Escaping Route

2124 Words
Xie Feng quickly located the back end door, he grabbed the knob to twist but found it locked. He raised his rod and hit on the lock, the door was made up of iron, with every hit sound resonate in the surroundings. ‘Hurry up, Break already.’ Grrrrrr “Dammit, they were coming.” He increased the intensity of hitting but groans and shouts of zombies come closer in his direction. A loud shrill sounded behind, Xie Feng looked to see the other two zombies from another hall widening their jaws, their black sockets show madness coming straight at him. ‘f*****g open it’ Bang Bang Clank ringed of lock breaking, Xie Feng kicked, with a bang door swing swiftly. He entered inside and shut it back. grrrr What the hell? A sudden force came behind the door, he was barely able to keep closed. A rotten veiny hand stuck in between closing. He saw his surrounding to find a fire ax in a red box attached to the wall near him. Grabbing the road with one hand, he shatters the glass on it. Shit! A heavy force hit him from the door, losing his stand he falls. Next, he saw a rotten face roaring heretically, he grabbed the ax handle and swing at his neck. The blade struck the zombie’s neck, he wants to s***h the neck but the next second another zombie attacked him. He was still on the floor, His back hurt from the fall, troubling to stand properly. Xie Feng stopped his advances with his leg. He violently slashed the first zombie neck causing it to tear apart to leave it hanging on a thin ligament. Cold blood sprayed on his torso making the scene gory. Go to hell! He throws the ax at the zombie’s head. It seems that luck was on his side, the shot hit straight at the middle of his temple. A Few seconds later he stopped his frantic movement. Xie Feng brought himself near the wall to support his back. His mouth widely gasping for air, the fall before made his muscles cramp. His hands were numb from hitting continuously. Will I even able to get out from here? This question he asked himself again. The horror of this undead, continuously testing his willpower pushed him to his limits. He was on the verge of a mental breakdown just as zombies pounced on him, if a second late he reacted, his body has to become nourishment to these vile creatures. I have to leave from here, had to go home. After few minutes of rest, he stands up again, his right leg calf hurt badly. He used the rod to close the door tightly. Raising the fire ax, Xie Feng stepped upwards. The fifth floor was an important area specially built for relaxation of people who work all day, the cost of building that floor exceeds others. So, builders pointed to finished it at last and adapt to the budget. There were many sports equipment piles up in the storage room. Xie Feng was thinking about using them for defending, a metal bat or hardwood stick would do the job. Creak This time the door was unlocked without any problem this time as workers leave just before the breakout to had some refreshments and didn’t mind open locks as no one come other than them. It didn’t take long to find the storage room, pieces of newly packed Balls, bats, pool sticks pile up neatly on tables inside it. Xie Feng came in front of one table and opened the plastic bubble wrapping to took out the shiny steel frame baseball bat. He swings it upside to the downside, horizontally and vertically. From the previous handling of ax to s***h the zombies, his arm nerves stretched too much blocking the full swing of the bat. Its heaviness and solid built satisfy him, he is confident if he were to face those zombies before their heads were broken apart with one shot. Having an ax and solid bat gave him a secure feeling, at least he has enough to protect himself. It would be better if he found some guns and protective gears, but where the hot weapons appeared often. Even if I found one, what will I do when ammo ran out. For now, these bats, sticks, and axes are good enough to have. Xie Feng recalled the people running for their lives, their hopes crushed, and pleading for help. If they were not so terrified and cowardly, they could live to fight back rather than waiting to be just slaughtered. Even If I die in the future, I will take as many of those dead scums with me. A ruthless and bloodthirsty look surfaced in his eyes. Having said that Xie Feng came outside the room, he did not dare to be careless like before. The zombies could hear him or have their means to sense him from afar like the one from the hall. He had to protect himself even though he can’t take many things for safety, he barely even can lift the bat and ax with his hand to handle another of those grey-skinned zombies. The position he was in could be dead-end or it could be hope to leave this place. He found stored water in the tank in another room and used it to wash from the filth from before. After few minutes of resting, he finally came to the unfinished hall. As expected the sidewall was half-built but now there was a new problem at the front. The platform raised by the crane was not in its place, It should be attached to the building, now it was meters apart from the wall. Shit Xie Feng was already prepared to get outside, this was his only way. He could not go downstairs or he will die miserably. On the ground many zombies were already roaming around, he couldn’t even think about jumping, his legs were injured, the moment he falls he would die from the fall much less than had his limbs torn by zombies. He looked around the hall to found something to use to cross the distance between the platform to the wall. This would