Chapter one - My boring life

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Ashley's POV: Hello, my name is Ashley. I am 18 years old, and soon, I will graduate. Well, after a couple of months. Most of the time, I am at home. I have friends, but mostly in school. Let's say I haven't found the one I can trust completely. There are some things I prefer to keep private. Someone might say that I am boring, but I don't care. I'm not going to school to have fun. I want to have good grades so I can go to New York. That's right. I want to study in New York. That has been my dream since tenth grade. It's still alive. That means I have the chance to make it come true. That's why I have to study hard for that. I heard it's not easy to get accepted into their universities. Also, people in New York are different. Let's hope that there won't be more high school kids. I mean in my university. I would love to talk with more mature people. It's not like I am one, but I'm trying my best. Currently, I am single. Honestly, I don't want to waste my time with boys. I would love to do it. Well, if someone wasn't making inappropriate and offensive jokes. I am talking about one boy. His name is Avery, and he always makes fun of people. For him, everything is a joke. I don't know how people's problems are a joke. Once I liked a boy. He told me that I was the last person he would date. I tried to forget about it, but with Avery, it's impossible. He always makes fun of me because I don't date anyone. There are other people like me, but I guess he liked to make this joke about me. It's not a lie that it hurts me sometimes. He doesn't know anything about the story. One day I will find his weak spot and use it to make him understand what it feels like to be on the other side. I hope he will learn his lesson. I woke up and went to get ready. Why does the school have to exist? The teachers are ok, but the students go crazy sometimes. I don't know what is wrong with these people. It's like they have drunk something. There are rules, but nobody is following them. Maybe only a couple of students and me. After all, I am trying to keep the good girl in me. It's not like I will do something that can get me in trouble. I got ready and went into the kitchen for breakfast. Only dad was at the table. Mom probably got out. Lately, she has been going out early. The thing is that she is working on a project with people from China. The time difference is a big part of it. That's why she has to go out early. After all, she has other work to do as well. I took some food and sat at the table. - Hey, dad. No answer. I don't think that dad noticed me. Well, maybe if he wasn't on his phone. Sometimes my parents work too much. I would love it if we could spend some time together. Just like we did when I was little. I took his phone and made him look at me. - Hello. I am here. - I'm sorry, Ashley. I have work to do. - You always do. It looks like I am not that interesting to you anymore. - That's not true. - Maybe, but you and mom don't spend much time with me. It's not like I am begging for your attention, but before, things were different. - I know, and I'm sorry. - You said I was your little girl. - And you still are. - Dad, I am growing up, but you're too busy to see it. I bet that when I find a boyfriend, you won't even notice. - Oh, I do notice these things because the boy will go through security. - Is the security you? - Yes. - dad said, and I laughed - We'll see if this is true. After breakfast, I walked to school. I love my parents, but I wish they had some free time. The last time they went out together was two months ago, and it was shopping for food for home. I walked in and went to my locker. I looked up and saw Avery with the team. As long as he doesn't notice me, I am good. Right now, I am not in the mood for his jokes. It's not like he will understand this. I need to stop wasting my time with him. Some people never change. He is one of them. I took my things and was about to go to class when he stopped me. Let's see what he wants. If I could, I would've killed him. This boy is so annoying that I can't stand him. - What do you want, Avery? I'm not in the mood. - Nothing. I wanted to check how is my favorite single girl. - Very funny. If you can't say something better, I will go to class. Bye, player. - What did you call me? - Player. - Excuse me. - What? It's the truth. You are a football player. Same as the boys. - Oh, I thought of something else. - Because your brain is too small to understand such a high level of intelligence. - I said, and the boys laughed - Watch out, princess. - You can't outsmart me. - Don't be so sure. - I will be sure. Your grades are proving it. If you don't know, the whole school knows about them. Now, if you excuse me, I have a class to attend. - I said and left - This is not the end! - he shouted after me - It is! - I shouted back Some people will never learn. I might not be that smart, but I am smarter than him. As I said, I won't waste my time with him. It's better if I stay away from him. I walked into the classroom and saw next to Nicole. She is a good girl. Also, part of the few people with who I talk. - Hi, Nicole. - Oh, hi, Ashley. How are you? - I have been better. - Why? - Avery. - Don't say more. He made a joke about my clothes yesterday. - Soon, he will get hurt. - Isn't this what all of us want? - she asked, chuckling - I don't like him, but it doesn't feel good to be on the other side. - Don't tell me that you are on his side. - No way! I will never support the devil. - Neither will he support you, single lady. Both with Nicole looked up to see Avery. I wonder how much he has heard. Well, I don't care. Everybody knows I don't like him. This boy is last on my list, and I don't even have one. - I might be single, but at least I don't go to detention every