Untitled Episode

920 Words
My eyes widened, what was he talking about? He saw how Emma and Logan betrayed me, but he asked me to keep quiet! “And may I know why?” I snapped at him. A low growl left his body and I took a step back. “Because it’s not the right time. I can’t let you make a spectacle of myself. I have an image to uphold which is more important than your so-called teen drama.” He said impatiently, as if my pain was worthless in his eyes. I clenched my fists, I had always respected my father for his great contribution in leading our pack to greatness, but I had also always known that he could give up anyone, including me, before the reputation of the pack. “Dad, how could you? Can’t you see what they were doing inside the room?Logan he betrayed me! Betrayed the promise between our packs! How could you turn a blind eye!" I questioned him. Eager to know what he thinks of that. "Listen, Grace. Our alliance with logan pack is more important than your feelings. I don't care how heartbroken you're acting right now, As your Alpha, I'm ordering you that you better shut up right now or I'm going to immediately tell everyone that you can't go on with the party because you're sick. You know the consequences." His voice was like an iceberg making me shiver, I knew his tactics, whenever I made a mistake he would lock me in a closet and order everyone to stay away from me. It was a small space, I couldn't see any light, and no matter how much I cried and screamed, no one saved me. I wanted to escape from this family that was suffocating me, and, logan's presence gave me hope, but now it seems that hope is dashed once again. I followed him back into the ballroom in silence. I stood at the center of the ballroom, the soft glow of chandeliers casting a warm radiance over the elegant gathering. But I didn’t feel warm, everything was numb, hollow. I wanted to scream, yell, and confront them, but I couldn’t do anything. I had to keep up the appearances, and had to act like everything was going great between me and Logan, as if the last hour hadn’t really happened. In front of me stood a magnificent birthday cake, a towering confection of cream and sugar adorned with delicate icing flowers. It was the centerpiece of the evening, the moment when I would cut the cake, by Logan's side. But I couldn't bring myself to look at him, let alone touch him. He came with a fresh set of clothes, and it was a blessing that he decided to change his clothes. Because sensing my mood, I would have not thought twice and vomited on him. He deserves my wrath and everything I will throw at him, once I am done with this night. He looked at me, but I looked straight through him, he was nothing for me, like he never existed. Emma came before him and acted like she didn’t like Logan. That was the reason why I fell prey to their scheme. They acted like they hated each other in front of me. I was such an i***t. Logan, ever attentive to my moods, noticed the distance between us. His brow furrowed with concern as he whispered, "Grace, what's wrong?" I turned my head, my lips curving into a strained smile. "Nothing, I'm just a little overwhelmed with all the festivities. I am not used to it." He studied me for a moment, his gaze searching for the truth in my eyes. "Are you sure that's all it is?" I nodded, avoiding his gaze. "Yes, darling, I promise. And why wouldn’t I be okay," I looked at him, smirked, and added, “Is there anything I should be worried about?” His eyes widened for a second, but he schooled his expressions and said “No, everything is okay. It’s your birthday, let’s enjoy the night.” I nodded and looked at the eager faces of the guests who came to attend my birthday party. For most of them, I was nothing, but a stepping stone to be close to the Alpha. Little did they know how their Alpha treated his own daughter. Litter regard he had for her well-being. All the good feelings had melted with one betrayal. The room fell silent as I took a deep breath to cut the cake. Logan tried to stand close to me, but I nudged him away, he frowned but smiled at everyone. I gave cake to my family and smiled at everyone. Finally finishing the last ritual, I watched everyone leave, logan followed me and tried to touch my shoulder again, my wolf growled in denial at the back of my mind and I pushed him away vigorously. "d*mn it, Grace, what are you mad at?" His eyes glared at me impatiently. This viper had the nerve to keep up the charade here, and the thought of his c**k going in and out of my stepsister made me want to vomit as if I'd been punched so hard in the stomach! I looked at him, ready to end this. "I, Blood Moon Pack alpha's daughter, Grace Hawthorne, now reject Logan, pack's future alpha as my mate." "And tomorrow's wedding will be canceled along with it!" I announced loudly as I looked my father in the eye.
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