
2038 Words
Elena It was early morning in the day. Trees were goofing up by the heaving rain dropping mildly from every direction. Cars are striding at a face pace. Each with the direction they're headed to. Winding down the window, the chill breeze raft into every joint of her body as she let out an aggravated breath. She knew going against her father's words will bring nothing to her but bad luck. He had warned her countless times about going out alone but being the strong head she is, always tries to do things her way even after knowing what the outcome will be. The ringing of her phone blared through the silent car making her to snapped her eye shut. She knows the person calling. He would not let her stay in peace, as long as he knows she's out of the house without him knowing where she went to. She let the phone ring for sometime before sliding the accept button. "Elena how many times do you want me to say it. Do I have to keep repeating myself about going out alone?" was the first word Carter said to his daughter. Elena let out another mild breathe. She knew he would scold her and that will not stop there. "Elena" he called again. In a kind of voice, she knew so well. The one he uses whenever emotion is about to take over him. "Yes Dad" she answered now in a calm voice as she waited for him to begin lamenting how his life had been without his son. "You know Elena, You, your brother and your mother are my only family. I know you're not comfortable with how you're living but it's the only way to protect you as my one and only daughter. So please, understand why your dad doesn't want you roaming around alone" he ended with a shaky tone. Elena couldn't help the tug she felt in her heart. Every time her father said those words to her, she felt weak. All the memories come rushing down. How she copes up without her brother by her side. He'd soon be back from the military force. Her parents are her only family and she can understand the emptiness he's feeling in his heart. "Dad don't worry, it's not like Jaxon is staying there forever. He would be back within two weeks, you have nothing to worry about, I know you missed your son and I'm not alone. Your prayers are with me and I will be back. I went to receive a package I told you about being shipped to me. It's very important for my business" She let out. She had to lie to him. She knew if she tells him the real reason, he'd lecture her all day and she isn't ready to give attention to his never-ending advice. There are some certain things she just cannot let out even to her father. Something that has been digging a hole in her heart. His sigh surfaces through the phone followed by his voice again. "Why can't they send it directly to the house? Must you go there yourself? "Yes Dad, I prefer to go so that there won't be any problem" she silently prays the man would buy her lie, at least for once. "Okay be safe and come back soon. Your Dad will be waiting for you. Love you " "I will. Love you too" and she ended the call after making sure her father has nothing more to say. A breath she didn't know she was holding made its way to her lips. One problem down. Now her main task is how to get to her destination. A knock sounded from the car window followed by an unknown man's presence. "Miss do you need help?" came his faraway voice. "Miss," the voice said again followed by vibration from her phone. Miss Elena, the clients are waiting. I can't hold them up anymore. How she has a project knocking on her door. Being an interior designer hasn't been easy. The knock sounded again with the same voice. What should she do? Ignore his help or accept the help and get to her destination. But she hates receiving help. She typed away on her phone and hit the send. Well, she knows her way around it, she need not to ask for any help. Without sparing the man a glance, she pressed on the accelerator and drove away. It was a drive of more than fifteen minutes. You'd wonder where she was heading to. But Elena doesn't care about anything much to say fears anything. She knew nothing will happen to her. As far as she's with him, he'd protect her. Little did she know she's putting her life in danger. It was a secluded area. With no cars around, there were literally few houses. Elena parked her car few miles away from the hut house, fished out her phone and dialed the number. "I've arrived. Where are you?" Came her calm voice. "I will be there in a minutes" A manly voice ushered from the other end. The line went silent. Elena glanced around the quite surrounding, it was literally quite. She hugged herself with her arms as cold began penetrating through her body. If not because of Nick, nothing will make her come here. She wouldn't have to lie to her father about her whereabouts. She had to lie to her parents to keep him safe. She just can't break up with Nick just because her parents doesn't like him. She love him and will stay with him. She was snapped out of the trance when she felt a touch on her shoulder. Nick engulfed her in a hug. "I knew you'd come baby. I missed you so much" He muffled out wrapping his arms around her tightly. A smile found its way out of her as she did the same. "I missed you too Nick" They stayed in that position for some time before pulling away. "Did you bring all the stuffs?" He asked. Elena heaved out a sharp breath. "I did. But it's