Starting a new.

1389 Words
Damon sat in silence while I told him everything from when we found them right up until this morning, he watched passively cradling our son in his arms while he slept soundly making funny facials every so often. “You know I was starting to accept how you were living, don’t get me wrong it was hard and sad watching you neglect me but I thought it was your way of coping you know, if it wasn’t for the moon goddesses words I can tell you now, you would have gone out for clean up with that shewolf earlier. I hold no animosity or ill will towards you, I don’t hold you accountable for your actions, if anything I am more sorry for not being there for you when you needed me most. What happened is something I will soon learn to get over, with everyrhing so fresh in my mind it’s still a very raw feeling that I never want to feel again. But you are my ride or die, I’m with you till the end, if you want to jump off a cliff then we are jumping together. You want to go on a killing spree for revenge, then baby let me go sharpen my canines. I’m not letting you do this alone, I’m never going to let you down like I have these past few months. We now have a beautiful little son that needs us to be there for him in the present and future and not the past.” Have you ever lost a loved one, that pain in your heart that it feels like it’s trying to rip itself out of your body, your body involuntary shaking from the sobbing and weeping that escapes you, the gasping for air because you can’t stop wailing. I’ve felt it once in my life and that was when my parents were slaughtered. Now I’m feeling it again but not voluntary. My man I’m bound to for life is breaking in front of me and this whole link thing is really doing it’s best to keep me on my toes. The shittiest thing about it is not being able do anything to stop it. Just cuddling while he let out 4 months of emotions, thoughts and feelings. “Elijah.” Damon croaked out. Calming himself down. “W-What did you say..” I choked in surprise pulling back from him., his eyes shot up to met mine almost snapping his neck in the process. “Elijah did he get out, is he safe.” He asked with urgency a little too fast. “N-no, they had all fled by the time we found yous.” “f**k. s**t. f*****g no! He took him!” He seethed in his alpha tone making baby stir awake with a loud scream. I grabbed him pressing him to my breast as he gladly sank his gums into my n****e with a tug. “Baby calm down, what’s wrong.” I cooed trying to soothe the big and little baby before me. “Your brother Aurora. He helped us stay alive! If it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t even have got out or survived as long as we did. I promised I wouldn’t let Victor take him! I broke my promise Rory! If he didn’t survive Victors wraft. His blood is on my hands! I should have been stronger! I am an alpha! A lycon hybrid! We were meant to get out together!” He roared with so much anger within himself. “I wasn’t hallucinating..” I whispered. He was real! He was alive, it wasn’t my mind playing tricks on me. I have a brother. For the rest of the day Damon stayed in his office with Peter, Elliot, Carter and Seth. My guess it was because of Elijah’s where abouts. The girls were amazed and absolutely star struck with our little pup we were yet to name. God he wasn’t even a day old and he had everyone smitten his eyes still a dark blue and barely opening. I went to the room to settle my pup and linked the pack for a formal gathering tomorrow at noon. Tomorrow was going to be a hectic day. ——— I blinked my eyes open to the red digital numbers flashing at me and the small wailing of my pup in his bassinet, with a short stretch and long yawn and pulled my overtired body up from the lonely bed. It looks like Damon fell asleep in his office again. 4:37AM Pray for me. This child is a devil in a saint disguise! I had to set alarms throughout the night and wake him up to feed him or he would of slept himself into starvation no doubt about it. Then he’d have a fifteen minute tug of war match with my n*****s before slipping back into a deep slumber leaving me there to groan at the pain he left behind. 24hours of breast feeding and I’m already more than over it! Definitely pray for me. He kicked and frailed his arms around on the bed making little noises now and then, I put him in his bouncer chair that played soothing sea noises and vibrated. I moved him into the bathroom and placed him in front of the glass shower door where I could see him. I swear I watched him every 5 seconds and I tell ya that’s a mission with shampoo and conditioner running down your face and trying to open your eyes with every little noise he made! I’m almost certain he did it on purpose! I finished and made my way to the kitchen following the gorgeous aroma of bacon, eggs and pancakes making my mouth water. “Morning babe.” Damon rushed over scooping up our pup. “Good morning Hunter, daddy missed you. He grinned planting a soft kiss on his forehead. “Hunter..” I asked a little confused.” “I know I wasn’t there but I think it’s perfect. He’s our little hunter, he will grow into a strong alpha and leader. Unless you thought of a different name of course. No yes of course you did. Sorry just forget I said anything.” He mumbled walking over to flip a pancake. “No. I love it. It’s perfect.” I grinned from ear to ear pulling them into a gentle hug. “Hunter Sabella.” I smiled he handed baby over and went to fetch our plates. “It smells amazing what’s the occasion.” I laughed making him chuckle. “You are the occasion baby, being as strong as you are dealing with me and now our little Hunter. Hunter sabella, Damon sabella and maybe Aurora Sabella.” My eyes snapped to him in shock as he held the plate of pancakes in front of me with a simple silver band with a small diamond rock in the middle. Perfectly resembling me. I’m not going to lie I cried and then laughed and cringed while he licked the syrup off the ring and place it on my finger as a YES YES YES managed to somehow escape my lips. Such a beautiful moment just the three of us having a passionate kiss that got cut short from a small little foot kicking his daddy in the jaw making me laugh. The morning went smoothly everyone got up and we hungout all together for the first time in a long time before all going to get ready for our special gathering. I wore a white long dress and Damon work black dress pants and a white dress shirt. Our little pup wore a white onesie with fluffy booties. “Come on Hunter, it’s time to meet your family.” I said my heart feeling full while Damon wrapped an arm Around me. I couldn’t help but feel someone is missing just shrugging it off.
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