Chapter three: CHALLENGE. life has up and down but sometimes we have to determine what we truly wants fighting.....

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The warmness around my body made me wake up with a hand holding me tight as if my life depends on them,i could not bring myself to look away, truly this man was blessed with a handsome body and face even when he is asleep and that how it's hit me about last night conversation i started blushing like a young girl who has never fallen in love before,i tried to get up but this cute face made me bring myself to close our nose almost touching to have a better view gosh!!! he has a soft skin little pink lips all i could think is one thing and no am not going to do that you know one of this days you might kill me with this lips that you bring close to me and i won't be able to handle myself because one's i start something trust me it's hard to move on from so your choice keep on tempting me i might me tempted indeed. Sir i.....look it's not think it's what am trying to say know what i truly don't care at all for one second come to think about it,i have no idea why you are here i guess it will be best for you to leave me alone Mr.damian and go back to your wife or girlfriend, i told you the reason why i am here so don't make me repeat myself that the thing i hate most so if you excuse me i want to have a good time in bed around you so know your place, 'i want to have a good time mmh!yeef!yeef! why don't you go to your wife stupid man",i can hear you, "sorry sir,"i had to keep my mind occupied with nothing we were sharing a bed and their was nothing i could do to keep myself busy i closed my eyes and nothing aah!aah!aah!i wanted to scream and let all this frustration out of my mind i tossed trying to get a better way to fall asleep sinces it was morning the lights were penetrating through a small widow that was up at the roof my mind was occupied i didn't know Damian was on top of me aah!get out on top of me you pervert get out now......stay still i warned you but who is Claudia a lady who is so stubborn i was enjoying my sleep till you started to turn around ooh!baby i guess we are going to have a good time alot of good time,(i look down into her eyes so beautiful all this time my mind was telling me to capture her lips and get rid of this stupid feelings)you don't have any idea how you make me feel it's been long and yet you rise every soul in my heart you think i never noticed you before, well you are wrong i have been thinking of you wanting to eat you and make you mine so beautiful beb. **** Damian you...i ..this is not happening you being where you are, you are giving me all this desire but i don't want to be hurt am sensitive so you...he didn't let me finish my sentence he started kissing my neck up to my ears i was hell confused with all this feeling i wanted him to continue but another side of mine wanted him to stop but i could not bring myself to say the word stop till his phone started ringing i thought the person who was calling might stop but it's kept on ringing he got out on top of me and pick his phone with a roaming annoyed face and voice,let this be important Joel i said no calls what!!how did that happen on your watch am on my way and tell Dan to pick me up in five minutes,as much i wanted to do all this thing with her my business normally comes first i had to leave and before that i have to give her something that she can remember and think of the whole day i captured her lips and gave her soft kiss on her lips and neck before heading out of the cell,•••i was left behind holding my lips as if my life belongs to them i could not stop thinking what if he never received a call what would have happened,i don't want to think about those kind of thought they are dirty and horrible i will just make the bed and have shower and wait for my breakfast. ****** What the hell is going on Joel,Dan,martin can someone explain to me why or how he run away with all this guide do i pay you all for nothing one person get a heel over you all this unbelievable turn on the CCTV camera i want to see everything from last night till i walk in now and stop standing there as if i am a ghost do something useful, chase locking him up in the basement but two tape are Missing look here whoever tried to cover up did a good job but they are not smart enough,hah!i took my phone out and look at the camera for the missing tape and indeed the cover up was too good but not smart enough to know i had hidden camera for some reason and now i know the person behind all this, my uncle that man is digging his own grave thinking that i won't spare him because he is a family nobody mess with my business at all not when am alive am coming for you uncle, listen up everyone we are going to war chase,Dan,martin arrange 30 men and the rest should remain in the warehouse and Joshua i want you to tie Miguel to the basement and switch off his phone i know he is the one who deleted the tape don't do anything to him just tie him up i will deal with him later everyone let's roll up and get done with this. ***** What am i going to do,i have been rotating one place finding anything useful to do but no the devil can't seem to get out of my mind this is insane i wish i had a book to read or write they only thing i can do it's just rest and make myself fall asleep, "s**t"what wrong boss? they know that we are coming so chase take 10 men with you on the back wall well your heads are down,Dan on your write with ten men,mark and martin on your left hide behind that bush Joel, Conner come with me we are going inside and act normal and remain come till i send a sign, "well well" mmh! look who we have here my nephew Damian how good of you to come and visit your uncle how is the old man my brother ooh! and your bit**ch mother, anyway how can i help you please come in nephew, cut the bullshit out Rafael you know why am here, so give me what i want and i will be on my way or we go the other way i bet nobody wants this to happen so your choice not mine time is clicking, hah!and how can you fight me well you are three among all this men surrounding you just give up and walk away kindly nephew••••do not estimate me uncle i might surprise you and hit you at your worse weak point be careful what you wish for it might come true,i was busy looking around the compound when my cousin Norah came rushing towards me and hugged me with all those nonsense of how she still loves me and an opportunity brought it's self to me just like that i pulled myself away from her and tighten my hands around her neck not in away to choke her but to scare my uncle and i was right he was scared that i might kill his beloved daughter like daughter,now!now! i guess we are even what do you think Rafael i warned you not to cross your boundaries but you keep on hitting the wrong spot see you soon,wait i...look we can talk out please, oky fine bring Daniel out now hurry don't stand their aah!! stupid girl am sorry Daniel but my daughter comes first give me back my daughter take back your package and leave my compound now. Hah!good choice uncle see you soon and their won't be next time don't cross your limit i will spare you today but not again let's go and put this man in the boot and tell the rest their won't be no war we are heading back to warehouse. **** All this time i have been thinking about that girl somehow she is making me soft because the Damian who i know would have killed Norah right at that spot aah!!i need a strong drink mark bring me a class of whiskey and put ice now let's go and have fun Dan my two worthless men were tied i don't trust people that easily the only people i can say i have a little place it's Dan,Joel,mark,chase and martin but not that close i don't trust people that easily so care to explain why you did what you did and have a good explanation that would make me not slaughter your heads now start speaking ,"am sorry" sir what am saying is i was forced to do to...delete the tape that i was scared they might hurt my little boy and my pregnant wife sir i swear i will do anything please spare my life my wife is about to give birth tomorrow or maybe today sir!sir!sir,mmh you daniel or what's the other name that you call yourself i have nothing to say to you sir i did what i had to do,you know you are a fool stealing from me and putting the money in my sister's account you think i didn't know what you two do nothing passes without my knowledge so i will let her deal with you am out, please don't tell Lisa that am here please i swear i will talk,hah! don't tell me you are afraid of my sister anyway she is on her way let's go Dan and stop giving me that look i also know you are interested in my sister but trust me that girl will mess you up and leave you heartbroken don't say i never warned you.
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