Chapter 4: Good Ole Saint Nick

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Chapter 4: Good Ole Saint Nick Dolly I shooed Nole and Joy out of my room and then I showered faster than I have ever showered before. I almost screamed in frustration when I realised that I had none of my usual “work attire” washed and ironed and ready. I had to throw on a pink sundress with warm beige stockings and put a white blazer over it, hoping it wouldn’t be noticed by anyone. The office I worked at was strict about stuff like that. I came hurtling down the stairs with my hair still damp and tousled. I kissed a disgruntled Rudolph goodbye and she let out an indignant meow, concerned I had gotten lipstick on her. “Nole?” I called. I needed a lift. I had gotten a compensatory day off yesterday after having my request for that day I was owed denied three times. Alpha Nicholas said taking days in the middle of the week threw off the “work flow” so he usually only approved Mondays or Fridays off. I had managed to get a Thursday against his wishes and now I was gonna be late today on Friday. He would make everyone pay for this. I just knew it.  Thursday had been the 23rd of December and today, Friday, was the 24th of December. Yes, I had work on Christmas Eve. I also had work on Christmas Day and would get fired if I stayed away. I had asked hot Santa for a hunky mate for Christmas, an Alpha, but I would settle for being able to miss work on Christmas without getting fired. I felt embarrassed sometimes being the only sibling without my own car but I was working on saving for one. Public transport in Swintersville was a surefire way to be extra late especially if you took the bus. A super expensive taxi was a better bet. Luckily, Nole worked from home as a web designer so his schedule was pretty flexible. He drove me to work in silence. “Are you really that mad at me for getting drunk?” I asked, looking at him as we neared the company building. “What?” He said, distracted. “Oh, no! Dolly, I’m just tired,” he said. “And a little grumpy I guess. I’ve been working overtime, taking on extra projects.” “How come?” I asked. “Christmas is an expensive holiday,” he chuckled. “It’s the thought that counts though! You don’t have to buy everyone costly presents,” I said. “And if it takes a load off of you, you really don’t have to get me anything,” I offered. “You know I’m the least…er…merry,” I said, unable to think of a better word. He smiled. “Yeah, I know you’re not big on this holiday season but it’s not that. It’s one gift in particular and I already bought it…I put the downpayment on it and I have to pay it off,” he explained. “What is it?” I asked curiously as he pulled up in front of Sunrise Sunset Headquarters. He took a little velvet box from his pocket and opened it with a snap to reveal a diamond engagement ring. My face broke into a huge smile. “Awww, Nole, she’ll love it,” I said earnestly. Nole grinned. “Now go! It’s almost half past nine,” he said sternly. I didn’t need to be told twice. I burst out of the car and ran inside the huge building. Nole acted more like the elder sibling in our relationship even though he was two years younger. I took in the familiar sleek modern design of the building’s interior: glass everywhere, all neutral cool-toned colours for the furniture, ergonomic chairs. I rushed into the elevator and pressed number twelve. I couldn’t believe my little brother was getting married. Before us, added my wolf. I reminded her it wasn’t a competition but I did feel a little pang of hurt at the thought. When Nole and Joy got married, I would be living in an extended family home essentially with four married couples. The elevator dinged as it came to halt. I went flying out of the elevator before I realised in horror that this wasn’t my floor. I turned around just in time to see the person press the button to close the elevator doors. I waved my hands at them frantically, trying to get them to hold the elevator, but they simply watched the elevator doors close. Shit! I had gotten off on floor number nine. I took the stairs, climbing the last three flights as quickly as I could in kitten heels on glass steps. There was a board room meeting at nine today that I was late for in addition to being late for work in general. I should have been here at eight. Technically, I should have been here at half past seven because in Alpha Nicholas’ mind: being on time was almost late and early was on time. I was dreading being torn to shreds by him in front of everyone but I had no choice. The twelfth floor cubicles were all empty! That meant the meeting was well underway and everyone was there today. Sometimes they let half of us man our desks while the other half brainstormed for a new event in the meeting. Not today though. Lucky me. A sinking feeling set in as I walked towards the meeting room. Of course the room had all glass walls and a glass door so everyone could see me walking in late. “Ah! Miss Tree, you’ve finally decided to grace us with your presence,” said Alpha Nicholas, glancing