Cermonial Chaos

3081 Words
** Kie’s POV** We had been in the city all day long getting ready for the Ceremony. The Spa we were at was owned by the Pack, and because it was a special event, Abu and I were getting the works on the dime of the Alpha and Luna. The respect Abu strived for shows how well they are treating her during this time, even in the way they treat me, considering their opinions of me. All this attention and people poking and pulling me was beginning to drain me. I didn’t like being around many people for long periods. I found it exhausting and the thought that this was only the start; we hadn’t even gotten to the party where I would be the center of attention. A heavy sigh escaped me as I pulled on my dress in the dressing room with Rylee sitting in the chair to the side. She stood up to tie the back of it as it was complicated. I had let Rylee pick out my dress for the event, and it was not like anything I had. “Special Occasion means an exceptional dress.” This was the statement that she used to convince me to wear it; this girl could convince anyone of anything, I swear it. Now that I stood in front of the mirror, it was more revealing than I liked. It was a bodycon dress that, according to Rylee, flattered my slim thick frame. It was basically backless minus the two strings that acted as straps and lace through the back, creating a corset-like design. She wasn’t wrong; it did show off my curves, toned muscles, and cleavage. It was floor-length but had a slit all the way up my left mid-thigh and, paired with strappy black stilettos with rhinestones decorating the strap across my freshly pedicured toes. Not sure how well I was going to be walking in these tonight. As I looked at myself in the mirror, it was hard to recognize myself. My long black hair was in a half updo, and my makeup, while still in my minimalistic fashion, was rather elegant. I gave a shy smile to myself in the mirror before looking at Rylee’s reflection. She had a big smile on her face that just seemed to beam with pride. “You look sexy as hell! Perfection.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at my friend. She always knew how to elevate my anxiety and take me out of my head. “I’m not sure that is really the goal of this.” Opening up the door, we headed out to meet my grandmother in the lobby. “That’s always the goal, babe.” Rylee said in her usual I-know-best fashion. She followed behind me wearing a chiffon high low skirt, crop top, and moto jacket paired with knee-high boots. Leave it to Rylee to bring that Badass vibe even to formal wear. As we approached Abu in the lobby, she looked as elegant as always in a simple black satin short-sleeved V-neck dress to her knees and pumps to match and smile at us. “There are my bonitas. Vámonos que se está haciendo tarde.” Rylee tilted her head at her and furrowed her brow. “Huh?” As we climbed into the SUV, I couldn’t help but giggle when Abu groaned. “ Ay, por el amor de Dios! You would think by now you would know some Spanish!” She gives me a quick smack with the back of her hand on my arm before motioning it to Rylee. “Why you no teach her?!” “Abu, Basta.” I rubbed my arm as I told my grandmother to stop. “Rylee… she said to get moving because we would be late.” A small huff escaped me as Rylee made an ‘oh’ shape with her mouth but said nothing. “You have a Spanish-speaking Delta, a French-speaking Beta; you would think some of you would learn more than English.” The disappointment at me for not teaching Rylee any Spanish our whole friendship weighed heavy on my Abu’s statement as it hung in the area. I hadn’t even become Delta yet, and already I was disappointing her. I hung my head before looking out the window as Rylee reached from my hand. “Don’t pout, Slim. My brother says the same thing too. He knows four languages and always gets on me for not knowing more than English.” I hadn’t even realized I was pouting, but my friend was quick to comfort me. I don’t know what I would have done without her in my life. “He is not wrong; knowing only one language in this world is shameful.” Abu seemed to scold Rylee, who didn’t seem to be bothered in the slightest. “Hey, I am fluent in three languages, thank you.” This statement made not only me but Abu raise a questioning brow just as we pulled up to the Packhouse. “English, of course. But I am fluent in Profanity and Sarcasm as well.” She gave me a wink as a devious smirk crossed her pink lips. “Yup, that sounds about right.” I couldn’t help my laughter as I spoke. Leave it to Rylee to turn a tense situation around. It must be in her genes as it seemed something everyone in her family was good at. She was the first to step out of the SUV, followed by Abu and then me. I paused for a moment to look at the entrance. It looked beautiful. Twinkling lights lined all the landscape, and paper lanterns floated above; All silver with the crescent moon painted on them. The white stone of the walls and granite floors seemed to glow in the light make it worthy of our name Opal Moon. I was so caught up in the breathtaking scenery that I almost didn’t see the tears coming from Abu’s eyes. This would be her second retirement, and I think the effort that the whole pack put