamed and immediately his head buzzed. He held his head as it was feeling annoyingly heavy. Endora crouched down and screamed in his ear, "are you okay?!" He immediately covered his ear and moved away from her. "You are." She smiled standing up straight and offered her hand for him to take so that she can pull him up. He took her hand and with force he pulled her down and used his feet to trip her causing her to fall. She was immediately on the ground and he was cackling and in that moment he had forgotten about his painful head. "That was not funny." She looked at him with a straight face sitting herself on the ground. "It totally was." He softly shook his head looking at her with eyes filled with amusement. He stood up and smelled the food, "ohh breakfast..." he did a happy dance going to his mini kitchen. "Stop!" He froze, "go take a shower and change the slutty clothes that smell like a bar by the way." He rolled his eyes but abided. He had showered, with fresh clothes and he was now devouring the food made for him by his best friend. "So last night was fun." Endora started fishing for all the details about that last handsome man he danced with. "Mhmm." He nodded his head while chewing his food. "So is it him?" Lee squinted his eyes, "who?" "The man you were dancing with last night, so passionately that you ended up kissing him." Lee choked on his food when he remembered last nights events. "So is he the one who will finally make you forget about the guy from five years ago?" "No." He quickly answered without missing a beat. "What?" She was disappointed as much as she was annoyed. "He was a spur of the moment thing, an impulse." He explained, "I don't even know his name nor have his number." He suddenly froze, "what?" Endora asked seeing his mood switch up so quick. "Ohh my Goddddd!!!!!" Lee put his hands to his head shaking his head, with eyes widened as he remembered what he did right before they came home. "What the hell is wrong? Why would you scream like that?" He wasn't paying attention, all he thought about now was how he gave away his precious bracelet to a f**ken stranger. "Reagan what is wrong?" He turned to Endora when she suddenly addressed him by his last name. "I gave him my bracelet." He suddenly took a hold of her shoulders looking at her with widened eyes. It took a little while for Endora to understand what he was saying. "You mean your promise bracelet?" There was panic in her voice as she looked at his left hand and found it naked. She slowly turned to face him with shock all over her face, he was nodding slowly. This was unbelievable, she spent a better half of their five year friendship trying to get him to forget about the guy from five years ago, and at least store away that bracelet but no matter how faded and old that bracelet was he refused to take it off. He only took it off when he was showering because he didn't want to damage it more with water and one time Endora stole the bracelet hiding it from him and until she returned it Lee refused to see, or talk to her. And now he had given it away to a stranger and he is only panicking like right now? Lee was filled with fear, regret, shame and he was a little bit heartbroken and on the brink of tears. Endora was shocked to the core, I mean she was curious as to what was the story and how did they get here with Lee's left hand all naked like that, it was a sight she had long awaited but seeing it in real life shocked her to silence. For a excatly six and a half minutes they were looking at each other, with Endora curious but unable to say a word due to the shock, Lee's head was running at 180 with all negative thoughts and suddenly Endora was ready to say something when she saw a tear fall on her friends cheek. She knew he was regretting whatever decision that got him here but she thought if she encouraged him to follow through with it then he might get used to the naked left hand and might end up really happy with this new guy, whom she didn't know nothing about but she was counting on him to make her friend happy. She took a deep breath, "so how did we end up here?" She asked as softly as possible. Lee told the whole story while tears silently streamed down his face. It was a heartbreaking scene for Endora. She has seen her friend cry in the most ugly way ever, even to the point of completely breaking down but these tears that were silent but filled with so much regret and him questioning himself as to why he did what he did, these tears touched her in a different way. Lee has cried before but his tears were never filled with so much regret and questions. Before she could advise him on anything she embraced him. "Okay b**ch!" She snapped her fingers twice on his face, "pull yourself together and wipe those tears." He followed the instructions and did some breathing exercises. "Solution, you just have to go and meet him then stay for an a hour or so, just so that you don't come off as rude. Then ask for your bracelet back and ditch the motherf**ker." Lee nodded following suit. Then a thought occured to him, "what if he doesn't show!?" He exclaimed scared. "Calm down." She cupped his face, "there is no way that guy wouldn't show up, after the show you put for him.... trust me b**ch he is definitely showing up." She pat him on the face, "I mean he might be just looking for a fun time from you but trust me he is showing up." Endora turned back to continue eating her breakfast which was now cold and Lee tried his best to have hope in what his best friend was saying but he was still scared about him not showing up that the only thing that would make him stop being so scared was when he finally meets that handsome stranger again. In the district 15 mansion the princes had just woken up, Brian and Theo were already having their first bloodbag of the day, well it was more like Theo was having his bloodbag while forcing Brian to also drink his. Brian had a very unhealthy relationship with food including blood and this all started when the district 15 vampire princes were beginning their training as future kings of their elements and families. They were exposed to the public and while everybody was mean to all three of them, Brian took all mean comments to heart and he focused mostly on the comments