do. He saw wooden boards line up on the side. He could use them to make a bridge to walk to the platform connected to the building. They were cut down for covering flooring, so the thickness was just an inch long. The breadth of them only support his one foot at best or he had to arrange six of them. After confirming the strength of the boards could carry his weight fine, He started to arrange them carefully. Xie Feng bind them with duck tape he picked up from supplies in the hall, thankfully they were long enough to reach the platform. After putting the other side on the platform, he again checked the sturdiness of it putting one foot on it. The platform was supported by a crane, he could use it to enter its cabin by crossing its neck, from there the boundary would be in reach. He didn’t though zombies could chase after him, the boundary was covered with construction materials. That’s why he confident enough to successfully made his way out. Another side of the wall was an open plot. There would be nothing other than weeds soaked in bloody rain. He hopes things go his way as he thought. He stands on boards for some time, the look below, zombies were roaring and some were squatted on dead bodies. Taking a deep breath, he walked in front slowly. The distance was just three meters long at best, he safely covered it and reached the platform. On it, he saw ropes and drums. He took the ropes and hang them from his shoulder, it could be useful. To reached the cabin he had to walk on its jib, which was easy compared to relying on flat boards. The clouds on the horizon completely turned red painting the whole sky giving it a feel of mesmerizing beauty. ‘So beautiful’ Xie Feng laughed at himself, this place is doomed and he was thinking about sky beauty rather than saving his ass. He started walking with steady steps again. The operator cabin door was locked, Xie Feng didn’t think twice before smashing the window glass with the ax. He entered from it swiftly and luckily found no zombies had taken notice of him till now. He looked around, his eyes caught the plastic bottle below the seat, he opened it to pour the water down his throat. His clothes were covered in sweat long before, and he smells of blood. A mouthful of water was all he needs right at the moment to quench his thirst. “Help!” The shout interrupts him making him choke on water. “Cough! Cough! What the hell!” “Help us! Save!” Xie Feng turned his head, the voices came from an open window on the second floor. Two men were shouting for help at him. He recognized them, they were the head manager of the construction team, Guo Lin, and the other was the organizer of this celebration event, Gang Lan. The shouts from their mouth didn’t stop, both of them look haggard. ‘f*****g Idiots don’t shout, they will be attracted to the sound.’ Xie Feng Couldn’t care less right now, his body was not in good condition. He was having trouble saving himself much less going inside again to save those. They were on the second floor, that’s the venue of the event. It has to be at least hundreds of zombies roaming. “Guo Lin, who were you asking for help?” A middle-aged man in a navy suit asked surprisedly. The dressing he wore and the calm gaze told about the special identity of his but right now the rich man was lying on the floor clutching his stomach, blood could be seen on his white shirt. The marks are clearly shown an attack of a sharp object, leaving the gash wound. “Mr. Chu, there was a man inside the crane cabin.” Guo Lin replied while cleaning his face with a handkerchief, his own condition was worsening every minute. Beads of sweat keep forming, he could feel dehydration from just the amount of sweat his clothes absorbing. ‘Whats was happening for the gods’ sake. The construction his team had worked for so long finally going to complete. As a leading head, he was going to bask in million of profit. Now a bloody storm came and destroyed everything. Almost his whole team and many of his friends dead outside.’ Guo Lin cursed in his mind. It didn’t know if he was genuinely cared for their situation or diverting his mind from remembering his friend’s gruesome appearance. “Could he get us out of here?” A young lady’s voice sounded before anyone can respond. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. Her tone was filled with annoyance but contain the power who listened to replied her, Guo Lan answered her faster than before. “Miss Luo, I had seen him using a platform lifted by crane to reached its cabin if he can operate it to brought the platform where we could same get out here by climbing out there.” Having said that Guo Lin took a glance at the figure sitting on the sofa in the middle of the room She had a sculpted figure which was twine-thin. A pair of shiny black heels dangled on her raised foot on one another. He only took a glance not dare to observe anymore. “This thing giving headache”, she said putting a hand on her head. “Is there any possibility of coming to help?” ‘Headache!? We were just closed door away from losing our lives and you were having just a headache.’ Guo Lin Surpassed his inner voice to come outside. “We had tried to contact various stations and direct leaders but there was no answer so far. Maybe the strange occurrence of red rain and that thunderstorm causing trouble in connecting to the network.” Hearing his response the lady didn’t reply, she closed her eyes keeping a frown with it. Guo Lin curled his lips to said something but stopped. He turned back his focus on the look outside.
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