Chapter two - Game over

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Luke's POV: Hello, my name is Luke Adams. I am a senior high school student and a bad boy. Some people say I'm not because I don't do half of the things bad boys do. I won't be so sure, but it's their opinion. My parents and I keep arguing about the same things. Mostly it's my attitude and my grades. I have an older brother Sam who is perfect at everything. He is a doctor, and my parents are proud of him. According to them, I am a failure. I don't understand why they always have to compare me with him. I don't want to be compared with him. I do things differently than him. That's the point. Well, my parents don't like this. I'm trying not to care. When they think so low of me, it hurts sometimes. I am not that different than Sam. The thing is that I choose to live my life differently, and I don't see anything wrong with that. No one can tell me what to do. I am not a baby. At least I go to school. Recently, or to say from the last year, I started playing games with one girl. I was surprised that she knew how to play along. The other girls would've fallen for me, and that can't happen. After all, it's only a game. That's why there were no feelings. I said "were" because I wasn't sure what was happening. It's not a lie that I wanted to kiss her for quite a while. I have kissed many girls, and she was on the list. Well, down at the bottom. She is a good girl, and I didn't want to mess with her. That was before. We agreed to stop the games because she didn't like my kiss. I mean, she got mad. This girl is no joke, and I should be careful with her. Maybe I need to keep her around for some time and see what will happen. We are not friends, but it doesn't hurt to try. The chances of her not accepting are high, especially after what I did. It's not like I regret it. I hope that she won't mind that. I don't want to hurt her in any way. I woke up and checked my phone. It was 7:30 am. I will be late, but who cares. My parents can read me a lecture later. I'm not in the mood for that now. Also, I have to talk with a girl today. It's the one and only Abby Lee. She is a good girl, trying to stay on the right way. I can change that in seconds, but I won't. For some reason, I care about her. No matter that we have never been close. I'm not falling for her, am I? I hope not. I arrived at school twenty minutes late. I skipped breakfast. My mood is ruining everything today. Last night I had another lecture from my parents. Of course, Sam was mentioned a couple of times. He graduated from medical school a year ago and has a three-month-old girl with his girlfriend. They will get married when the baby is one year old. I walked into class and sat behind Abby. That was the only free place. Teachers are used to me. They don't even call me out. Well, less trouble for me. Soon, I received a note. Hey, are you ok? You don't look much in the mood. Abby Honestly, I'm surprised that she cares. I guess that she completely forgave me for the kiss. I will gladly repeat it, but I can't. Otherwise, she won't even look at me. I decided to respond to the note. We'll talk later. I'll tell you when. Abby didn't say anything. I promised to talk with her and answer all her questions, but I don't know if I want to do it. After all, she is not a close friend or a friend at all. We don't talk much. She looks worried, but I can't be sure if it's like that. It's better if I don't know. She is not someone for who I care. If only I could believe my words. I feel like the stupid kiss changed the way I see her. Before, Abby was a nerd to me. She still is, but there is something else. Maybe sympathy. I don't know. On the lunch break, I went to the field. I left Abby a note in her locker. I believe that she will read it. After all, I owe her a talk. It's not like I promised her, but I agreed to do it. Soon, I saw her coming in. She looked around to see where I was. I grabbed her hand and put my other one to cover her mouth. I don't want anyone to know that she is here with me. She licked my hand. - What the heck? - Why did you do that? - I didn't want people to see that you were here. - There is no one. I mean, only you and me. - What do you want to know? - Nothing specific. - You can ask it. I don't mind talking about my parents. - No, I wasn't going to ask about that. - Then? - Why did you start this game? Also, why with me? - As I already said. You were the only one who knew how to play along. The other girls would've fallen for me. I knew you wouldn't do it. Let's say it was visible. - Why were you so sure? - Abby, you are a good girl. I'm sure you don't want to mess with me. - Well, I told you that after what you did. - I knew it before that. - I still don't understand. - Ok, you were one of the girls who weren't interested in me. I liked that. Now you know why I chose you. - Can I know what happened to your mood? - My parents killed it. - I said, chuckling - I don't think you find it funny. - I'm used to this. They keep making comments about me all the time. - If something is bothering you, don't feel ashamed to share. - The thing is that I have nothing to say. - Are you sure? - Do you have siblings? It doesn't matter if they are younger or older. - No, I don't. I'm an only child. - Then you can't understand. - What if I can? You don't know me. - Ok, then. I have a brother called Sam. He is a doctor in a hospital and works a lot. That's why he earns a lot of money. He got a girlfriend a couple of years ago, and now they have a three-month-old baby girl. They plan to get married after her first birthday. - That's nice. It looks like he found the love of his life. - Yes, he did. - Then where is the problem? - He is perfect, and I'm a failure. - That's not true. Luke, you are not a failure. - Are you sure? - Yes, I am. You can't live in his shadow. Just because you do things differently from him doesn't mean you are the worse brother. - I wish my parents have been thinking the same. - I don't know you well, but I don't think you are that bad. - Maybe you are not that bad. - Said from you means a lot. - Abby said, chuckling - I'm sorry about the kiss. - It's ok. I'm not mad. - Ok. - Hey, don't be sad. Things will get better. You'll see. - All I want is for my parents to stop comparing me with Sam. - One day, they will. - I don't think so. - But I do. - Abby said and looked at