at his designer wristwatch and then looking at me in disdain. “To what do we owe the honour?” My eyes went to Gloria and Nate who were here already, looking completely fine. I sighed inwardly. I should have never had those shots. I wasn’t used to it. My head began to throb a little. I should have taken the headache tablets Joy had offered me. Joy would be at home with Nole still because her kindergarten had half-days during the holiday season: ten in the morning to two in the afternoon (instead of the usual eight in the morning to four in the afternoon). I would kill for one of those half-days right now. Sadly, I was here to stay until five in the evening at the earliest as we had a nine hour work day. When someone was late though, they were asked to make up for it by staying after work until they reached their own personal nine hour mark. “It’s almost ten so we’re looking at seven tonight, right?” Said Alpha Nicholas. I didn’t respond. It was a rhetorical question. He was informing me not asking for my input.  Joy and everyone else in my family also had Christmas Day and Boxing Day off. I sighed inwardly, thinking about it. “Well, take a seat, don’t just stand there,” he barked, getting impatient. I finally found my voice. “Good morning, I’m truly sorry for being late!” I mumbled as I took a seat as far away from the head of the table as I could. The head of the table was reserved for the higher-ups and the Alpha sat at the direct head. It was an unspoken rule. “Gloria, sweetheart, dazzle us with your presentation regarding the Children’s Benefit Fundraiser this year!” Said Alpha Nicholas. It was clear from all the scribbles on the white board and the projector already being up and running that I had missed at least one presentation. Probably Nate’s. I looked over at him and he winked. That was new.  I stiffened suddenly. There was a delicious smell in this room. It was mouthwatering. I looked at the array of doughnuts: glazed, sugar-coated, iced. They all looked good but they didn’t match this smell although there was a chocolatey element to the scent. Like hot cocoa! That jogged my memory. Gloria strutted to the front of the room. She was wearing a red blouse with a micro-mini a-line matching skirt without any stockings or tights underneath. How did she not freeze on the way here? We were wolves but damn. Bare hairless legs in winter. That reminded me. I really needed to shave my legs. “Good morning to Alpha Nicholas and all of my esteemed colleagues,” said Gloria, leaning towards the long table for no particular reason other than to show us her cleavage. Her red-lipped smile widened. “And an extra special good morning to the one and only Nicholas Saint the second, our future commander in chief!” Said Gloria, saluting for dramatic effect. My eyes darted around the room frantically until they landed on the newcomer. My jaw dropped open. It was him. It had to be and he was somehow even more gorgeous and perfect in this unforgivingly brightly-lit office than he had been in the soothing dim light of the party. “Please, call me Nick,” said Nicholas Saint II, the future Alpha of our pack and my future boss whom I had shamelessly flirted with yesterday while drunk out of my mind. “Ok, Nicky,” said Gloria, emphasising a nickname he hadn’t approved. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Nick gave Gloria a friendly smile. Gloria beamed at him. I felt a pang of jealousy flare up inside of me. He was looking at her so intently. Had he even noticed me? Did he recognise me? Surely he did. I had to have been memorable right? How many drunk adult women had sat on Santa’s lap yesterday? That little ember of jealousy burst into a huge flame. There could’ve been others on his lap yesterday, taking the opportunity to hit on the hot Santa! I had left fairly early. Gloria had remained among many others.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of him and yet he couldn’t seem to notice me or meet my gaze. He had a little smirk on his handsome face. “Nicky” was wearing a heather-grey tee shirt under his grey blazer. I smiled. That was kinda like me. Throwing a blazer on over a laundry-day casual look. I wished I had worn more makeup. I had only had time for a little bit of foundation, mascara and rose-red lipstick. I looked at Gloria’s perfectly highlighted and contoured nose and cheekbones. The expert application gave her the supermodel cheekbones and nose that Nick had naturally.  “So as we all know, our company’s yearly Children’s Benefit Fundraiser is legendary!” Said Gloria. There were a few cheers and a polite applause from the two dozen or so people in the room.  “We are the best event planners in the region so this year will be a cake walk just like last Christmas!” Said Gloria. I squirmed uncomfortably in my chair. Last Christmas had been rough for me. It had been my first time headlining a project. The Children's’ Benefit Fundraiser had raised an unprecedented amount of money last year by throwing a danceathon. People had to pay to watch the danceathon live stream and those in attendance had to purchase tickets to watch the contestants dance all night in person. Charitable individuals and companies also pledged a certain amount of money per hour that a particular person lasted. Gloria had been the star of the night with callers pledging as much as two hundred bucks an hour on her danceathon prowess. Her danceathon idea had been chosen above all of my ideas thus the project had been handed over to her.  This year I was not going to let that happen. I had headlined my own project, the Christmas Carnival, and I was determined to see it to the finish line. No hiccups. No usurping. I had a vision with a lot of potential. If I could execute my idea properly this time, I knew it would be a success. “The floor is now open for updates on our Christmas fundraisers. I will present my update last,” announced Gloria. Ugh, well, sit down then. She went up there just to say she was going last. “Save the best for last, that’s what I always say,” called Nate, who was undoubtedly working closely with Gloria on her part for the Christmas fundraiser. “This year is a joint project, my Christmas Auction, and…” Gloria trailed off, a bemused expression on her face. She always pretended not to remember my half of the project. My heart was beating erratically as I slowly raised my hand. No one took note of me. Alpha Nicholas had a coughing fit so all eyes turned to him. Gloria rushed to give him some water and Nick patted his Dad on the back. “I’m fine. I’m fine,” grumbled Alpha Nicholas. “I’m grand. I’m practically in my prime. I could keep doing this job for the another decade or two honestly.” Nick glared at his father. There was some tension between them. Maybe Nick wanted to take over his father’s post. It was a bit strange that Nicholas was still the Alpha when his son was in his mid-twenties. The position should have been handed over earlier. Many new Alphas took up their duties at twenty-one years old and some started as young as eighteen.  “Alpha Nicholas,” I mumbled, waving my hand a little. “I said I’m fine,” barked Alpha Nicholas. “How much water do you ladies expect me to drink?!” Gloria laughed snidely. I supposed all of our binge-drinking camaraderie had faded. “Not that. I have an update for this year’s benefit,” I said. “I’m organising the Christmas Carnival along with Cesca and Gloria and Nate are doing the Christmas Auction.” I could hear a few semi-stifled laughs. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Just because the project was taken from me last year didn’t mean I was totally incapable. “Go on then,” said Alpha Nicholas, gesturing to the front of the room where Gloria had stood. Oh good grief. I had hoped he would’ve allowed me to present from my chair. I walked up to the front of the table as though heading towards my executioner. I stood in front of the room, trying my best not to look directly at Nicholas (because I was terrified of him) or Nick (because I would melt). I failed at both: glancing at Alpha Nicholas’ stern unimpressed expression and then staring right at Nick. I almost jumped out of my skin when my eyes met his. I had not expecting him to be looking at me at all, let alone so intensely. In that moment, I knew he recognised and remembered me and my antics quite well. I couldn’t help but smile a little. His eyes seemed to be a dark shade of gold, from where I was standing. I was glad to finally see his eyes and hair this time without the Santa wig and sunglasses. He had thick shiny golden-brown hair. The warm hue of his hair and skin further brought out his honey-coloured eyes. I was mesmerised. “Just because I said I could do this for another decade does not mean I expect you to take ten years to present your update,” complained Alpha Nicholas. Gloria laughed. I saw an unmistakable flash of anger in Nick’s eyes. He looked at his Dad. I could tell an unheard exchange passed between them. They were probably arguing over mind-link. “Don’t let my hastiness upset you, proceed,” said Alpha Nicholas, giving me the closest thing to an apology I’d ever heard him say. Nick seemed pleased. He leant back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head, looking intently at me. I willed my heart to slow down. I had heard about him before: his charity work and generosity, his general hotness, his wild ways and harem of she-wolves. I wasn’t sure what was fact or fiction when it came to the rumours surrounding him. I wasn’t sure why it had taken me this long to realise! Maybe it had been the alcohol in my system dulling my senses. I really wasn’t much of a drinker. Either way, I got it now. Golden boy Nick, the alpha’s precious only son, the hot secret Santa and the hunk from my ho ho ho dream were all one and the same and I was meant to be his. Nick wasn’t a mere crush where I was concerned. Sure, all the girls in the room seemed to want him but I was completely fixated on him because he was my mate! I was fated to him. I could scarcely believe it. I was in shock. 
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