into it really pulled at her heart. I can’t deny the love it shows towards her and her line. A soft smile came to me as I stepped forward and gave her a tight hug. “Te amo, Abuela.” “Te amo, Mija.” She whispered softly back to me before quickly patting away the tears and making herself presentable again. Taking confident steps forward into the foyer, people bowed their heads to her as we walked towards the great hall. I grew nervous again, seeing all the respect my grandmother commanded from not just the ranked, Elites or Warriors but from everyone. Was I going to be able to carry on her work with pride? My anxiety got the best of me as we entered and stood at the top of the stairs. I felt my chest tighten as a hush fell over the room, and everyone turned to face Abu and me. As we walked down to the second landing, a strong musk overcame my senses. Mate! Emi purred within me as I looked around in confusion. It smelled like fresh-baked pumpkin pie. My mouth was watering at the scent, and all I wanted was to find the owner. “Kie?” I heard both Rylee and Abu calling to me, but I needed to find the source. As I made it to the ground floor, a set of doors that lined the room and led to the patio flung open. “MINE!” It echoed through the hall and vibrated the windows. I stopped in my tracks to see where the chilling roar came from, and there I saw him. Standing side by side were the two biggest men I had seen in my life. The fabric of their suits seemed to cling to every muscle they had, and their skin slightly darker than mine. Everyone in the room stood still glued in place, like me. His glowing silver eyes seemed to pierce my soul as they locked onto me through a curtain of blonde curls. Emi was prancing around in my thoughts, eager and happy that our mate had finally arrived. Who was he? We weren’t a tiny pack, but most everyone knew each other, and men like this would stand out. “NO!” Another voice called out over the silence as the man drew closer to me. No? Who is objecting? I looked around for the owner, and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. COLIN??!! What the hell was he doing? **Tavin’s POV** The party had started, but the guests of honor had yet to arrive. Tate and I were standing on the patio in the back that was right off of the ballroom. People inside were drinking, eating, and dancing as they seemed to be enjoying the festivities before it got down to business. A few she-wolves were surrounding my brother and me though I paid them no mind. None of them were her, and she was my only interest at this point. On the other hand, Tate was enjoying himself, but after my reaction earlier, he was not going to leave my side. I took in a deep breath as I grew tired of waiting. It was her living quarters that I caught her scent in, so she must be a member of this pack. Yet I still had not come across her, and the party had started over an hour ago. Bringing my hand up, I pinched the bridge of my nose when the music to introduce the arrival of the Deltas began. I turned towards the glass doors that lined the room as the smell of coconuts and honey came to me in the wind. Finally, she's here. I pushed past the she-wolves, with Tate apologizing and following quickly behind. She was so close, I wasn’t going to let anything stop me now. Flinging the double glass door open, I saw the most beautiful creature turn to face me as she stood at the bottom of the stairs. “MINE!” My roar vibrated the windows and doors, causing the room to go silent. It was like a dream; this teal-eyed curvy goddess looked back at me, and I saw her perfect bowed lips mouth the word, ‘Mate.’ I waited a decade to find her, and nothing stood in my way. As I began closing the space between us, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I burned every detail of her into my mind, from her wavy black hair to her honey-toned skin. I wanted her more than anything, and that dress she wore that showed her markless neck, thick thigh peeking out, and hugged her breast just right, did not help. I couldn’t wait to rip it from her body, and she was coming into reach. “NO!” I heard someone in the crowd call out, but it wasn’t until the man stood between her and me that I actually took notice. His green eyes were filled with rage as he looked at me. This look stopped me in my tracks and caused me to raise a brow as he growled at me. “You can’t have her.” “Colin… are you mental?! What are you doing?” A she-wolf was hanging over the railing of the second landing that loomed next to us. She looked so much like the male before me, though she had more of a rebel vibe about her. Tate, of course, took notice of her and spoke up as his eyes roamed over every part of her he could see, his words dripping with charm. “Do you know this man, sweetheart?” “Call me sweetheart again, good looking, and I will rough up your face with my boot.” Ok…. I liked her, and apparently so did Tate; he wasn’t used to women not drooling on me. But the girl seemed more interested in getting the man named Colin blocking me out of the way. “Get. Out. Of. My. Path.” I growled at him before reaching forward and pushing him to the side. What happened next was not how I thought things would play out. The man