Chapter One

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Eric POV "What the hell do you mean you can't find her" I yell at the Donald on the other line as I pace around the large wide office "I sent you to watch over her and here you are telling me you can't find her, have you lost it?" I asked him feeling agitated. "Sorry boss one minutes she was here then the next she isn't, she just sneaked out from me" Donald said already feeling scared for his life. "If you know what good for you find out her location" I cut off the call pulling my hair already feeling tired. Valentina knows how to push my button well. How dare she just take my child and ran off, oh she will so pay for this even if it the last thing I do. Shit! Why did she do that? I had plans for us, plans I had never expected to go through in my life until I met her. Why can she see I mean good for both of us including the baby. I head over the high length overseeing window watch from up where I stand as people walk around the busy street side. But my mind couldn't be more further. No matter how hard I try to forget for a while about Valentina's disappearance I find my thought coming back to her. A sigh escape my mouth as I move towards my desk pressing the intercom "George get in here" The chime of the large sliver door opened after a few seconds filled the room. A average height man at his 20's step in with his with shirt and black trousers, his ginger hair, punk style hair and round face. "I need you to cancel all of my schedules today" I spoke to him already taking my suit from my office chair and lifting my briefcase, standing up to gaze at him reassurance. "Yes sir" ********************* The fury of her disappearance was still boiling inside when I got back home. The silence of the house was killing me, normally I always have a girl or two spend a night with me but with my upcoming child I choose to drop my ways. And now Valentina is nowhere to be found with this said child. I sigh when I got to my bedroom, I decided to take a short nap while waiting for Donald's call I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing "Yes?" I answered immediately when I noticed it was Donald "Have you all found her?" I questioned eagerly. "Yes we have sir" he hesitantly replied. "Then where is she?" I sat up on my king size bed while waiting for his answer. "She is in...Texas" he finally replied. I jumped out of my bed "How dare she travel with her pregnancy?!" I yell at the phone. I huff before replying "Get ready with the others we are going to Texas in three hours" I cut the line not waiting for his reply. I sat on the bed pulling my hair in agony and annoyance "Oh Valentina you so getting s*****d for your action" I murmured making sure to keep that as a promise. I went to my closet packing as much clothes as I can cause it looks like I will be spending a lot time in Texas. An income call came through my phone, I pulled it out of my pocket and answered when I noticed it was Justin my elder brother. "Eric" his deep voice came through the other line "I was starting to think you have forgetting about me" his words made me smile despite my current mood. "No never, why would I" I smartly commented. "Well you can prove that by coming over with the boys and I at Bens" he spoke out. I sigh feeling bad for the statement that are about coming from my mouth "I'm sorry but I can't make it" "Why" he asked I pinched my nose together "Valentina ran away to Texas" the line became silent the only sign that shows he was still on the line was the sound of his soft breath. "Are you still with that s**t?" Justin snarled at the other side. Justin and Valentina kind of have a history together. Justin cheated on his wife Victoria when they both got married newly with lot of woman including with Valentina but things got terrible when Valentina clams that she was carry Justin's child which is actually mine to begin with. Justin and Victoria marriage was at risk but Victoria's forgiven heart made things easier. Those two are in love but they are too blind to see it. "Justin please I don't like it when you call her names for god sake she is the mother of my child and my soon to be wife" I understand Justin's hatred towards Valentina but he shouldn't call her names especially not in front of me. "You know.." He paused for a while " find good in some people that can never be good and that's going to get you in trouble one day. Well the reason I called you has already been answered I will see you later after your trip to Texas" he said "Yeah bye" I spoke. It seems like that his way of saying safe journey. "Bye" he then cut the line. Well I think It's time to go. Valentina POV Today seem to be a quite day for me as I make my meal to eat. The baby wanted pancake and pancake is what I'll make even thou I have no idea how to make one. I put in a pan full of Olive oil on the cooker then put in my uncooked liquid pancake. After a minute I pulled it out and put it on the plate beside the cooker. I continued this procedure till I made up to six. Now feeling satisfied with what I made, I tried take my first bite which immediately spit out. What the hell! I screamed in my mind. That the worst pancake I have ever made. The pancake was tasteless and too oily. Am certain it the worst pancake in the world. I cursed the day I didn't learn to cook or my mum didn't taught me to cook. I glance around the kitchen to find it messy. I head towards the cupboard to check if I could find anything to eat but I found nothing. I was immediately in the beck of tears. All my hard work were wasted and am very hungry, if the world were made of pancake and was given to me, I would consume it in one goal. I just simply need a pancake, is that too much to ask. I head towards my bedroom to lie down and let death take me because it impossible to heard to the store right were I am. One, the sun is too bright. Two, the store far from the ranch I rented my apartment from. Three, am to weak to move from here. I lay on the small bed that was on one side of the small bedroom. Staring at the ceiling, I lifted my hands to my four months old stomach "I'm so sorry for bringing you into my messy life" A drop of tears fell from my eyes. It all my fault if I didn't listen to my parent and try destroying Justin and Victoria's marriage and also betraying my friend Lisa, I wouldn't be here would I. The taught of me not carry my baby scares me. The hope alone is what keeps me on but right now am not so sure. I had to choose Texas to run to because it the least of place my parent and sisters will find me. And hopefully Eric. Why do I feel like I've betrayed him. He has nothing but be kind to him and I only betrayed him by running. Let me tell you running wasn't easy for me with the way he had to surround me with his bodyguards. I had no choose but to run away when he said I had already planned our marriage. Which I can't accept, I have seen what a marriage without love ends up like and what it can do to a child and I don't wish it upon my child. I cried till sleep over took me. *********** A knock on the door brought me out of my slumber but I was too weak to move. Who could it be? I weakly taught The dryness of my mouth made me unable to speak or see clearly, it seems the hunger has already gotten to me. I was unable to lift my hands and legs... "Valentina" A voice shouted from the front door "I know your in there and you can hear me" I don't know why but his voice brought a living joy and hope to me. The knock stopped which made me scared immediately has he left. "No, p-please don't go" I quietly and weakly spoke out but I doubt he would hear me. As if he heard my pleas a bang was heard on the door like someone was forcefully trying to break-in. The door immediately made noise of breaking "Valentina" The male voice shouted. "I don't think it right to break into someone's private space much less break my door, you owe me money for the door" Another male voice was heard. "Shut up and I'll pay I just felt something is wrong here,I can feel it" The male soft voice said. My breath was seizing and black dot was about clouding my sight trying to welcome me into darkness. I thanked my star that I didn't lock my bedroom door. The door to my room immediately opened revealing two tall men. One which I recognized as Travis the kind man who rented this apartment to me. "Valentina" The other male voice immediately panicked. He moved to my side lifting my head up to him arms "What happened?" "Hungry" That was what I could only say. "You're hungry? Oh my god Valentina open your eyes" He tried shaking me to keep me awake. "I can't" I weakly said "Valentina!" He took me to his arms. "I'm sorry Eric I'm sorry" I quietly said then darkness immediately took hold of me "Valentina!"
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