Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Isla The soft warmth of my quilt enveloped me like a gentle embrace, the early morning chill lingered in the air. I sighed, burrowing deeper into the cocoon of comfort, my body reluctant to leave its sanctuary. Sure, my life wasn't perfect, but it wasn't awful either. As a human living among werewolves, I'd found a sense of belonging within the Cragg High Pack that I couldn't imagine finding anywhere else. Lying there in the quiet darkness, I thought about my mother. A woman I'd never met, who died giving birth to me because she was a weak human, a common occurrence in our world, unfortunately. But even though my father had an affair with her, my stepmother took me in without hesitation. She nursed my dying mother in her final days and raised me as her own. She'd been more than just a stepmother to me, she'd been my rock, my protector, and my guide through this strange supernatural life. "Time to face the day, Isla," I groaned to myself, pushing aside the quilt and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. The frosty morning air nipped at my skin as I reluctantly pushed off the soft warmth of my quilt. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself, and glanced at the half-packed suitcase by my door. Today was the day I'd finish packing before heading south to visit my aunt for a few days. But first, chores awaited me. I padded across the room and stepped into the bathroom. The hot spray of the shower soon enveloped me, driving away the cold and waking me up properly. After drying off and dressing in comfortable work clothes, I brushed my honey blond hair and looked into the mirror. My emerald eyes stared back at me. I smiled, feeling ready to face the day, and headed downstairs to join the rest of the pack. The intoxicating scent of cooked bacon wafted through the air, guiding me to the dining room of our pack house. As I entered the room, I was grateful to see that there was still some food left on the table. Werewolves could certainly eat a lot, and Lysa, my sister, who was six months pregnant with her first child, was no exception. "Good morning," I said, taking a seat at the table. My father sat at the head, his brow furrowed as he read the newspaper. My stepmother stood beside Lysa, attempting to convince her to have a baby shower. Lysa's husband Niall watched his wife with utter adoration, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Here you go, Isla," Cassie, my best friend, said as she placed a plate of hot, steaming breakfast in front of me. Her blue eyes sparkled with mischief as she grinned. "I made sure to save you some food." "Thanks, Cass," I replied, feeling a warmth spread through me at her kindness. "Hey," my sister glared at Cassie with an offended look on her face. "You told me that we had run out." Cassie rolled her eyes and Niall laughed. "Come on, Lysa," Cassie teased, poking my sister in the side. "You've eaten enough for three already, or are you hiding another pup in there?" Lysa mock-pouted at her. "You should be saving all this food for my growing baby, not stealing it for yourself!" "Hey, I saved some for Isla!" Cassie retorted, gesturing to my plate with a grin. This was pretty standard for mornings around here, and lunches, and well anything which included food around my sister. "And besides," I said while shovelling a piece of bacon into my mouth. "You'll have to find a new excuse to eat so much once your little one is born." "Maybe I will," Lysa huffed playfully, crossing her arms over her swollen belly. Niall leaned in to kiss first her hand and then her stomach while Cassie and I made gagging sounds. My stepmother laughed softly as she watched the three of us bicker good-naturedly. The warm and loving atmosphere of our family was something I cherished deeply, even if I sometimes felt like an outsider due to my human nature. But this morning, that familiar feeling of belonging enveloped me like a comforting embrace. Cassie was as much family as I was. She had been orphaned in some attack almost twenty years ago and my stepmother had seen fit to take her in as well. We had become firm friends and our friendship had only grown since. The sudden shift in energy at the table caught my attention, and I glanced up to see my father staring at me in shock. He had evidently been so engrossed in his newspaper that he hadn't noticed me joining them for breakfast. His eyes darted to his now-empty plate, and his brow furrowed in confusion. "Isla, when did you get here?" I couldn't help but laugh and my stepmother patted him on the hand. He had been distant of late, but I knew the impending visit was weighing heavily on him. "Erm... Did you sleep well?" My father asked quickly. "Like a rock," I answered with a chuckle, digging into the delicious meal before me. The savoury taste of bacon filled my mouth, grounding me in the present moment. My eating must have reminded him because my father looked expectantly down at his plate and then frowned again. "Lysa," he said, a hint of accusation in his voice. "Did you eat my breakfast again?" "Sorry, Dad," she replied, shrugging nonchalantly. "It was getting cold." "Really? Not even a morsel left?" he asked, trying to sound stern but failing to hide a smile. It was clear that despite being the Alpha, my father was a mild-mannered and loving man. "Oops?" Lysa offered, giving him a sheepish grin. "Fine, fine," he conceded, shaking his head in amusement. "I'll just have to be quicker next time." "Let me see what I can scrounge up for you Alpha," Cassie said and my father smiled at her. "How much more food are you hiding from me?" Lysa whined and Cassie stuck her tongue out at her before heading out towards the kitchen. Once breakfast was over, we all scattered to our various duties on the farm. The morning air was crisp and cool, carrying with it the scent of dew-soaked grass and freshly turned earth. I pulled my jacket tighter around me as I stepped outside, eager to begin my day. As I made my way through the bustling farmyard, I couldn't help but notice the warmth that radiated from every member of the pack. They greeted me with genuine smiles, their eyes crinkling in sincere affection. It felt like a balm on my soul, a reminder of the love and acceptance that surrounded me despite my human limitations. "Hey Isla," called out Tim, one of the pack members, as he