grabbed my arm and flipped around, locking it behind my back. “I said. You. Can’t. Have. Her.” He growled as he wrenched my arm up my back causing me to growl in pain. “Look, no need….” Tate placed his hand on the man’s shoulder, but before he could finish his sentence, Colin sent a back kick into his stomach. I give him this, he had some balls starting a fight with two Lycan Princes. Tate took a single step back and hissed. “Ok, f**k this.” As I slid my leg back, I hooked my foot behind his and quickly kicked forward to release his hold on my arm. Tate had lunged at him and placed him in a chokehold as I turned to face him. Colin placed one hand on Tate’s arm around his neck and moved slightly to the side as he slammed his elbow into Tate’s abdomen before flinging him over his head towards me. I stepped back as Tate landed on the ground before me. Both of us were holding back as we did not want to kill anyone on a peaceful trip, but this guy was pissing us off. I would praise his fighting skills and spirit if it wasn’t currently coming between my fated mate and me. Tate got to his feet and was about to rip this guy’s heart out. “Colin!” Another male roared out as he stepped out from the crowd. Even without the Luna by his side, the aura he presented made it clear he was the Alpha. “Stop this now. She is not yours. If the Goddess has given her to Prince Tavin, we can not argue.” While Colin seemed to be fighting between obeying his Alpha and his own desires, I turned back to the only person I cared about. Her eyes were wide by what just happened, those big beautiful eyes. I couldn’t blame him for wanting her, but his scent was nowhere on her. So why he thought he had a claim was ridiculous; she was mine. I reached out for her, and as soon as my fingertips caressed her cheek, I felt a shock of pleasure that caused a low lustful growl to form. Lifting her up, I carried her bridal style out of the room with long strides. “Ceremony is postponed.” I was not going to waste any more time before making this woman mine. I've waited long enough. **Rylee's POV** What in the hell just happened here? I was still lost for words at it all. For the first time in our lives, my brother pulled something so idiotic I was not sure if he was my kin. Prince Tavin left with Kie in his arms, clearly hurrying as he seemed to speed walk out of the room. "Ceremony is postponed." Can he do that? I mean, he is Royalty, but like damn... cancel a whole ascension. I guess since he has 'business' with one of the guests of Honor, it would make sense, but where was he going with my friend? As I turned around, almost ready to follow after them, Delta Eva's gentle hand landed on my shoulder. "No, cariño. Leave it be." Her words were soft but left no room to argue. I turned around as we stood on the second landing and looked at the scene below us. Alpha Miles was pissed at Colin, that was clear, and the cute guy that was with Prince Tavin was in no better a mood as he spoke. “Gamma? Are you telling me your Gamma had the balls to attack two Lycan Prince’s over an unmated she-wolf? I mean, I will give it to him; he’s a great fighter. But is that how you treat guests?” “Hey! She isn’t just any she-wolf. She is our future Delta and a close friend of mine….” I was about to go off when it suddenly occurred to me. Did he say two Lycan Princes? Oh… You’ve got to be f*****g kidding me! “Wait… You’re a Prince, too?” The cocky s**t looked at me and gave me a smirk. He wasn’t bad-looking. Who am I kidding? The guy is gorgeous with his muscles and curly black hair. But right now, my brother is in trouble and is at risk of being killed, my best friend was just carried off by some stranger, and this dude was annoying me. “Yes, I am Prince Tate. Youngest of the Björk line and advisor to the future King. My brother, Crowned Prince Tavin….who apparently is fated to your future Delta.” His smirk grew into a full smile as he looked in the direction that Tavin and Kie disappeared in. “Seems this is going to be a more entertaining weekend than I thought.” “Alpha Miles, I suggest we take this conversation into your office. Perhaps let the rest of the pack enjoy the party at least since we clearly can’t have the Ceremony without Kie.” Ambre, her professionalism coming through, had finally spoken up. Diplomacy was the Beta’s duty, and both Ambre and Jean were groomed for it. Miles nodded as he spoke softly. “All involved, I want in my office. Someone get Kie and Prince Tavin if possible. Rylee, Delta Eva, Betas, Gamma Colin, and Prince Tate, please go to my office. The Luna and I will join after we handle this.” We all nodded before each exiting to the second floor. I don’t know why I was being brought into the meeting, but I did not like this feeling. Just what was Colin thinking? I brushed my fingers through my hair as I tried to suppress this uneasy feeling. The one time Colin acts up… is it going to cost him everything? “So… who is going to get the two love birds?” Tate had asked as we entered the second floor. Fuck… that’s a good question. I don’t think any of us want to interrupt what is going on where ever they are. All I know…. It sure as f**k won't be me.
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