Chapter 3

1241 Words
Zayne I shuffled around the kitchen looking for some food to cook for my mother but the fridge was empty and so was the pantry. I turned to my mother and groaned. She grinned at me from her wheelchair.  "Sorry, honey. I wish I could say I'd run down to the store for some groceries but..." she looked down at her chair and attempted to shrug but her shoulder only twitched.  I rolled my eyes at my mother who was getting all emotional. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek lightly. I didn't know why she worried so much when she knew I didn't mind taking care of her and Mara. "Mom, I'm going to the store. You don't need to worry and you know I don't mind taking care of you and Mara," I said.  My mother smiled and lifted her cheek in the air so I could give her a nice kiss on the cheek. I grinned and pressed my lips to her cheek, blowing and making fart noises while she laughed and tried to reverse her chair.  After getting some money I set of to the grocery store. As I got on my bike I couldn't help but look at Aurora Ellise's, my neighbors daughter, window. It was a habit and I just couldn't bring myself to defy that habit. Sure, she was annoyingly perfect but she was a sight to look at.  I had wondered why Aurora didn't have a boyfriend especially with her beauty and perfection. I knew that every guy dreamed of dating her but she never gave them the time of day. I had even begun to believe that in sophomore year she was a lesbian.  Until I saw a blush work it's way up her neck to her cheeks when Sebastian--or as everyone called him, Bash--winked at her in the corridor. I had felt somewhat mixed emotions about this discovery. She was beautiful and to have lost such a gorgeous girl to the opposite team would've sucked but fortunately that wasn't the case.  My gaze lingered on her window as I subconsciously hoped to see her wander around her room aimlessly with her blonde hair up in a messy bun. But, she never did, so I place my head into my helmet and started my bike, the sound reverberating throughout my entire body. I thought back to the night I almost hit her with my bike and a small smile curved on my lips as I thought about her shouting at me through the rain. I had to put so much effort into being mad at her but it was almost impossible when she was standing in front of me whit her wet hair shielding her face and her eyebrows furrow when I said something she didn't agree on. But, I did stay mad at her and as hard as it was I had to stop sneaking glances at her in Chemistry and when she was home.  When I got to the grocery store I picked up a basket and began to find the necessary food the house needed. I whistled a song I wrote to myself and almost bumped into someone but quickly stepped out of the way, avoiding the impact.  "Watch where you're going," I growled to the person.  When I looked up I saw a face I certainly didn't want to see. Aurora stared at me with her enticing eyes. She smiled at me and let a small giggle fall from her lips.  "Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine, Zayne?" She commented.  I rolled my eyes. "I'm just here to buy some groceries, Ellise, I would love it if you just left me alone," I replied.  I felt like I would explode if she opened that perfectly shaped lips again. She just made me lose my mind whenever I was around her and I still hadn't figured out if that was a good or a bad thing.  "Lighten up, Thatcher! So, what you lookin' for?" She asked.  I scanned the racks of food for the item I was looking for but it seemed to be sold out. I groaned and answered, "I wanted to get some Oreos but it seems like there are no more left."  Aurora looked down into her basket and reached in and pulled out a rectangular box of Oreos. Without a word she place the Oreos in my basket and once more she made eye contact before she sauntered down the isle and out of my view.  I was stunned by this action and I didn't know what to make of it. As an instinct I felt myself get annoyed once more at her perfection and kindness. Why would she be kind to me when I've been nothing but and arse to her? These questions swirled in my mind as I stared down at the blue box of Oreos before realizing that I'd better get back home.  Once I got home I avoided the urge to look at her window and walked straight into the house. My fingers had been aching all day just to get the feel of my calloused hands on my guitar string. I needed to play some guitar but with my sister in the house that was almost impossible.  Mara squealed when she heard me announce my presence. He hurried footsteps were heard from the foyer as they thumped against the wooden floors.  "Zayne!" She shrieked, happily before jumping onto my leg.  Mara was nine--I think--but she still acted like a six year old but I didn't mind because the longer she took to grow up the longer I had to wait to fight the boys away from her which was fine by me. She was a straight forward little girl and all though she was super intelligent she was also completely oblivious to life around her. That wasn't such a bad thing in our family.  "Mara," I chuckled, "I need to get these into the kitchen."  She let go for my leg and tore one of the bags from my arms and then she marched into the kitchen and set them down on the counter. I set my bags down on the counter and scooped her up into my arms and peppering her with butterfly kisses while she squirmed and giggled.  "So, where's mum?" I asked her and she pointed in the living rooms direction.  I nodded my head and walked with her into the living room to my mother who was watching some television. I groaned and earned her attention. She looked over at me.  "Mom, you know I don't like you watching television without me here," I said.  She looked a bit tired so I sat down next to her and let Mara run free. I placed my hand on her forehead and my eyebrows furrowed. She seemed to have a fever. I stood up and got my phone out of my pocket to call Jenn, my mother nurse, but she wasn't picking up.  Mum groaned and her head rolled back and that when I knew that she was going to have an episode. I decided to call the ER and explained the situation to them. After hanging up and tended to my mother with jittery hands.  God, I don't know what to do, was all I remember thinking and, now I'd have to miss another school day and build my reputation as a 'bad boy'. 
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