tossed me a rake. "Help me clear out the hay in the barn?" "Sure thing," I replied, catching the rake easily. My athletic build, honed by years of labour on the farm, had served me well. I may not have had the supernatural strength of my wolf brethren, but I could hold my own when it came to manual tasks. Together, Tim and I worked in tandem, clearing the hay to make room for the fresh harvest that would soon arrive. Sweat beaded on my brow as I put my back into the task, the rough wood of the rake handle digging into my palms. But there was a satisfaction to be found in the ache of my muscles, a sense of pride in knowing that I was contributing to the wellbeing of the pack. "Thanks for your help, Isla," Tim said, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. "I appreciate it so much." "No worries, Tim," I replied, smiling at his genuine praise. "I do my best." As we carried on with our chores, I took a moment to survey the land that stretched out before us. Our small rural pack may not have been as grand or powerful as some, but we were a close-knit family, and our harvest was bountiful. We had been blessed with fertile lands that provided us with an abundance of food, enough to sustain us and still have plenty left over which helped us to lay under the radar around other packs and society in general. I knew I was the reason why my father kept the pack small and secluded. The less people that knew about us the less chance they would find out a human was living here. It was afternoon before I took a break from my chores, the familiar rhythm of farm life grounding me even as anticipation and unease twisted in my gut. The reason for my impending trip south to visit my aunt weighed heavily on my mind: the Alpha King's visit to discuss our pack supplying surplus crops and meats to the Royal pack. I stared blankly at the pile of clothes on my bed, wondering once again if I was really worth all the hassle. "Hey, is everything ready?" Cassie asked, approaching me with concern in her eyes. Her gaze flickered to my half-packed suitcase still sitting by the door. "Almost," I replied, trying to force a smile. "I just need to finish packing a few bits." "Listen," Cassie said quietly, placing a hand on my arm. "I know how much you're worried but it'll be okay, I'm sure." I sighed, running my fingers through my honey blond hair. "It's's such a huge honour for our pack, Cassie. The protection of the royal pack would mean so much for us, especially being as small as we are. But at the same time..." My voice trailed off, emerald eyes clouded with worry. "Your humanity puts you at risk," Cassie finished gently, understanding the unspoken concern. "But Isla, you're strong, and you belong here. Don't let fear take that away from you." "I've thought about living on the borders, you know," I confessed, my heart pounding as I voiced the idea aloud for the first time. "Maybe it'd be safer if I wasn't right in the middle of the pack." Cassie shook her head, her expression firm. "Not a chance. Your father would never allow that, Isla. You're his daughter, and he loves you. He wants you close, where he can protect you." "Still..." I murmured, my thoughts turning dark and restless. "Sometimes I wish things were different." "Hey," Cassie said, gripping my shoulders and forcing me to look into her warm brown eyes. "You are part of this pack, human or not. We love you, and we're here for you. Don't forget that." "Thanks, Cassie," I whispered, feeling a surge of gratitude for my best friend's unwavering support. There was a knock on my door and I looked up to see my step mother standing there. "Excuse me, Isla," she said, interrupting my thoughts. "Your father is asking for you to come to his office for a moment?" "Of course," I replied, putting down the pile of clothes as I straightened up. Her tone was serious, and I felt a flicker of apprehension. I made my way down to my fathers office, looking out the windows and taking note of the playful laughter and friendship among the other pack members as they worked together, each contributing to the well-being of our small community. Upon entering my father's office, I found him sitting at his desk, his brow furrowed as he stared intently at some paperwork. "What's going on?" I asked, my concern growing. He looked up, his eyes clouded with worry. "I'm sure it's nothing, but there seems to be another pack trying to muscle in on our territory, attempting to force me out." "Another pack?" I echoed, my heart pounding in my chest. The thought of our peaceful life being disrupted by outsiders filled me with dread. "Unfortunately, yes," he sighed. "But let's not dwell on that right now. The Alpha King is due to arrive the day after tomorrow, remember?" "Right," I said, swallowing my unease. "I've almost finished packing, and I'll be ready to leave for Aunt Elsie's tomorrow morning." "Good," he said, his expression softening. "Isla, I know this is hard for you, having to hide away like this. But it's important that we keep your humanity a secret, especially with the King visiting." "I know dad," I assured him, my voice wavering slightly as I felt the weight of my human vulnerability press down on me. "I just wish I could be more help to our pack, instead of being a burden." "Hey now," he said firmly, rising from his chair and placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "You are not a burden. You're my daughter, and I love you. We all do. Remember that, no matter what happens." "Thank you, Dad," I whispered, blinking back tears. His words meant the world to me, but I still couldn't shake the feeling that I was a liability to those I loved most. "Maybe you should finish packing now," my father suggested, his eyes filled with concern. "The sooner you're ready, the better." "Alright, Dad," I agreed, trying to keep my voice steady. The weight of responsibility and my human vulnerability pressed down on me as I left his office. I retreated back to my room, eager for the solace it offered. The familiar scent of my belongings enveloped me as I began to pack my clothes. As I zipped up my suitcase, I caught sight of three black SUVs pulling up outside the pack house. My heartbeat quickened, a sense of unease creeping into my chest. A knock at my door startled me, and Lysa entered, her grey eyes urgent. "Isla, the Alpha King is here."
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