Chapter 3: Back Off

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I don’t know how long it has been but Jayden was still inches away from me and when I tried to escape, he put his hands on the door blocking me from both sides. I kept my eyes away from him looking anywhere but at him and just when he started getting even closer leaving zero room for me to breathe, we heard a knock on the door. As soon as we heard the sound, Jayden backed away and went back to his seat leaving me breathless. Slowly I went back to my seat and when I did Jayden called whoever was behind the door to come in. “Alright, I see you both have settled everything.” The principal said while sitting in his chair. I just nodded and Jayden didn’t acknowledge anyone in the room, he was playing with the pen he found on the desk. “Great, so Eva, you’ll visit Jayden’s company on Monday after school and Mr. Wright, thank you for your offer I’m sure our student will benefit from your name on her CV.” He was very joyful. After the principal, Mr. Jones, was done speaking, I got up and excused myself before leaving. ******** I was almost running to my car and before I could press on my keys to open it, I heard the annoying man call me. “Hey, long legs.” He called with his deep voice. I didn’t turn around and proceeded with what I was doing. I opened my car and threw my books on the passenger seat. When I closed the door and turned around to go to the driver’s seat, I almost bumped into Jayden again. “I was talking to you.” His voice was stern. “I know, and I didn’t answer,” I said and wanted to go but he blocked me. I sighed with anger starting to rise inside me. “Can you back off?” My voice clearly showed that I was annoyed. “No,” he answered simply. I looked at him with a straight face and wanted to push him but I knew that even if I did, he’s too strong to move. “What do you want from me?” I asked looking away. “Nothing.” He said not moving at all. “Then why do you keep blocking my way and annoy me?” I asked a different question. He backed away slowly confusion written all over his face. “I annoy you?” he asked putting his hands in his pockets. “Yes, very much,” I answered directly. He looked at me with narrowed eyes. “So, when you got nervous in the office and this morning, it was out of annoyance?” he was the one asking questions now. I looked at him trying to understand what he meant. “Yes. You annoy me.” I answered with the same tone as before. “Listen, I don’t know what you thought, but please, leave me alone,” I said and went to the driver’s side of the car, opened the door, and left. As I was driving away and saw Jayden from my rear-view mirror. He was looking in my direction with a smirk on his face and then went to his motorcycle.   -Jayden’s P.O.V- I annoy her? Who does she think she is? She’s lucky to have my attention, others beg for it. I watched her car driving away, and even though I had a smirk on my face, I was annoyed myself. I walked to my motorcycle and headed to my company since I had work to do, though I don’t know if I’ll be able to concentrate. ******** I arrived at the company and was greeted at the reception and then when I reached my floor everyone stopped what they were doing to welcome me as well. I just passed by them and entered my office closing the door behind me. I saw a couple of files on my desk and started skimming through them while sitting on my chair, however, as much as I tried to focus, I couldn’t stop reminding myself of what happened in the school’s parking lot. Closing the papers I was reading, I leaned back on my chair and started thinking more about it. Why was I so hooked up about this? She thinks I’m annoying, so what? As I was shaking my head trying to throw the idea out of my head until my coworker came in. “Hey man, what’s wrong.” He asked. “I don’t know. There’s this thing I can’t stop thinking about and it's starting to bother me” I answered him staring into nothing. “Thing? Tell me about it. I might help.” He sat on the couch next to the desk. I didn’t answer him for a while but I decided to tell him what was on my mind. “Thomas, have you ever been called annoying?” I asked him. “Only every day.” He laughed then looked at me with wide eyes when he realized why I was asking. “Who called you annoying? No no, who even tried talking to you about anything but work.” He asked leaning in on his elbows giving me his full attention. “There’s this girl in my old high school, the one I had a workshop in today, well we bumped into each other a couple of times and before I came here, she called me annoying,” I explained. Thomas looked at me in disbelief, his face clearly showed that he didn’t believe a thing I said. “S-So, this girl you mentioned, not only could get your attention but also called you annoying?” he asked with a playful tone. “Not only that, in the morning I almost ran her over and asked me to apologize.” I continued. His eyes widened and he almost let out a laugh if my serious face didn’t stop him from doing so. “Did you apologize?” he seemed to enjoy this. “No of course not. I told her I don’t say sorry. Then when she bumped into me, she said the same thing to me.” I replied even though I didn’t want to. “Okay okay okay, she asked you to apologize, she bumped into you and didn’t say sorry herself mocking you, and she called you annoying. YET, you’re still thinking about her?” he asked me still trying not to laugh. I looked at him waiting to see where this is going. “She’s my hero.” He finally let out a laugh. I looked at him and