not easy getting all the papers done without getting caught. I had to lie to father that I'm getting a package. We have to be careful" As a daughter of a reputable business man and an Ambassador, any slight mistake will lead her father into shackle. The media are always hungry to get their hands on any bad news of him. Elena wouldn't want to mess up with her father's reputation. She's doing all these to protect herself, her family and her love. "Oh my baby. I know you've done a lot for me. I will surely make it up to you when I settle down" Elena once again smile knowing he will keep to his words. She loves him that much to trust him with all of her. Nick was in hiding from the police due to the evidence against him of drug trafficking. He made up all sort of lies to Elena. Poor Elena thought their feelings is mutual. Little did she know, he was only using her position to get what he want for himself. "Stop worrying everything will be over. When I get a safer place, we'd be together again. You know I love you right?" He questioned. Elena nodded her head in answer. Although she trust and believe Nick but she can't do away with the fact that everything can happen. She was being careful all these while. Getting the money, preparing Nick's visa passport so he could flee. All without any of her parents consent. It's normal for her to have the negativity. "Good. Where are the stuffs?" They walked to Elena's car and took out the bag containing the money and other stuffs he'd need while on the run. Nick smiled widened seeing bundle of money in the bag. Now, he has nothing to worry about. He'd get a new life and start a new business. He won't have to worry about anything again. Not the police or Elena. He let out a smile again as he turned around. "Thank you so much baby. I know it's not easy risking your life to come here. But trust me, everything will come to an end" He know quite well he was only making up fake promises. He had to, for everything to go according to plan. "I know. You have to be careful then. I will be on my way. I have to make up a lie to my father. Thank God Jaxon is not around, it would've been worst" Her brother is that kind of brother that is overprotective over his sister. He monitors her quite well. More than their father. Well, he's her big brother after all. Although she's a tempered person but when it comes to her brother, she succumb to him. Jaxon has that brotherly effect on her. As soon as he's back from the force, she knows he'd continue from where he stopped. She missed her brother though. A frown graced Nick's face. One of the reasons why he wants to flee as early as possible before her brother comes back from military. The man doesn't like him a bit. Since from day one when him and Elena started seeing each other two years ago. Yes, there were in a relationship for two years. He had been waiting to gather enough money from her and the day had finally arrived. "Alright then. We'd communicate when I settled down. Do take care of yourself. I love you" He placed a light kiss on her forehead. "I love you too" "Go on" She said. "No. I will watch you go first. Your safety is my number one priority" That made her blush from ear to ear. She got in her car, reverse back and drove out of the driveway. As soon as she was out of sight, Nick clapped his hands together. His next step is to get out of the city as soon as possible. On the other hand, a figure was watching everything that transpired between Elena and Nick. He was tailing on her back when she left the driveway. He hopped on his bike and followed her lead. Elena was driving with her mind half way. What if her father came to know she took a lot of money from the savings account? How would she explain. Different thought ran through her mind as she drove her way back to the house. She was in that thought when she heard the screeching of tire making her to step on the break halting the car on the accord. She was about to unwind her door window, when fear crept into her. What if someone was watching her all along? What if it was one of her father's men? Her heart hammered in her chest and different scenarios went through her mind. She immediately reached for her phone and dialed Nick's number. He should leave the place as soon as possible before anyone gets to him. "He-" It happened so fast. The door was pulled open followed by her phone getting snatched away from her. Elena blood was pumping hotly inside her. "Who...." She stuttered out. She couldn't tell the appearance of the man, as his face was covered with a face mask. Only the eyes visible. Elena doesn't have to think twice before realizing his eyes were dangerous. "Fret not Mì lady, I'm here to save your life" Even at that state, Elena couldn't surpass the chuckle out of her. "Save me? From what? Who are you?" She ushered as boldly as she can. Showing her weak side would be the last thing she'd do. She's that tough. Everyone knows her. Her friends, family and Nick. He always say she's a strong woman. For her to be brave enough and take the risk for him. "Choose. Getting in the hands of the police because of your boyfriend? Or saving yourself and your family from the disgrace?" Elena's eyes were widened to a certain degree as she stared at the man in front of her all in black staring right back at her.
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