This is the End

1024 Words
Allison POV "Ouch" my head is pounding like I'm suffering from a hang over. Not that I really know what that's like since I don't drink. "Princess?" I hear the voice before I see the face. "Daddy" I croak. I want to scream and jump with excitement since I haven't seen him for nearly half a year but in my condition that is next to impossible. We used to live in the Crescent Wolf Pack house where dad was the Beta. I don't remember much since I was young at that time, but I know we fled to our current home some 10 years ago because of a war. Growing up I always wonder why we never went back but dad usually just tells me he doesn't want to uproot me from this new life we've created. Mom opened her own restaurant and Dad became a professional consultant who travel often for work. We live a pretty normal life and hardly speak anything wolf related, so I've never associated myself with any pack. At this point I'm pretty sure we can be classified as lone wolves. I'm always delighted when dad comes home, especially when he returns from those trips that take him away for this long. He's my hero and my rock and right now he's the comfort that I need. "Finally up princess?" I slowly nod trying not to aggravate my headache. He sits on the edge of the bed leans forward to kiss my forehead. "You want to talk about it?" he ask wiping last night's tear stains from my check. I close my eyes. To tell the story is like reliving the experience and I'm not ready. Without saying a word he understands "Don't force yourself. You can always tell me whenever you are ready, just know I'm always here for you princess" He hugs me before standing up. Just then I look over and see mom propping against the door frame with a smile on her face. She already knows I'm a daddy's girl. We always jokingly tease her that even if I were a boy, I'll be a daddy's boy. "Ready for breakfast hun?" mom asks. I just shake my head no. I've lost all appetite. Worry is in mom's eyes but there's nothing she can do. Dad walks over to mom places a comforting hand on her shoulder and walks out, she then follows closely behind. It breaks my heart to see my parents break, over my broken heart. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. "Mate" I whisper but I don't know why. That triggers a fresh set of tears. I curl into the fetus position rocking myself, humming the song mom did. My body ache from yesterday's grueling pain. Now I'm just waiting on the magic touch of time to heal my wounds. Ryder's POV All night we travelled reaching the pack house early this morning. I enter heading straight to the place I last remember my room was. The whole car ride was spend with music blasting and dad occasionally talking over the music to tell mum something. Josh just played video games the entire ride. If no one was going to bring up the conversation then I won't be dumb enough to either. The room is clean as if even in our absence someone regularly maintained it. I flop on to the bed, then, there's a shooting pain through my heart. I roll over now looking up at the ceiling. "Mate" I hear floating through the air in a faint whispery tone. I look around but there's no one there. Then, another pain takes me by surprise and I clutch my chest. The pain intensifies and a roaring howl escape my lips sending vibrating sound waves through the atmosphere so extreme that the room shakes. Then suddenly, the pain disappears and I'm left catching my breath. If I'm correct people will be rushing in shortly to find out the reason. I don't even know the reason myself, so I won't know what to say. Maybe it has something to do with the rejection? I ponder this thought. If it does, I don't want to end up confessing it, so I jump through the window of the second floor. Of course like a cat we wolves are agile. I land on my feet...nailed it. I run around the house entering the hall from its entrance where I watch as people rush to my room. I follow behind. I remain at the back of the crowd for sometime before parting them like the red sea. I step into my room where mom, dad and Josh stand nervously looking around. They stop when they see me and I flash them a puzzled look as if asking what's going on. "Are you alright darling?" mom ask anxiously examining me from head to toe as if looking for a reason to tend to me. "Why wouldn't I be?" I question looking from my parents to the crowd then back to my parents. I raise an eyebrow as if demanding to be told what was going on. "Didn't you hear that?" Dad queries "Hear what?" I may not be good at lying but I sure do know how to play dumb. "That's strange" dad says searching the room once again as he scratches his head clearly confused. Josh runs to me throwing his hand around my waist squeezing me tight as he hugs me. Yes, we argue, we fight, he gets on my nerves, but there's no denying that it's all in the name of brotherly love. "I thought something was wrong with you" he sobs into my stomach. I gently pat him on the head. "I'm alright" I calmly reply. 'Or at least I will be' I whisper to myself. Eventually, everyone is gone and I'm all alone. I sit reflecting on the pain and all I can think of is her. I don't even think I know her name but I see her face. This must be the pain of a severed bond, I resolve. I guess now the bond is broken, this is the end.
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