Chapter 2

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Isla "Already?" I asked trying not to let the panic take over me. Lysa nodded her head as she looked at the door nervously. "Isla, you have to stay here," Lysa insisted, her voice tinged with worry. "You can't risk the Alpha King finding out about you." I swallowed hard, trying not to let my panic get the better of me. I had been looking forward to meeting the Alpha King - and now here he was, mere hours away from discovering me. "But why would he come so early?" I asked, my voice shaky. Lysa shook her head, her expression grim. "I don't know," she said softly. "Mum says it's too dangerous for you to be seen right now." I nodded numbly, feeling a wave of loneliness and bitterness wash over me. Why did I have to be the weak human, the one who had to be hidden away? It wasn't fair - but I knew there was no choice in the matter. "Don't worry," Lysa said reassuringly as she embraced me in a hug as a tear slipped down one cheek. "When everyone is preoccupied we will be able to get you out and to safety." She pulled back and gave me a brave smile. I tried to return it but the very real feeling of being lesser than clouded my emotions and felt like a hard lump in my throat. Lysa went to say something but stopped again. I understood, what could she say? I forced the smile to my face. "It's okay, I'm okay," I urged her. "Go and do your duty and I will stay here and do mine." "I love you little sister," she said and kissed my cheek before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her with a soft click. I tried to focus on the task at hand, continuing to pack the last of my things, but my senses were heightened, every noise from the pack house below drawing my attention. Each whispered conversation, each muffled laughter only served to remind me of my isolation. I pressed myself against the window, my heart pounding in my chest as I studied the scene outside. My father and stepmother stood there, a portrait of stoic dignity, waiting to greet our unexpected guests. A mixture of fear and excitement twisted through me, coiling like a serpent in the pit of my stomach. It felt like something major was about to happen. I was terrified, of course but I was also curious. I had never really seen many people outside the pack before. Even when Lysa and Cassie had gone to school in the local village, I had been home schooled. My father had said that the less people that knew about me then the less people that could talk to the wrong person. Now here were not just ordinary werewolves, but the Alpha King himself and his royal pack. I didn't realise it until now but I was kinda upset that I was going to miss his visit. Logically I knew that it wasn't exactly ideal. It wasn't like I could meet him. But at least now I could get a glimpse of the man before I was rushed away to safety. The door of the first SUV opened and my breath caught in my throat. He was tall, broad, and handsome with eyes that spoke of something deeply hidden and mysterious. His presence seemed to dominate the whole area as he stepped out of his vehicle. He causally pulled on the jacket of a suit that was clearly more expensive than my whole wardrobe combined, over a white shirt that the fabric barely manged to strain over the thick muscles of his arms. He looked around before heading towards my father and step mother. I felt a strange thrill ripple through me - this was the Alpha King, no doubt about it. He greeted my father and stepmother with subtle elegance that belied his raw power. He offered them an easy handshake and a courteous bow, even though he held a much higher rank than them. All around us the pack members bowed their heads in respect for their Alpha King who had come to visit our small pack house. I even found myself bowing my head even though I wasn't even present in the courtyard. Everything about the man screamed royalty and grace, and maybe a little cruelty that his reputation spoke of. As I watched them, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. What would it be like to possess such strength? To never know the vulnerability that had dogged me all my life? Hell to even run free in the woods with my family at the full moon celebrations, instead of staying home alone all night. I swallowed hard, pushing the bitterness down, even as a part of me yearned for something more. My gaze shifted as a redhead woman emerged from the car, her movements sinuous and predatory, and her tight red dress seemed poured onto her perfect curves. She practically draped herself over the Alpha King, her fingers brushing his arm in a blatant display of possessiveness. I chuckled under my breath as I saw the irritation flash across his face, a brief flicker of annoyance before it vanished behind an impassive mask. "Looks like someone's trying too hard," I muttered to myself, smirking at the woman's desperate attempts to stake her claim on the powerful man beside her. I knew I should look away, should retreat into the shadows and hide. But something about the Alpha King held me captive, my eyes drawn to him like a moth to a flame. He walked with a confident grace, his every step a testament to his authority. I bit my lip, the rush of forbidden desire coursing through me. My hands clenched into fists, nails digging into my palms as I struggled to keep my composure. What would it be like to feel that power for myself? To know the touch of such a man, to share in his strength and dominance? To have him look me in the eyes and claim me as his. I could almost feel the touch of his fingertips on my skin. Would he be gentle or would he be rough, with an unyielding dominance? "Geez, get a grip, Isla," I whispered fiercely to myself, shaking my head to dispel the dangerous thoughts. This was no time for fantasies, not when the very survival of our pack, and my place within it, was at stake. As the other people emerged from the cars, I couldn't tear my gaze away from the Alpha King. My breath hitched as I took in the sight of him; he was undoubtedly handsome, with strong features that seemed to both promise and demand submission. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought, the heat of desire already starting to pool low in my belly. "Focus, Isla," I murmured to myself, attempting to tear my eyes away from him. But it was no use, I was transfixed by his presence, the aura of power that radiated from him like some irresistible force. Suddenly, the Alpha King looked away from my father, as if sensing something amiss. His gaze snapped up to my window, and I felt as though I'd been caught in the act. I froze like a deer in the headlights as his eyes met mine, and for a second it felt like he had seen right into my soul. Panic surged through me and I quickly ducked down, heart pounding in my chest. Had he seen me? Would he know? "Stop being ridiculous," I chided myself in a shaky whisper. Even if he had seen me, there was no way he could tell I was human just from a glimpse, or from this far away. And yet, that small kernel of dread remained lodged deep within me, weighing on my thoughts like an anchor. I sighed, trying to push away the heavy feeling that seemed to be clinging to me. I wished I could just go outside and take a walk, but with the Alpha King now in our territory the pack was on high alert. Everyone was on edge, waiting to see what would happen next. Determined to distract myself, I sat down on my bed and pulled out one of my books that I'd been reading and turned it to the latest page. As I tried to immerse myself in its pages of fantasy and romance I couldn't help but feel as if something terrible loomed on the horizon. I shook my head, determined not to let fear overtake me. Taking a deep breath, I focused on the words before me and allowed myself to drift away into an imaginary world of sword fights and dragons. It felt good to escape for a while, even if it was only temporary. Eventually though, reality crept back in and I found myself thinking about him once again; the Alpha King whose presence had caused such upheaval in our tiny pack. The air itself seemed charged with anticipation, and I knew that the arrival of the Alpha King would change everything.
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