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Alpha Bellamy POV BELLAMY POV When we got to the packhouse our two beta’s, Noah and Leo were waiting for us. “I don’t like it when the two of them are waiting for us together.” Zeke said. “Neither do I. It always means trouble.” I said. “I am really sorry to have to mention this, but you two have to attend a party at Silver Moon Pack.” Noah said. “What? You have to be kidding? We can’t leave right now. There’s too much going on.” Zeke said. “You’ve already agreed to it. The Alpha there is trying to find mates for his seven oldest children. The youngest one is still underage, so he’s not bothering with her yet. And there are going to be a lot of other packs there. It looks like the party is going to have close to 1000 people there.” Noah said. “And it’s too late to back out?” I asked, walking to the office as they all followed. I sat at my desk and turned the computer on. “I’m afraid so. He is desperate to find mates for his kids. Especially the oldest one. He’s 27 and still hasn’t found his mate. And he’s the one that’s meant to take over the pack. But the Alpha isn’t going to give him control of the pack until he finds his mate.” Leo explained. I looked over at Zeke and he looked just as unenthusiastic as me. I really didn’t want to go to this event, but we knew that it was a must. If an Alpha was trying to find mates for the future Alpha of his pack, then that was something that we had to oblige. Because his mate obviously wasn’t in their pack. “Alright. We’ll catch the first flight out in the morning.” I said. So the Beta’s left and we heard them leave the packhouse. “Well, let’s hope we’re not mated to any of them.” Zeke said. “Why?” I asked. “Really? You’re the one that usually does the research. Silver Moon Pack. Their Alpha is a sadistic prick.” Zeke said. “Is that Alpha Xavier?” I asked. “Yeah. That’s the one.” He said. “Oh crap. I don’t want to be mated to any of his daughters. Have you heard the stories about his daughters?” I asked. “Only the older ones. The youngest isn’t allowed to leave the pack territory for some reason. Probably because she’s underage, but I don’t know if that’s the real reason. I know the older girls are gold digging little tramps who will get with anyone if they think it will boost their status.” Zeke said. “And now we’re headed there. Let’s hope the Goddess isn’t going to be that cruel to us.” I said. “You can never tell. We haven’t exactly been saints.” He said. I looked up from my computer to see him smirking at me, but I just shook my head and got back to work. Our plane landed about two hours ago and there was a car waiting to pick us up. Luckily, after being awake all night and looking like crap after the flight, we were able to go to a hotel and stay there for a few hours to get ready for this black tie event. It’s the last thing that either of us want to be f*****g doing right now, but we don’t have a choice. We know this Alpha and we know that he’s a real bastard. Our pack is the biggest and strongest in the country but we know that he has a lot of alliances with a lot of packs around the country as well. None of them are upstanding citizens, but to the human population, they are incredible figures that do so much charity work that it actually makes them look like good people. They are famous throughout the human’s, but that’s only because that’s how they make their money. We do as well, but we don’t own public companies where we have to make constant appearances at. That’s why we went for our form of income. So we could concentrate more on our pack. And that’s what we really need to be doing now. Zeke got ready first and then I did. It was only a short drive from the hotel to the pack, so we were putting it off for as long as possible. We had a lot of pack members with us, but they were staying at a different hotel and they were being taken to the party in shuttle buses. “Are you guys ready?” Noah asked, coming into our penthouse. “I guess so.” I said. “You don’t even need to stay for that long. The Alpha just wants to see if anyone is a mate for his kids.” Leo said. “Why do I feel like we’re just being sold off?” I asked, coming out of the bathroom. “Because that’s what it is. Especially if we end up with one of his daughters.” Zeke said. “Well, you can always reject her if you don’t want her.” Noah said. Zeke and I looked at each other skeptically, knowing that it probably wouldn’t be a wise decision. We’ve already got one serial killer in our pack, we didn’t need this pack and a bunch of others coming after us. “Let’s go and get this over with.” I finally said. There had been a serial murder targeting Zeke’s and my ex girlfriends and we were trying to figure out what happened. We know that this killer is still somewhere in the property and after discovering a body earlier tonight, we weren’t in the mood to think about going to any damn party. We had to get this bastard taken care of. But that was proving harder than we thought. No matter how many warriors and patrols we had on duty right now. Now I guess this just had to wait till we came back from the party.
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