Chapter 1 - Elise's summons

1357 Words
~The 21st century~ In a time of increased human population, magical creatures were in deep need to help them. Elves for Santa, pixies for mischief and missing socks, fairies to help balance nature, angels and reapers to help aid the dead, and witches to fill every other void.  Whenever a witch comes of age, they would front the magic council. The magic council consisted of one representative from each being and it headed by the Arch Mage, Alexander Sebastian Jameson the third.  *Her* Today was Elise's twenty first birthday. Being the only child to a witch and a warlock, she knew her turn to be assigned was today. She took the day off from university in order to respond to the summons.  As her alarm went off, she bounced out of bed, tripped on the sheet and fell onto her face on the floor. She got up and groaned. She made her way to the bathroom, finished her business, washed her face and brushed her teeth. She looked at her appearance in the mirror. She had a bad case of bed hair so she reached for her brush. She has so many knots in her blonde hair that it took forever to brush it. It was still fairly fuzzy so she just put it into a messy pony tail.  She went to her wardrobe and took out the petal pink cotton dress that she had chosen for the day, and a pair of strappy sandals. She hummed as she descended the stairs two at a time. She went into the kitchen and kissed her mother on the cheek.  "Morning mum." He mother smiled. "Morning sweetheart." Her mother sighed. "My baby is all grown up. Have you heard from the magic council yet? Ooh what do you hope they will assign you as?"  Elise giggled. "Slow down mum. No I haven't heard from them yet. And I'm not sure what I want but I'm sure it'll be exciting!"  Her mother handed her a bowl of warm steaming porridge for breakfast. "Here honey, you'll need a full stomach and the energy for whatever comes today. Oh and don't forget, your father and I want you ready for your party at two pm!" She gently tapped her daughter on the head with a wooden spoon.  She took her porridge and a plate of eggs and bacon to the dining table. Her father was sitting at the head of it in the sunshine reading the newspaper. His glasses glinting when he looked up. "Morning Princess. Ready for your big day?" Like with her mother, Elise gave her father a kiss on the cheek. "Yes Daddy." She sat down and began to eat her breakfast. As she picked up her toast, one of the eggs slipped off her plate and landed in her lap, staining her dress. "Aww...this dress was my favourite, sigh." She finished her breakfast and excused herself from the table. She put her plate in the sink and her mother turned around from washing dishes. "Aww honey....your dress...go and change into the white one with the Daisies. That has always been my favourite. And put your dress in the laundry hamper. I'll soak it later." She winked at her daughter then went back to the dishes.  Elise skipped back up the stairs. "This is so like me...on my big day I spoil my clothes." She tried dabbing the egg with a napkin but it only spread the egg more. "Now I'll need a shower too." She peeled off the dress and put it in the laundry hamper then stripped off the rest of her clothes and shoes and hopped into the shower. She washed her hair and herself and then stepped out. She had goosebumps from the sudden temperature change. She dried herself and then walked into her bedroom naked. She was towel drying her hair with one hand while going through her dresses with the other.  She stopped upon the one her mother suggested.  Pulling it off the hanger. "This one will do." She smiled again. She twisted her hair up in the towel and bundled it on top of her head. She put on clean underwear and then her dress.  She went to her dresser and picked up her hairbrush. She spotted an envelope with a her name printed on the front. She squeeled in glee. "Oh this must be one of my birthday presents..." She opened it and a piece of paper with intricate patterns and the council's seal down the bottom fell out. She picked it up and read it out loud. "Dear Elise, On this day, the twenty second of month XX It is your twenty first birthday. In accordance with the rules set out by the council, you are cordially being summoned to be instated with your assigned duty as is your responsibility as part of the magical community. Do you accept?"  Elise shrugged her shoulders. "Well duh..." With those words Elise was slowly sucked into a portal that was made from reading the letter out loud. "Oh no, I'm not readyyyyyyy!" She screamed as she flew inside the portal. It only took her a few seconds, before she landed on a shiny marvel floor on her butt. "Oh this floor is cold..." A voice behind cleared their throat. Elise slowly shuffled around on her butt and then was startled. There in front of her in a podium was thirty different magical beings.  Elise came to her senses, gulped and whispered to herself. "The magic council...."  The Arch Mage stood up. His silk patterned grey robes rustled as he stood. "Indeed, we are Elise. Welcome." He spread out his arm. Elise stood up and then realised she was still wearing the towel on her head and then she turned beet red. She quickly took the towel off and fluffed her hair. 'it probably looks like a bird's nest' she thought, before she turned all her attention to the council. The Arch Mage addressed her.  "Elise, you have been summoned and accepted that you will be assigned a magical responsibility chosen by us." Elise bowed in recognition. "Yes, your honour." The Arch Mage then put his hands behind his back. "Do you Elise Pendal, only daughter of the witch Elizabeth Pendal and the warlock Michael Pendal, both assigned as heralds, solemnly swear to undertake your duties as bound by the rules set out by the council?" Elise again gulped and stammered. "Ah...y..y...yes...." The Arch Mage clapped once. "Very well...we shall deliberate and then as per our decision you will be assigned without argument." Elise was trying to remain calm. She was excited. She observed if they were going to give her the same occupation as her parents. The Arch Mage wondered between the congregation as they whispered amongst each other.  After a few minutes, Elise looked down and started to fidget with her fingers. After more.mintues of silence the Arch Mage spoke up again. "It has been decided....As of Elise, will be assigned as a Sandwomen. You will be responsible for creating the dreams of humans as they sleep." Elise gasped, but then the Arch Mage continued. "As befitting your title, here is your uniform..." He waved his arm in her direction and her clothes changed. She looked down as her body glowed. When it does away in a shower of gold dust, she was now wearing a short white cotton dress that was sinched in at the waist by a golden band and at her right shoulder was a gold badge and a flowy bell sleeve. Her hair had also been altered. It was now pinned in braids.  Elise was speechless. "Ah...." The Arch Mage smiled.  "Before I bag of dream dust. Every evening around nine pm you'll receive a list of dream dust recipients." The hessian bag floated down into her hands. "It will be your task to facilitate their dreams as they sleep. Now you may go...." With a flick of his arm, Elise was transported back to her room. She ran to the mirror. "Wow...." She took in her reflection. But then she ran downstairs screaming. "MUM.....!"
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