Chapter 1

1294 Words
/Elizabeth POV Slowly and steadily I tuned my violin taking extra measures to make sure none of the strings would snap. After all, it was more of a laborious task to replace the strings than make sure they didn’t snap. Then all of a sudden a large bang was heard and in came busting into the room was my sister making out with some dude. Quickly she flopped down onto her bed not noticing me in the room “Seriously!” I spoke annoyed and was met with a middle finger to the face. Was it wrong to say that my sister was a huge slut or should I call her a w***e instead. I mean she’s something after having slept with more guys than I could count on my fingers in ONE SINGLE YEAR. I just know those sheets were crying for release after all the dudes she’s had up in it without washing the things. Not wanting to see the awful tongue fest any longer I quickly gathered my belongings and left the room opting for a place in the dining room instead and returned to my peaceful tuning. But that too was quickly interrupted when the sounds of a bed creaking obnoxiously started and soon followed was the sound of ridiculously loud moaning. Annoyed I twisted one of my nobs too quickly and my third string snapped. At that moment anger filled me and as much as I wanted to take the violin and bash it over my sister's head I knew I'd get nothing from it so I calmed down. But I also knew that I wasn’t going to calm down as long as I was in this house with that woman so I decided to take my leave and head to my usual spot in the forest. Making sure to grab all the stuff I needed and some food to eat and give to any woodland creatures. Which would take a while since my parents house was deep in the pack territory next to the alphas house. And after a few minutes of walking, I made it to a familiar clearing that I loved. It was a large opening in the forest that had a nicely sized lake where animals would often come to take a drink and relax. Flowers and berry bushes surrounded the area making it even more enjoyable and with the help of the sun that always seemed to shine above this place, it made it feel as if I was in some sort of garden for the gods. Slowly and gently I replaced the string for my violin, tuned it, and then began to play. It was a simple melody front my favorite play, The Nutcrackers Suite Slowly I swayed from left to right as I played the instrument I loved so much. And that is when the sounds of little voices hit my ears. “Who’s playing that beautiful song.” Said one voice “It must be Beth only she knows how to play like that.” Said another. “Beth is back everyone!” Said a third voice and that was when my eyes fell on a group of woodland creatures coming into the forest clearing some even poking their heads out of the crystal blue water. The animals consisted of deer, rabbits, squirrels, a couple of fishes, lots and I mean lots of birds, and one silly little duck. “Beth where have you been it’s been some time.” Said the duck waving and flapping his wings up and down excitedly. I stopped playing my violin and gently put it down with my bow “Sorry Mr duck I’ll try to come more often.” Mr duck sighed and shook his head “It’s alright I’m happy to see you okay? Did you bring any snacks?” Asked my duck making me chuckle. He was all about food that duck. Grabbing the ziplock bag that I had brought I took out a handful of seeds and poured it out onto the grass “Thank you very much.” Quickly he began pecking away at the pile happily. “Oh, can we have some snacks too?” Said a squirrel “Yeah your fruits always taste the best Beth.” Said a dear. “Of course just one at a time please,” I say trying to calm the now-excited animals Ever since I found out I could talk to animals at the age of five my attachment and love for them grew stronger. I had always had an interest in animals since I was only a few months old or that’s at least what my mouth would say. I’d only ever play with the toys that were animal-themed and I’d only ever let my mom read me books that had animals. And god forbid my mom put on a show that didn’t have any type of animals I would’ve thrown a fit and cried till it was changed. And as I grew older my love grew even stronger for them. After setting out food for each of them I returned to my violin this time around I was just playing with it jumping from one song to another whenever I felt like it. The sound of twigs snapping alerted me and abruptly I stopped playing. The animals who were enjoying their food looked up from their food and ran away making me pout. Turning towards where the sound came from tall a woman stood dressed in a black business suit. She had long black hair and cream skin and wore dark shades that hid her eyes. Sniffing the air I found her scent to be unfamiliar and I figured she must’ve not been from the pack “Who are you what are you doing in the moonhound pack.” I said trying to sound tough but in truth I was scared. The woman seemed to be around six feet, muscular and gave off the pheromones of an alpha. “Sorry, I was just traveling through the pack and while taking a tour when I heard this beautiful melody. And determined to find the source I found myself here.” Slowly she stepped towards me and I took a step back. “Shall I guess you were the one playing?” The woman asked pulling her shades down and revealing a pair of gorgeous ruby red eyes “Uhm yes I was.” I said a tad charmed by her eyes. “If I may be so prudent to ask could you play again.” The woman grinned showing off her set of fangs making me take a deep gulp. “Uhm sure yes.” Quickly I started playing again my eyes switching back and forth from the woman to my violin. The woman oohed and nodded her head and as I came to an end she started clapping. “The hall of the mountain king. What a beautiful piece. I am eternally grateful for you being so willing to bless my ears with such beauty.” I looked away from the woman as a blush began to creep onto my face. “Oh uhm don’t mention it,” I spoke shyly though how could I not? A gorgeous woman was completing me: “Well, I’ll be on my way now do enjoy yourself.” The woman bowed her glasses sliding down the bridge of her nose revealing her eyes once more. And with a wink a puff of smoke appeared and she was gone. I fell to my knees and rubbed my forehead. Had I been seeing things was I going crazy?
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