Demitri's Regrets

566 Words
Demitri’s POV Melisande started to fiddle with her fingers. Her eyes glazed over, a sign she was communicating with her wolf. Her green eyes seemed to shake for a second so quickly it was barely noticeable. I must be imagining things after looking at plans for the last few hours. I am getting increasingly more drained when I'm around her. It is like work being around her sometimes, like I'm trying too hard. I watch as she stops playing with her fingers. She takes a deep breath looking every bit regal as she sits up straight before replying to me. “Don’t worry dear, you are busy with the buildings, and it has just got more complicated as I just got a mind link from the identical twin girls. They are both pregnant with twins.” She states quickly, looking happy, I presume, for the girls as they are friends of Iska’s. Laura and Jen are identical twins and have done everything together along with Iska. They all have the same birthday and often celebrate it together. They all got their first boyfriends on the same day and all kissed at the same time too. Since Iska came here with her mum, these girls have been inseparable. That was until the Twins found their mates. Iska has not found hers yet. Iska doesn't show any resentment but has been staying at the pack house more. Identical twin girls are a rare occurrence among wolves. They are said to have magic within their blood. With them being pregnant, it means I would need them to be housed in a very protected part of the pack. Identical twins are highly sought after as it is and, due to that, their mum was actually housed in the pack house, in her own suite with the twins. Having mates means they have to be moved into mates housing which is normally just for the new mates for a few months, but these quarters are not suitable for children. While they are in the mates housing, the company builds houses in the village for them. With them being pregnant, their offspring are highly sought after as they have the twin gene. Melisande is right. This information means I have to find a location suitable for them and their pups. “I will sort out the trip and have a word with Lewis as I need to talk to him anyway, about Ash missing training this weekend.” She stated as she walked towards the door. "I will be having dinner in my office then, Melisande." “I will bring up your dinner and the Patrols report once I have spoken with him” She says, before gently closing the door to my office. I let out an exhausted sigh, noting the time, only a few more hours to go. My mind starts to wander to the weekend. Great, a whole weekend. Why did I open my mouth? Could it be worse? It could be just me and her. That is an unpleasant thought. At least with the kids going, I can have some fun. The kids have always been like younger siblings to me. Since they came, they have been very easy to get along with. Maybe it won’t be too bad having a weekend a way. Downtime might be just what I need. I think I can make this work.
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