The lost soul

392 Words
Third person's pov Unable to find a seat in the metro she was standing at the transparent window of the closed door, peeking at the outside environment. The only sound she could hear was through her earplugs, the song she chose to play. She was deeply lost in her own world, a world where Arsal was deeply in love with her. With the lyrics of the song and the view of the Yamuna river flowing outside, she was lost in a situation where Arsal was apologizing for his behavior, Arsal was looking sad but was confessing his pure love towards her.  Arsal: Ruhani, I'm really sorry for not noticing your love. I'm so sorry for everything, I'm sorry for hurting you when all you thought of was to give me love and care. Ruhani(with tears in her eyes): Ar...Arsal I... I Arsal: Shhh... No need to say anything, just tell me you are ready to forgive me, or I need to do more repent.  Ruhani nodded with a smile.  Arsal went on his knees and said...  Arsal: Will you be the mother of my kids?  Ruhani chuckled and said yes with tears in her eyes.  The song ended, she noticed that she had to get down on the upcoming station, tears were in her eyes for real. This was a routine for her, going and coming back home from college, listening to songs in the metro, and thinking of the situations that were never going to happen.  She loved arsal with all her heart(she thought so) and all he did was ignore her emotions and just use her for his entertainment. He talked to her as per his mood, he demanded nudes from her, demanded her to dance for him, she did everything because if she didn't, he would block her. The only way for them to connect was through social media. So she silently obeyed his every command because her fear to lose him was more than her self-respect to her.  Ruhani Maheshwari was a Delhi-based girl studying in the final year of Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Arsal Ali was a Lahore-based boy doing some business in which she had no interest. Ruhani knew that she was never going to have her love in her life. Still, she was loving him purposelessly.  She got off the metro and approached her home. 
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