Chapter one - Power

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Cassie's POV: Hello, my name is Cassie Miller. I might look like an ordinary teenage girl, but I'm not. I have the power to see people's aura. It sounds unbelievable, but it's true. That has been in my family for generations. Well, from my mom's side. Sadly, she didn't get the power. It was her sister, my aunt Kim. I think this is why my mom doesn't believe in this power. I'm not guilty of having it. Whenever I talk about it, she leaves. That's why I don't mention it around her. Dad has no problem with that. He doesn't mind listening to it, no matter that he has no idea what I am talking about most of the time. My grandma and aunt are good listeners. They always give me advice on what to do. My aura is powerful. Two years ago, I understood I could help people with that. The only thing is that I have to keep it a secret. That's how people in my high school found out about it. Now I have to move. They were using me all the time. I am not a magician. That is not how my power works. Maybe it's good that I have to move. I didn't find what I had been looking for. I mean, in my school. Granny has told me a rumor. People with this power believe they can find a person with the same aura as theirs. That means I have to find mine. When I discovered it, granny took me to visit one woman. She said that mine is unique and powerful. Not many people have the same. Also, she said there is a person with a powerful aura like mine. The problem is that I don't know who the person is. It can be a boy or a girl. Maybe even an adult. It will take me time to find him. What I know is that people with incompatible auras can't last long. That is also part of my power. I don't know what will happen when I meet this person. I hope that there won't be an explosion. After all, I don't want anything to happen to him. Currently, I am in a mall. That is a place where many people come daily. I mean, adults and kids. I went into every store but didn't find anything. Well, I have to keep searching. If you don't know how to control a powerful aura, it's dangerous. That's what my grandma says. I believe this person has no idea how powerful he is. The hardest thing for me will be to explain everything. It looks like a story from a fairytale, but it's much more. After an hour of walking, I decided to go and eat. There is a food court on the fourth floor of the mall. Many people go there, and I might have luck. I ordered a burger and a coke. A boy was preparing the order. When it was ready, he put it on a tray and gave it to make. I made sure I touched his hands while taking it. Great. It wasn't him. Who knew searching for someone could be that hard? It doesn't mean I will give up. Maybe I have to talk with this woman again. - Hello, can I sit here? The other tables got taken. - a girl said - Sure, no problem. - I am Ally. - Cassie. You look my age. - It's my senior year. I study at East high. - I heard it's a good school. - It is. My boyfriend will come soon. I hope you don't mind. - Not at all. Soon a tall boy came with a tray. I won't use my power anymore if these two don't get married. Their auras match perfectly. Also, the way he looks at her says it all. - This is Cassie. - Hey. I am Devan. - Hi. Make sure you keep her. - Ok, but why do you say that? - Because you won't be able to find a girl like her. - I already know that. She is the melon to my water. - I suggest you start planning the wedding. - What? - I'm kidding. - I will do that but after a couple of years. - Can I get an invitation? - Sure. I talked with Ally and Devan for a while. Later, I continued with my search. After two long hours, I went to this woman. She must know something about this person. I knocked on the door, and it opened. She has a remote for that. - Hello. - Hi, Beth. - Oh, hello, Cassie. How are you? - Good. I need your help. - Ok, sit. Did you find the person? - No. That's why I am here. Can't you help me? At least tell me the gender or age. I mean, is he an adult or a kid? - I can help you with your power, but not with that. - Why? - Because I'm not a medium. Do you have a problem with auras? - No. In the mall, I found a compatible couple. It was a perfect match. - That's good. I wonder when you will find your person. - What if the person is an adult? What do I have to do? - Talk with him and explain the situation. I'm sure your person will be your lover. - Why? - I can feel it. Also, you are a teenager. I know you want to experience the boyfriend thing. - Honestly, I would've loved that. Well, with my power, I don't think I will enjoy it. - Head up. - What if the person doesn't believe me? - He will realize it by himself. - I don't want to mess up. - You won't. Your aura is unique. Only one of every one million people has your type of aura. - Ok, I will keep searching. Thanks for the help. - No problem. Come whenever you need help. - I will. Bye for now. - Bye. - Beth said, and I left If she can't help me, maybe my grandma can. I went to a store to buy some sweets and later walked to her house. Let's hope she is there. I knocked on the door, and she opened it. Both of us walked into the kitchen. As I see, she has done some renovations again. This woman never gets bored. - How can I help you, dear? - Well, I have been to the mall today. - Oh, which one? - On the east coast. I had no success. - I'm sorry, honey. - Later, I went to talk with Beth. She couldn't help me. I thought maybe you could. - Look, this is something you have to figure out by yourself. What you feel is different than what I do. Also, the person will match your aura, not mine. - I know, but can't you tell me who he is? I don't even know if it's a boy or not. - When you find him, you will understand. - Is this how you met grandpa? - Yes. Frank was a perfect match. - Couldn't you save him? - I could, but he didn't let me. Your grandpa said things like that happen, and we should accept them. - Sometimes, I wish he was here. - He is right here. - granny said and pointed to my heart - It's not the same. - Look, you have to focus on your mission. Cassie, you are the only one who can help this person. - But I'm afraid. When I meet this person, he won't believe me. No matter if it's a boy or girl. - Some things take time, but it doesn't mean you should give up. - I know. I won't stop searching. - Good. - What do I have to do after that? - After