Chapter Four

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                                                                                          Payton              The next morning came all too early. Getting out of bed after being so exhausted was the hardest part. After Trent accidentally brushed my thigh, I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night. The spark it sent through my body made it incredibly hard not to stomp into his room and demand that he touch me again. The thing was that I was a coward and would never do that, especially with my boss.            I decided to pin my hair up into a ponytail today, seeing as it was one of the hottest months of the year. It took me thirty minutes to find something to wear as I wanted to look presentable due to not knowing what I was heading into today. I picked out some black stockings along with a white blouse and a black skirt. As soon as I slipped on my black heels, I heard a knock on my door. "Just a minute," I called out.            After checking myself in the mirror one last time, I headed out my door and was greeted by Trent, who was leaning against the wall waiting for me. He had a black dress shirt on with black dress pants that made him look like he belonged in a magazine. If he had not gotten rich off becoming a successful businessman, he could have made a living as a model for sure.            "You look beautiful as always."            My cheeks flushed when Trent called me beautiful. I knew he meant it to be nice, but I could not help but feel overly ecstatic hearing someone, such as himself, refer to someone like me as beautiful. "Thank you, sir."            "No need for the sir, Payton. You only need to refer to me as Mr. Tanner while in business situations, other than that, you can call me Trent. I assure you it is fine with me."            It felt awkward calling him anything other than Mr. Tanner to his face. Saying his first name felt too close, which we were not. "Okay."            Trent led me into the elevator, and as he did, my purse got snagged in the door, making all of its contents spill out. I got onto the elevator ground with my hands and knees, picking up the contents from my bag without realizing two things. One, I was wearing a skirt. Two, my boss was only inches from me, probably getting a good peek at my bright pink thong. My worst fear was confirmed when I heard him growl from behind me.            He picked me up and slammed me against the wall as he pressed pause on the elevator, making it come to a complete stop. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my neck. Trent's hands moved along my arms up to my neck down to my hips, never missing an inch of my body in between. "What was that? Are you trying to tempt me?"            "No, sir. I would never. I am clumsy and honestly had forgotten you were in the elevator with me." My breathing matched his now, and all I wanted him to do was continue to touch me. What was wrong with me? Snap out of this, Payton! This man is your boss. You cannot have feelings like these toward the man that signs your paychecks.            I tossed my face to the side as he played with the hair dangling in front of my face. "You have a lovely ass, Payton." The way he spoke was dark and uncontrolled. "You have no idea how difficult it is for me not to touch you right now."            I have no idea what possessed me to say what I said next. "Touch me then."            Trent's eyes shifted from his beautiful light gray color to a much darker gray. He picked up my legs and wrapped them around his waist as he pressed me further against the wall. His lips were inches from mine, moving closer with each breath between us. His hands traveled from my ankle up to my inner thigh that made me moan. Just then, his phone rang that seemed to pull him out of the haze he was in. "I'm sorry. That was incredibly stupid of me to do." He sat me back down on the floor and moved as far from me as he could.            "Is there something wrong with me?"            "God, no. Payton, you are my employee. It is simply unprofessional of me, and I have a...." He began to say but stopped himself.            The rest of the elevator and car ride was awkward and unsettling. I could not help but think that Trent was keeping something from me. Maybe he did only want to keep this professional, but something told me it was something more than that. Honestly, I needed to keep this professional as well. My career was far more important than a one night stand with my hot boss. The consequences would not be worth one unforgettable night of passion with a man like Trent.            We approached a large building, similar to the one he lived in. Rob came and held the door open for us as we stepped out. Trent held the door open for me as we walked inside the building that seemed to be under renovation. "What is this place?"            "This is a hotel that I am considering buying. Over the last several years, it has been the only hotel that has made a profit in the area and a huge profit at that. The sales began to decrease over the past few months, and the owner could not afford to continue to sink money into it. I offered to invest, but he has decided to retire instead. I knew nothing about the hotel business and wanted to make sure that I am not in over my head on this one. If you can assure that this place would make me my money back plus more, then I will see no problem as to buying it and letting someone else manage it." Trent walked over to a man that appeared from a small room off to the right. I moved in behind him and stood at the door as he took a seat across from an older man sitting behind a small modern desk.            They wasted no time at all plunging into the numbers. I listened carefully, and by the time they were done, Trent pulled me back out to the front of the building. "Where are we going?"            He grabbed my arm and walked me across the street to a little coffee house that was abandoned inside, other than the one woman behind the register. "Have a seat," Trent said as he went to order us drinks. Trent brought me over a vanilla latte with steamed cream on top. "We are here because I do not want to talk in front of Richard. After hearing what we have discussed and looking at some of the spreadsheets with me, what do you think I should do?"            As he talked to Richard, I viewed the spreadsheets of the profit and loss over the last ten years. All in all, the place seemed to do well on its own. The only problem was that people who stayed at hotels like this wanted something a little more accommodating. "My personal opinion would be that it would be worth it if the place were completely renovated, not just the entrance floor. It has great potential to easily be the top-rated hotel in the area with the right kind of work put into it."            I took a sip from my latte as I let my words sink in. "That would mean a lot more money to spend than just simply buying the place. I would have to hire workers to come in and get renovations done quickly to earn my money back."            "True, but it would be worth it if you got the renovations done quickly. Even with Summer coming to an end, tourists pass through Georgia all the time. If this is the first place they see and it looks appealing enough, they will want to stay here. Overall, the decision is yours, Mr. Tanner." Those same eyes from the elevator glanced at me once again. I began to take another sip of my latte, but it slipped from my shaky hand and landed all over my white blouse. "s**t!'            "Chrissy, can you take thirty, please?" Trent asked the girl from behind the counter. I watched as she offered me a smile then walked out the door. He stood and grabbed my hand, forcing me into the back. He slammed the door shut behind him and turned around, and pushed me onto a desk. Trent climbed on top of me then ripped my shirt open. "I cannot hold back anymore, Payton. I could see your breasts through your shirt, and I knew I would not be able to hold back anymore." His lips parted before he pressed them to mine. I could taste mint fresh on his breath as he slipped his tongue in my mouth. He groaned inside my mouth that made me wet between my legs.            I pushed Trent away from me. "We can't do this. This is crossing a line neither of us can afford."            Trent sighed before pushing off me. "Your right, Payton. I'm sorry."             He let me borrow a white shirt from inside the employee's locker room before we headed back across the road to the hotel. I thought this day could not get any worse but boy was I wrong. I could not deny how good it felt to have his hands all over me, but Trent was the one person I could not cross that line with, no matter how bad I wanted him.
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