Tough Work

1001 Words
HANNAH'S POV A dawn feels like a new beginning, makes me feel like I can change who I was yesterday. I tell myself I can do better. Then I run right into a closed door and realize, I can't change who I am in a day. I whisper the song as I carefully wipe the smooth floor of the lavish kitchen that is the size of a small world. Kyla sits on a stool near the door, waiting for me to finish so she can show me the next planet to clean. I was worried that there would be people working in here as I cleaned and it would be as frustrating as cleaning the corridor yesterday. But Kyla said that the palace has got two more kitchens like these where they can work while I clean. All servants seemed busier today. Like there it is urgent that they get done with whatever they were doing. I was hoping to give myself a tour of the place once I am done with cleaning. It doesn't seem possible anymore with the amount of work that I am expected to complete within the day. I have at least cleaned three quarters of the space since I got here. I stand to give my back a break and see Kyla's pretty face form a frown. "I am not going to be sitting here for half of my day while you stand there and gaze at the floor!" She bursts. I wonder if she has ever cleaned anywhere. Doesn't she know people get tired? She dresses way too sexy for someone that has to work. She wouldn't understand what it's like to keep one's back bent for hours. I would give up the work if I am not looking forward to my first pay. I added two dresses on the list of things I want to buy. Maybe thinking I look better will help me feel better inside even though people treat me like a dustbin. I bend over and resume the work. It is going to be one tiresome month, but I won't give in so soon. I don't want to give my family another reason to hate me more. "Everyone is doing twice the work they usually do. Princess Aria magically healed Prince Henry even before getting here. The King's family wants to her to really enjoy her time here after she arrives. It would be a shame if she finds some dirty rooms." I hear Kyla say. That sounds incredible. The Princess can heal the disease even at a far distance from the patient? No wonder she is so famous. I am not sure if the boy I touched yesterday was the little Prince, but something unexplainable happened and I am even afraid of thinking about it. "If Prince Nathan asks her to marry him, no more people in this Kingdom will die of the disease, just like in her Father's Kingdom." Kyla says. Prince Nathan is going to ask Princess Aria to marry him? How much do the two know each other? Or is he just focused on marrying her knowledge in sorcery because the Kingdom needs it? He was rude to me just like everyone is. But Lina said he is sweet. So unless Princess Aria looks as awful as I do, they are likely to get along well. "How do you know he wants to marry her?" I find the courage to ask. "She is a Princess of the second wealthiest Kingdom and I believe she is beautiful as well. She is perfect for him." Kyla answers. The man I bumped into yesterday isn't the kind of person that would entertain flaws. I am sure the famous Princess has all it takes to impress him. "Hurry up, there are a lot of places that needs cleaning!" Kyla's voice turns from casual to mean as she orders. I pick up speed even though my back has now began hurting. I would normally whisper one of the songs I make to keep my mind distracted so I don't feel the pain. But I have gotten closer to Kyla and I am afraid she will hear me sing and make fun of my voice. I go down to my knees so I don't have to bend my back. My dress is going to once again get wet, but I don't care anymore. I will do the work, they will pay me and I will buy good clothes and start working on being a better person. I am about to be done when I hear sounds of footsteps heading in and quickly look up. A wave of shock runs through my body at the sight of the two people walking in. It's an adult man and a boy. To be more specific, it's the gorgeous man I bumped into yesterday and the sick boy I touched and saw him heal. I now know that the tall hunk is the famous Prince Nathan. I am not sure if the little boy is his brother or not. Kyla puts on a sweet smile as she stands and bows before the two. I don't know if I am supposed to do the same. I really don't want either of their attention to shift to me. "Henry wants a glass of fruit juice." The handsome hunk simply says. I thought he would at least say something to acknowledge Kyla's seductive smile. I was wrong. And apparently the little boy is Prince Henry. At least he didn't see me yesterday. "Prince Henry, you want pineapple or mango juice?" Kyla asks the boy. "I want orange juice." The little Prince clarifies. Kyla nods and goes to get the boy the juice. I immediately lower my eyes back to the floor and try to focus on cleaning the rest of space. But then I hear footsteps heading towards me. I raise my gaze to see the boy stand only two steps away. My stomach churns. "Henry?!" Prince Prince Nathan calls.
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