that were calling him a fat prince. Most of the vampire population along with humans said that he was going to shame his family and be a fat, lazy king when he takes the throne. He spent a lot of time putting himself through a diet from blood and food causing his muscles to seize up and become dry, his mark was out of control and his already almost dead heart was having a hard time functioning. He almost decomposed a handful of times and now his friends try their best to make sure he eats enough, I mean he got his dream body even though there was never a need for him to lose weight, he did and now he was comfortable with food but sometimes he would randomly not eat and his friends were not having it. Dean walked in as he was from meeting the counsel. Right about now he was the busiest prince of all his his three friend because he was yet to make a public appearance after he was found five years ago, after the vampire counsel spent years looking for him since he was the last one left of his family and he was the only hope of saving one of the most powerful royal vampire bloodlines. And all the time they were looking for him he was right under their noses but now he was found, and his training was extra hard because he was already considered King of the Hunt family, while the other princes still had atleast a century before they became kings. He didn't have that luxury, after training he was immediately required to ascend the throne, get married and immediately start producing heirs. The vampire counsel urged that although only two heirs are required from him but it would be great if he had at least more than three kids because he was reviving a whole family. Brian put on some dramatic music as they started cooking breakfast for everybody. They were forced to be housemates but they became friends by choice and now they shared chores and took care of each other. Dean grabbed two bloodbags and started drinking prepraing himself for breakfast. Nathan walked down the stairs smiling from ear to ear when he thought about the interesting man he met yesterday. He couldn't wait to see that man again on Tuesday, this weekend was taking too long than it usually takes. I mean what happened to the weekend lasting for only thirty minutes. Seeing him smile like an i***t Theo handed him a big bowl filled with cubed raw chicken liver for him to eat. He gladly took it and was still smiling as he was eating. "What's up with you?" Dean asked, I mean he was used to Nathan being in a happy, lively mood but he could tell that this time it was different. "He met a guy yesterday." Brian answered. "So?" Like he usually does Dean asked nonchalantly. "He's in love." Theo told him, "ohh..." Dean dismissed the topic. The youngins served the meal, "so when are you going to call him?" Brian was excited for his friend, besides Dean's true love that ended five years ago and he still heartbroken over, these princes haven't had an experience with love. "I can't." Nathan answered honestly. "What do you mean you can't?" Theo asked, "literally when we were leaving last night you said you were going to get his numbers." Brian reminded him, he was shocked at what this water element prince was saying. "I did ask for his numbers but he said no-" he wasn't even done talking and the youngins started laughing, Dean was amused but because of his stoic character he he just smiled. "You couldn't get a mundane to give you his numbers." Theo said while laughing. "Literally mundanes are naturally attracted to us without us even trying." Brian looked at Nathan for a second then turned to Theo and they continued laughing. "Well laugh all you want but Im still seeing him on Tuesday." The youngins immediately turned and stopped laughing waiting for him to elaborate. "We decided to meet at the fancy restaurant for a test run date on Tuesday at 7pm and if all goes well my prize will be his ten digits." The youngins side eyed each other for a second then started to laugh, "first of all never say ten digits in your long life, you're too old for that." Brian told him with an attitude and Theo nodded in agreement with his best friend, "and secondly what?" Theo followed suit to his friend. "Do you know his name?" Nathan shook his head, "where he lives?" He shook his head, "and obviously you have no means of contacting him." He nodded. "You're dumb." Dean suddenly said something since he had been listening to the whole ordeal. "I don't think so." Nathan confidently answered. "Let me spell it out for you. He is not going to show, he only wanted to get rid of you." Theo condescendingly explained to him. Nathan smiled at him, "I don't think so." He raised a bracelet he fished out of his shorts, "what's that?" Brian took a closer look at it. "It's his most important bracelet which I'm holding hostage, as a guarantee that he will show up on Tuesday. Still think I'm an i***t?" He asked sarcastically. "Yes." The youngins responded at the same time. "Look at that thing, it is worn out and old like you." Brian was on his attitude wave again, "and not to mention that it is handmade whiche means he will just make another one." Nathan was about to answer these kids but Dean had grabbed his hand with his full vampire strength, pulling him, "where did you get this?" He was focused on the bracelet with his stoic, scary face. "You're holding on too hard Winchester. " Nathan warned him and he immediately let go. Nathan continued to explain everything about the bracelet and Dean seemed so focused and his mark suddenly flashed, Theo saw that but he didn't bother asking. "You must give it back." Dean said after hearing the story, they all turned to him he wasn't one to offer any advice unless you ask for it. "It's an important bracelet, he needs it back, he still wants it back." He was so serious. "Winchester what is wrong with you?" Brian was looking at him all skeptical and curious. He didn't say anything except, "he will show up to that date. So give him back his bracelet." They have never seen this side of him and they knew that right now he wouldn't explain sh*t to them no matter how much they pressed. Nathan just nodded his head indicating that he will do what the soon to be King was saying.
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