week. - Watch your mouth. - Or what? You can't do anything. - Are you sure? - he asked and came closer - Mister Robinson, sit down. Don't make me angry, or I will give you another detention. - Shut up, grandpa! - Excuse me. Sit down right now! - Whatever. Honestly, I don't know what is wrong with him. Lately, Avery has been different. He is treating teachers horribly. A long time ago, one student got expelled for the same reason. He was treating teachers the same way as Avery. Even if he has problems, it doesn't mean everyone else is guilty. It's not my business, anyway. On the lunch break, I went to eat with Nicole. Let's say she wanted us to be together. It's not like I mind. Everyone is better than this boy. I hope he won't talk to me until the end of the day. I don't want to deal with him. Somehow, he is taking all my energy. I am wasting too much time on him. It's better if I start ignoring him. I looked up and saw him with the team. Luckily, he didn't see me. That's what I thought. As we were eating, he came to our table. I don't remember inviting him. My plan called "ignore the boy" will be in action. Let's see if he will get annoyed. - Hey, single lady. - Nicole, do you have plans for the afternoon? We can go out if you want. - Sure, I would love that. - I am here. - Avery said - Where do you want us to go? - I asked, looking at Nicole - I don't know. Maybe we can go to a park or the mall. - Wherever it's cooler. It's too hot outside. - I agree here. Avery grabbed my hand and made me look at him. I have never seen him so angry. It's not a lie that I got a bit scared. Let's hope he won't do anything. - When I am talking, you will listen to me! Understood? - Y-Yes. - Good. Also, thanks to you, I got detention again. You will pay me for this. - What do I have to do with that? - The teacher said that I couldn't treat students like that. Watch out, princess. You will regret messing with me. - Do whatever you want. The fault you don't know how to treat people is not mine. - Ok, then. I hope you like the detentions. I will make sure you get one. - he said and left - I am scared. - Nicole said - It's ok. He won't do anything. - Why are you so sure? - Because he risks getting another detention. - Watch out, ok? - Yes, you don't have to worry. Later, we walked for the rest of the classes. Nicole wasn't with me, but Avery was. At least he is sitting far away from me. I can't stand him. Soon, the geography teacher came with our tests. - Ok, students. I have graded your tests. Some of you did well, others not so much. I will give them to you so everyone can see their mistakes. If you think there is a mistake in your test, call me. I will check it and maybe will change the points and grade. - I have no mistakes! That's great. - Good job, Ashley. I wish that I could say the same for you, Avery. If you don't study, you know what will happen. As I see, your grades are low in every subject except PE. I know football is your priority, but you have to study. - You are not my mom, so stop with the lectures. - I am a teacher. That's my job. To lecture you! I want to talk with your parents. - They are on a business trip. - Don't lie to me. - I'm not. Call mom if you want. - You need to study. - No, I don't. - Look at Ashley. She is one of the top students. I'm not saying you have to be one, but why don't you put in some effort? - I will do whatever I want. After this class, I went to take my things. I have to go home and do my homework. I looked up and saw Avery going to the field. Honestly, I don't know why he doesn't want to study. With a little effort, he can change his grades. I followed him and saw him running around. - What are you doing here? - Oh, hi, Jason. - You didn't answer my question. - Why does he not want to study? - If you mean Avery, I don't know. We have asked him, but he never answered. - But you are his friends. I thought he would share it with you. - You might see him joking around. Well, he is not that open person. He doesn't like to talk about himself. Why are you asking? Did he fail another test? - I don't think he failed. I guess his grades keep getting low. The teacher wasn't happy. - I have no idea what is going on with him. If his grades continue to get low, he might get kicked out of the team, and it won't be by us. The principal can do it. - Well, that is his problem. I just got curious. - No one knows what is going on with him. I have to say that he spends a lot of time here. Once, he stayed on the field until the schools got closed. - If he puts as much effort into his studies as in football, he will be better than me. - I said, and Jason chuckled - I hope that he knows what he is doing. - Well, if he is your friend, he has to know. - He wants to be a professional football player. - That's good. I heard Avery is the best player on the team. - He is. That's why we need him. When he is not in the mood, he always trains. - Everyone has their passion. - True. - I will go home now. I don't want Avery to see me. - You don't want another joke, do you? - Yes. Today it was enough. - Ok, then. See you tomorrow. - Yes, Bye, Jason. - Bye, Ashley. Like that, I walked home. I feel a bit bad for Avery. For some reason, he is treating people horribly. I think he can act normally, but this boy doesn't want to do it. Well, it's not my business. I am not the one with low grades. Hopefully, I will graduate with a perfect score. I need it. I want to go to New York, and a good diploma is my only chance. I have to focus on myself and stop wasting time on unnecessary things. I don't mean only Avery. About Nicole. The talk at lunch was to make Avery mad. She is busy today. I have to spend more time with people. Most of the time, I am alone. Well, I have to study. I hope when the times come, I will get accepted. That is my dream.
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