sighed. “Seriously dude. She did everything you hate and you’re here thinking about her. Sounds like you are attracted to her.” He said back at it with a playful tone. “Shut up,” I told him. “Fine, fine. Anyway, who is the student you chose for the internship?” he asked getting up to check the file. I didn’t respond because I knew that when he knew he would annoy me with it. My eyes were staring ahead of me not wanting to answer but when I turned back to him and saw him suppressing a laugh, I stood up to kick him in the nuts but he was out of the room laughing at me. “Jayden’s got a cruuush.” He sang peaking his head from the door and left laughing when I walked to him to try and kick him once again. I don’t do crushes. I don’t do relationships. And I certainly do not believe nor have time for any of that sh*t. This is all just me wanting a meaningless night, and when I get it, all of my thoughts will go back to normal.   -Eva’s P.O.V- It was Friday and the school had organized a ‘welcome back’ party for all senior students. Nikki, Emma, and I were getting ready at my house and talking about who was going and a little bit of gossip never hurt anyone. “Eva, what are you gonna do tonight?” Nikki asked laying down on her stomach. “What do you mean?” I chuckled while I was going through my closet. “Jayden is coming. Are you going to flirt again?” Emma asked joining in on the conversation. I stopped what I was doing and closed my eyes sighing now that I knew Mr. Annoying is going to be there. I turned to face the girls and they were both playfully smiling. “Stop it. The guy annoys the heck out of me, nothing is going on.” I answered going back to looking at my dresses. “Okay fine but don’t tell us you don’t have a little something happening. I mean, the guy doesn’t speak to anyone besides a couple of people he knows, and even with them, he doesn’t whisper things or smirk.” Nikki said recalling what she saw on our first day. “Look, I don’t who he thinks he is to act the way he did,” I spoke remembering that day he almost injured me and how pissed I was when he asked for my apology. “Jayden f*cking Wright, the hottest man out there. That’s who he is.” Emma said. “There really is nothing going on between us he didn’t even know my name until you spilled it out.” I continued pointing at Nikki “Then what DID he call you until Nikki said your name,” Emma asked crossing her arms. I really did not want to say what he called me because I knew the moment I did they were going to drown me with questions and tell me that something is, in fact, going on between us which was not true. “Come on, tell us. I’ll ask him if you don’t, and I will do it.” Nikki pointed her index at me as if she was threatening me. I sighed before giving in and answering. “Long legs.” They didn’t even give me time to finish my sentence before they jumped in their places. “Long legs?! And you’re seriously telling us there is nothing between you two?” Emma sounded surprised. “Girl, you got the man wrapped around your finger.” She continued. “No, I do not. There is absolutely nothing between us. I annoy him and he annoys me, I don’t want to talk about him anymore and I seriously need to find a dress for tonight. So, shut up and help me look good.” I sounded angry a little but I didn’t care. I don’t want to talk about Mr. Annoying anymore. “Why? You want to impress him?” Nikki said almost laughing so I threw a pillow at her and she continued laughing before actually helping me. ******** Finally, I chose a sexy red dress with a cut on the side showing off one of my legs. It was above my knees and perfectly outlined my curves. The dress was sleeveless with two thin straps and had a small V in the center. My heels were matte black with straps wrapping around my ankles and I decided to wear an armlet to go with the entire look. My makeup was simple but also pretty and my long caramel hair fell over my shoulders like a curtain and danced as I walked. We arrived at school and there were a lot of people there already. Some were out in the parking lot others were talking in front of the gates of the school. The music was very loud we could hear it blasting everywhere, so we decided to head inside and have a little fun of our own. While I was walking in, I saw many eyes turn to me and scan me from head to toe then place a smirk on their faces. It kind of made me feel uncomfortable but I also liked it because it was somehow a new feeling. “Hey girls, wow Eva. I didn’t know a cute girl in a cardigan could look like that.” Jake scanned me with a playful smile. “My eyes are up here, Jake.” I raised his chin making him look at me instead of my body. “Sorry.” He laughed it off then hugged me then hugged Emma and Nikki hitting on them too. “Hey,” Mason said keeping his distance. I noticed how weird he was acting. “No hug from you?” I asked pulling him in and felt like he hesitated before returning the hug. After pulling away I saw him blush a little bit and I smiled softly. “Come on. Let’s have a drink.” Nikki dragged us all to the main hall where the real party was going on. When we went in, all we could see were people dancing and drinking. I started looking around and saw the one person I didn’t want to see. Jayden was literally staring at me piercing me was his jet-black eyes before he turned his face and walked away. When he did that, I felt my heart beating really fast and everything the girls and I discussed came rushing back and I couldn’t help but curse. F*ck.
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