Chapter 4

871 Words
GENEVIEVE -My heart is so tired- I am tired of everything. I am feeling lost. After whatever happened back to my pack, I came to North Carolina. It was far away from my old pack. It has been a month that I ran away. I came to this place after 3 days. Now I have a place to live and a job. My life changed after that day. It changed drastically. Two things happened in those days. I think my wolf is dead. She was weaker and when Mason rejected us, she left me. I haven’t heard anything from her. She is gone. And another thing is that I am pregnant. A little baby is growing inside me. After all these years I felt blissful. I knew somebody would be mine who will love me as much as I will love him/her. I was happy after a long time. I woke up feeling morning sickness. I opened the curtains and a cool breeze touched my face. I smiled and my hand went to my little baby bump. ‘Hey baby, how are you feeling today? You know, I am happy. I’m eagerly waiting for your arrival. I can’t wait till you will be here in front of me. I will love you more than anything and will never hurt you. I promise. I will protect you from everyone. I promise.’ I patted my stomach and went to take a bath. After breakfast, I went to the library where I was working. It was a public library so it was always crowded which passed my time happily. I started with books sorting and somebody called me, “Genie.” I turned to find Lucas standing there. He was smiling like always. “Hey, Luke.” I waved back. He was the owner of the library and Delta of his pack. Yes! I was still staying with werewolves because I had a baby on the way and it was suspicious to live in the human world because werewolves give birth in four months. When I came here, I was in great pain because I had no food or anything. Lucas found me on the border and brought me in. He told his alpha that I was his friend and needed help. The alpha, being a nice man helped me and let me stay in his pack. Being there changed everything in a good way. People cared about me and Luke became my first friend. He always helped me with everything. “How is my little buddy doing?” he asked kneeling in front of me. “Well, he is doing well and I feel like he is moving too much,” I complained. He chuckled a little and asked me, “Did you go for a weekly check-up?” I bit my tongue and shook my head. “Let’s go.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Not now. Can we go later? I have these things to do…” I pleaded and he shook his head. “I will ask someone else to do it. Come on let’s go.” There was no way he was going to listen to me. “Ok. Let me finish this and then we will go. I promise.” He sighed and nodded. I hugged him and went back to my work. He gave me a warm smile and went to check-up on others. Well, we were best friends and he knew my story. He never gave me sympathy which I was thankful for. We used to talk for hours and it always made me feel good. He still didn’t find his mate but he believed that he would find her soon. At 4 in the evening, I came out of the library to freshen up and Luke was standing there, smirking at me. I groaned making him chuckle in response. “Let’s go.” He took my hand and dragged me to his SUV. We came to pack doctor. He was another happy soul who always had fun making me feel awkward. “Well, hello, miss Taylor. How are you doing?” he asked. “Ummm Good?” I counter questioned and he shook his head laughing. He checked, as usual, gave me some medicines and asked me to take more rest. On the way back home, we stopped for dinner and my mind went back to my old pack. I used to starve there. They always gave me stale food which wasn’t enough either. I remembered the way Xander used to throw my food in front of me and threw insults as well. I shivered with the memory and Luke grabbed my hand like he was aware of the storm inside of me. “It’s over. You are safe here. No one is going to hurt you or starve you.” He gave a small nod. “Thank you.” Everything changed. I was around people who loved me. I never felt this way before but I was happy for being with them. I was happy for the first time in my life. 
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