me Without much thinking, I pulled her close and kissed her. This time, there is no game. I have no idea why I did this, but I wanted to. I'm sure Abby won't talk to me after that. It's not like I don't deserve it. - I'm sorry. - Why? You didn't do anything wrong. - Won't you go away? - No. I know the pain is speaking. - Probably. I don't know. - If you want, we can go out in the afternoon. Will this make you feel better? - Yeah, why not? - Ok, how about 4 pm in the industrial zone? There is a lake and a forest nearby. - No problem. I'll be there. - Good. I have to go to class now. Will you come? - Later. - Ok, then. Bye for now. - Bye. After school, I walked home. Luckily, my parents are at work. Sometimes they work from home. I walked into my room and laid on the bed. I don't know what happened on the field and why, but I liked it. Maybe I should cut off the games and keep her. Abby understands me perfectly. Probably I shouldn't kiss her, but it felt right. Also, I liked it. She is not the typical girl I will go out with, but she is not that bad. I think we can make it to the friend's zone. That's my goal for now. At 4 pm, I was in the industrial zone. Soon, Abby came, and we started walking. We went to the lake. When I used to come here, it was full of parents with little kids. Now there is no one. Abby sat down near the lake and tapped the place next to her. - No one is here. It feels empty. - I said - As you can see, no one takes care of this place anymore. Why would people come? - I used to do it before. - Do you feel better? - I'll be fine. I learned not to care and ignore people's comments. - But I know they secretly hurt you. - Can I know why you care? - I don't know. It makes me feel bad watching you like that. Everything else was a game, but at least you were in a good mood. - I can do it again if you want. - Thanks, but it's game over. I don't want people to ship me with you. - It's not that bad. - I'll pass. - Abby? - Yes. - Thank you. - I didn't do anything. - No, you listened to me. - You can talk to me about everything. I won't tell anyone. - Abby said and looked at me This time, I didn't say anything. I don't know what else to tell her. I closed my eyes and signed. It would be great if only my parents could understand me as Abby did. Then I felt a kiss. It was sweet and unexpected. Well, I didn't pull away. I don't know if we should do this, but I like it. I pulled her close and deepened the kiss. Very soon, we were making out by the lake. We weren't supposed to do that, but I don't want it to end. Abby was supposed to be my game girl, no feelings. Well, things changed quickly. I pulled away and looked at her. She only smiled. - I won't ask anything. - Why? I did it on the lunch break. Feel free to do it. - I don't have anything to ask. - Are you sure? - Yes. I'm surprised you did this. - I hated that you stole my first kiss that way, but it wasn't that bad. - You know that we can't keep doing this. After all, you were the one who said that doesn't want to be shipped with me. - I know, but who cares. - You. - That's what I thought. I want to be happy. That's it. - No offense. Why do you think you will be happy with me? - Because you have a good heart. - Abby said and kissed me In that case, I can't do anything else. For quite a while, we continued where we had left off. I never planned to date her, but it can't be that bad. Well, except that I have never been on a date before. I'll figure it out. Also, Abby didn't say that she wanted one. Well, like every girl, she will expect it. I'll think about this later. Soon, she pulled away and snuggled. - What are you thinking about? - A possible date. You might want this. - I never said it. - What? - A date doesn't define a relationship. - Isn't this obligational? - No. Who said that? - I don't know. I never dated anyone. - Me either, but I want to try with you. - Why you changed your mind quickly? - Because I liked the game. - What? Really? - I didn't fall for you straight away. Well, I liked the messing around. - Look, I think you choose the wrong boy. - Why? - I can't guarantee you anything. - So? It doesn't hurt to try. - Ok, then. Should we call it official? - Yes, mister. - Abby said and kissed my cheek - That will be interesting. - For sure, it will. Abby and I stayed at the lake for some time. I don't know what is happening with her today, but she looks addicted to me. It's not like I mind. I have my benefits. What I didn't expect was for things to happen so quickly. After all, she did fall for me like everybody else. Well, I'm not mad because she knew how to play. I didn't plan to get into a relationship, but I will try. If I don't like it, I will call it quits. The thing is that I don't want to hurt Abby. For dinner, I was at home. My parents were talking about work as usual. I'm glad that they don't notice me. Remind me not to speak so fast. I hate my life. - How was school today? Did you get in trouble again? - mom asked - No, I didn't. - Any new grades? - No. - You know I can find myself. - Then why are you asking? - Because I want you, for once, to be honest with us. - I never lied to you. - Totally. Only around a hundred times. - Not telling something and lying are different things. - Yeah, right. I want you to have good grades. - Like Sam, right? - Yes. As you can see, he is a successful doctor. - So? I don't care. I won't be a doctor. - I never said that. All I want for you is to have a good job. - That is something I have to choose. You can't tell me what to do. I am a grown-up person. - Don's disappoint me. - I don't think we'll ever be able to understand each other. - If you put some effort. Look at your brother. - Stop comparing me with him! - He is what I expect from you. I didn't say anything and walked into my room. There I spent the rest of the night. I'm not in the mood to talk with them anymore. I texted Abby for a while. She was happy to hear me. It's not like we did something special. Well, I won't lie. That is the best thing that happened today. The plan wasn't to get a girlfriend, but I don't mind. Abby is a good girl, and I believe she can help me. I mean, she is a good listener. I like that we understand each other so well. Maybe she will want to keep this private, but that's ok for me. I hope that I will be able to keep her. I want to try and see where it goes.
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