what? - After I find this person. I will tell him everything. Then what? Do I have to leave him or do something? I mean, what if it's a married adult? Maybe a boy with a girlfriend or the opposite. - Talk with him. The person has to decide what he has to do. - Ok, I can do that. Are you sure who I am looking for is the person for me? - I am. You will find your match. - I want an ordinary boy. - Why? - That thing with the power is too much. Being ordinary is not that bad. - It's not what we want. Our power guides us, and it's never wrong. - If you say so. Granny and I talked until dinnertime. Later I walked home. I didn't say anything about my day. That is because I know mom doesn't like it when I talk about my aura. Honestly, I don't know how I can convince her. It's not like I had a choice. I was born with it. Soon school starts, and I have to focus on that. I feel this person is close to me, but I don't know where he is. I can't search the whole town. Millions of people live here. It will take me months, maybe years. I don't have that much time. After dinner, I walked into my room. Beth once gave me a book of myths and legends about auras and superpowers. The whole book gets based on theories and people's opinions. No one knows how this works. Well, except for the people who have the power. Soon there was a knock on the door, and I quickly hid my book. - Oh, it's you. - I said as dad walked in - I wanted to check on you. What are you doing? - Reading. - I see. - dad said and grabbed the book under my pillow - Don't tell mom. - My mouth is shut. Did you find for what you have been searching? - No. There are so many people in this town. - The right person will come at the right time. - Did you read that in a fortune cookie? - No, I know it. My parents might not have superpowers, but they have taught me important lessons. - Sometimes, I wonder what it feels like to be ordinary. - Cassie, you are not different from the rest. - Are you sure? I don't know anyone except family members who can see people's aura. - Because you didn't search for them. - That's what I have been doing the whole time. I need to find a person with the same aura as mine. - All I can do is wish you good luck. I'm sorry, but I can't help. - I know. What if the person is not in town? - Can't you feel it? I thought you could do that with your aura thing. - It's not that easy. I'm trying my best. Maybe the new school will help me. - Look at it from the positive side. You can make new friends. - We'll see. I can't let the same thing happen. - It won't. I promise you. - Thanks, dad. - You're welcome. Do you want us to watch a movie? Maybe we can go out. - I prefer the walk. - Ok, take your jacket. Should we invite mom? - If she wants to come, sure. All of us walked out. I started going on walks often because of the person I needed to find. Later, I understood how great this was. I am walking around, seeing people's aura. Most of them are couples. I have to say that they are compatible. So, I have found incompatible auras. It doesn't mean people are not happy. After all, I am not a lover doctor. I'm glad to say my parents' auras are a perfect match. Of course, I have said this to my mom. Her reaction wasn't pleasing, but I couldn't expect anything else from her. I don't think she will ever accept my power. - The weather is perfect for walks. - dad said - I agree. There are so many people outside. - I said - Honey, can I know why you wanted us to go on a walk? - Dad suggested it. The other option was a movie. - Please don't tell me you are still searching for this imaginary person. - It's not imaginary. - People like that don't exist. Get this into your head. - Why are you so sure? I believe that I will find him. - So, it's a boy. - dad said - I don't know. Maybe it's a girl or an adult. - Is it me? - I'm sorry, dad. You already have your perfect match. - I know, and I don't need superpowers to convince me. - dad said and kissed mom's cheek - You are obsessed with this. - mom said - Why is it bothering you? As you can see, I don't ask you for help. - Because I want you to be like the rest. An ordinary girl in high school. - But I'm not, and I might never be. Mom, there is nothing wrong with me. - I don't know what mom and Kim have told you, but they filled your head. - It's not their fault. I could've ignored it, but I didn't. - Why don't you want to listen to me? - Look, I will stop when I find this person. What if he is in danger? Maybe even she. - I don't want to talk about this anymore. - Mom. - I said something! - Ok, don't get mad. I won't talk about it anymore. - Who wants late-night ice cream? - dad asked - I suggest you something hot. Mom is already cold. - I said, and he chuckled - Ok, we can get hot chocolate. Let's go, ladies. It's my treat. The three of us went to one diner. Dad ordered us hot chocolate and soon came back with three cups. I looked at mom, but she didn't want to talk. I don't know why she gets mad when I talk about this. - Mom, are you ok? - I'm fine. - Can I know why you are mad at me? - I'm not mad at you. - Ok, but why don't you want me to speak about this? - Do you want to know why? - Yes, I do. - Since I was born, people have been looking at me differently. Thanks to this power, my sister started doing it as well. She used to say that my aura was unstable. That's why I'm not in the mood. People with this ability look the others differently. That's why I am happy that I don't have it. I can look at people the way they are. - Ok, but what do I have to do about it? - You are doing the same thing. I mean, searching for a person with some aura. - Mom, I didn't choose to have this power. - I know, and I'm sorry. - It's ok. I understand. We stayed in the diner until 10 pm. Later, all of us went home. I know why mom feels this way, and I have to say she is right. We do look at people differently. I am searching for a person who I don't know how he looks. Also, I'm not sure I will find him. Maybe I have to stop searching for a while and enjoy my summer. I don't have friends to go out with, so I can find new ones. Let's say that since my power got revealed, the people I thought were my friends started using me. That's why I moved out of school. I don't want to be surrounded by people like them. I hope that the new school year won't be the same as this one. I need a fresh start.
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