Chapter 2: It\'s time to go home

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*Revenge’s POV* I felt as if my heart fell into my stomach and my blood turned to ice as fear grabbed a hold on me. I had never felt this way. I never felt anything but as I stood there watching the fragile body of a young woman fall off the cliff, I felt… Everything. And without a second thought I jumped head first off the cliff. It was a routine for me to do so. I had done this since I was a young boy whenever I needed to escape from pack life and sometimes just to try and feel something. Anything. Just a rush of adrenaline, but as I did this more and more through the years, I even lost the feeling of that. It didn’t even scare me anymore. Nothing really did. Except when I saw her. Why did she let herself fall? Who were those men pushing her further to the edge? As I was deep in thought, I barely noticed when I hit the water, yet its coldness brought me back to reality. At first it was hard to make out what was happening under water but it was like my body knew what direction I had to go. With strong strokes I swam quickly to the small body that sank further and further down. Her body twisted a little as her body wasn’t ready to give up, but it was clear she didn’t even try to fight anymore. She just let herself go. Fear of her dying pulled me even stronger to her. I couldn’t explain why, I just knew I couldn’t let her die. As I reached her, I caught her bridle style. I couldn’t help but pause as her small body got pressed a bit against mine. Her hair was waving back and forth in the dark water that was only lit up a bit by the moon. I had a hard time seeing her face as her hair blocked my vision and I knew that this wasn’t the time to examine her. I had to get her out of here. She was so light in my arms and I had no problem bringing us both to the surface. As I reached the top, I took in a big welcoming breath of air, yet I was the only one who did. She wasn’t moving at all. Quickly, I broad us to shore. I carried her in my arms as we got out of the water and still, she wasn’t breathing. A bit exhausted from the swim, I put her slowly down, brushing away her brown hair. God, her face was so small and looked so thin. What had happened to her? She was too pale and her lips blue. I put my ear close to her chest, trying to listen to the sound of her heart and of her breathing. Nothing. She wasn’t breathing, neither did her heart beat. A new feeling rose up in me, a feeling of fear, but it was stronger, almost paralyzing me. I was so terrified of her dying, all I could was sit on my knees staring down at her. Save her! A voice rang in my head. It took me out of my paralyzing state and into motion. Quickly, I placed both my hands, one on top of the other, and pressed down on her chest. I had to save her! I kept going, only stopping shortly to breathe air into her mouth and listening to see if I could hear a small heartbeat. 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes. Still nothing. This wasn’t good and as time went on hope for her ever breathing again faded a little more and a little more. Leaving me so desperate, I could almost feel my eyes sting with tears. Yet I kept going, barely noticing the world around me. I only looked up as my beta Rafe and third in command Cole came running through the woods finding me on this little beach trying to resurrect a strange girl. “What are you doing?” asked Rafe in a low voice, barely able to understand what he saw in front of him. Cole looked the same way at me, with an open mouth and a surprised look in his eyes. I didn’t answer them. I didn’t have time. All I cared about was bringing her back to life. “Come on!” I said between gritted teeth as I got more desperate. Two new breaths into her mouth. I put my ear close to her chest again. Nothing. Still nothing! I couldn’t believe it. “Revenge… Stop,” I heard Cole said. I didn’t even pay attention to them. All I saw was her and all I felt was my heart hammering in my chest. Terrified. I knew they thought I should give up. In their eyes, there was no hope for her, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. “Revenge!” This time Rafe raised his voice, trying harder to get my attention. I didn’t listen. He tried to step closer but I just growled at him. Using my powers as an alpha, trying to warn him. I didn’t want him anywhere near me right now and especially not her. Mine. The thought was only there shortly that it didn’t even catch my attention. I was only focused on her. “Breath goddammit!” I heard myself yell. And finally, water came spatting out of her as she emptied her lungs of water, followed by the most beautiful sound of her taking her first breath after coming back to life. Yes! She was breathing again yet barely conscious. I lightly brushed my thumb over her cheek, feeling how cold her skin was. It filled me with fear once again. Her lips were still a bit blue but had warmed up a bit as I had given her mouth to mouth. Faint, in the distant, I could hear yelling and growling. I looked at my beta. His eyes were focused on something behind me. Even though I didn’t want to take my eyes off her, I had to see what he was looking at. I looked behind me, seeing those same men that had cornered her at the edge of the cliff. They were clearly angry. One of them pushed the others, yelling so high I could almost make out what he was saying. If I really wanted to, I could adjust my hearing so I could make out what was going on, but my focus landed on the girl again. Who was she? Why were those men after her? Suddenly, she started moving and gaining consciousness. Small whining sounds came over her lips and her eyes flashed open for a second. “Human!” I heard Rafe say in disbelief. I jumped a bit back so I wasn’t leaning over her anymore. s**t! Had I just saved a human girl? I wasn’t a very caring person. Heck, this was my first time actually saving someone and it was a human! If there was one thing I truly didn’t give a f**k about, it was humans. “What have you done?” Rafe asked me, not believing the scenery that had transpired here. I looked at him, not knowing what to answer. Why had I jumped off that cliff? Why had I let my impulses control me? Not even giving it a second thought about what I was doing. This wasn’t like me. I didn’t do such things and especially not for a human! More growling and yelling brought me out of my thoughts and I turned around to look back at the men on the cliff. They were now heading back into the forest, clearly very upset and angry. Why was this human girl so special to them? I couldn’t understand it. I looked at her once again. She had gotten still but was breathing. I checked… more than once. “Come on!” Rafe said in a desperate voice, urging me to stand up and get out of here. I didn’t move. All I could do was look at her, constantly making sure she was breathing. In and out. In and out. In and out. “Revenge!” I could hear Rafe yell at me. I looked at him, giving him my most cold look. I could see him take a step backwards and looking at the ground in submission. He didn’t dare challenge me. Cole then suddenly came into my vision standing in front of Rafe. Holding up his hands, showing he didn’t want to start a fight. “Let’s just cool down, okay?” He said, trying to make me cool down, but on the inside, I was boiling. Just the thought of leaving her. It broke my heart. If I left her now, she might die here on this lonely beach and I didn’t just bring her back to life to leave her for death. “Revenge come one. You can’t do anything for her. Let’s just go, okay?” Cole said, trying to convince me to leave the girl. Why didn’t I listen to what he said? Why was something keeping me from leaving her side? I must have gotten a concussion as I jumped into the water because this was the most ridiculous situation I had ever been in. A smile started to spread on my lips but only shortly as I looked at my warriors looking scared back at me, thinking I was crazy for smiling. Maybe I was. I never really smiled. “We need to go!” Rafe pushed past Cole and was standing a bit too close to my liking, but I didn’t say anything. He was right. I couldn’t stay. I had to leave. I commanded my body to move. I felt something in me trying to pull me down to the girl, but I pushed it away and finally got to my feet. I looked my men in the eyes and nodded shortly as I agreed to leave with them. They were already quickly out of here and ran into the woods again, but as I stood there right before entering the forest I couldn’t help but stop and look back at her. She was still not moving. Only her breathing told me she was still alive. For God's sake! Why did I even care? She was a human! And as I thought that, I turned my back on her and left. Yet I felt something in me almost breaking as I ran through the forest and as further away I got from her, the worse the feeling got. What the f**k was wrong with me? *Elena’s POV* Woof Woof Woof “Father over here! There is a girl.” I was dead wasn’t I? I had to be? Yet why did I still feel pain? And what was that wet thing I suddenly felt? Was someone licking me? No, that couldn’t be true. I was dead. I had to be. I just had to be…
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