Introductions #2

1184 Words
  Ace's POV Me and the gang jump out of the Dodge Durango and start walking lazily into the college building, we were already late so there was no point in rushing. I slam the door to the business classroom open and it hits the wall making everyone in the class jump. I scan the class and I watch as one of Jane's dreads hit her in the eye as her head snaps towards the door. She's my latest victim, not that she's done anything wrong. Apart from the way her and her friends dress, they call it grunge, I think. But there's something about her, the way she acts shy and quiet, but I can tell there is something under the exterior. I just wanna see how far I can push her before she snaps. The only empty chairs in the class are right in front of her table, I make as much noise, pulling the chair out as possible and lean over to her and smirk. "See, not even your own hair likes your face!" I say, I can see her starting to ball up her fists under the table, as me and my friends laugh at her. I get a small glare from her, but that is the only reaction. I turn, so I'm sitting sideways on my chair, drumming my fingers on her desk, thinking of a way I can annoy her, but I don't have to, because although she's ignoring me, I can see by the way her nose is scrunched up and she's glaring at the empty page of her notebook that she is fuming. I think if she could of got away with it, she would have punched me in the face by now. I don't know what her and her friends think they look like, She's sitting there with a rainbow head full of dreads and a hoodie that's about two sizes too big for her skinny little frame and I think she might actually be quite pretty if you could see her face through the amount of thick black make up she wears. Her best friend Ellen is the same, really thick black make up, but her hair is black and straggly and she wears slightly less baggy clothes. Ellen's twin, Nate has the same black straggly hair, but wears it with a black beanie that has a skull on it, he wears the same sort of band tees as Ellen does with baggy jeans, that whenever he moves you can see his boxers. I move and can see that underneath the table, Jane's hand is balled into a fist, clinging to her cargo pants so tightly her hand has gone white. Wow, I really am pissing her off with the drumming. The tutor finally let's us go and I head out to find my girl Teagan, I know she finished a few minutes ago and she'll be waiting by my car. I walk outside and as expected, there she is waiting for me like the predictable little girl she is. "Hey baby." I walk towards her with a cheeky smile. "Don't smile at me you f*****g t**t!" What the f**k? "What's wrong babe?" "What's wrong? What's f*****g wrong?!" Her voice screeches at me as she thrusts her phone in my face. Oh s**t! I look at the phone more clearly and see a picture of me and her sister kissing, with my hand on her arse. "Who sent you that?" She glares at me. "That doesn't matter, the point is...WE ARE OVER!" She screeches even louder and storms off. I take a deep sigh and race after her. "Baby wait, I can explain."  Why did I say that? I really can't explain anything. "Go on then, I'd like to hear you try explaining why you had your tongue down my sister's throat last night." Right time to think on your feet, Ace. "It was a mistake." Well that was a good explanation. A round of applause for Ace ladies and gentleman (sarcasm noted) "What did you just trip, land on her lips and grab her arse to steady yourself?" She doesn't look at me as she shouts at me, nearing the canteen. "You can't just dump me. Do you know who I am?"   "Yeah a f*****g t**t!" "Why is that such a problem for you now suddenly?"   "Because she's my f*****g sister, Ace." She screamed at me.  "And you were better than her." Well it's a compliment, worth a try. "I have to look at you both everyday, knowing that you've f****d. So I'm taking you out of the equation."   "I know you don't really want to do this, baby." Last chance, then I'm walking away. "I don't have a choice." She flicks her blonde hair, nearly whipping me in the eye. Wow that really would be karma from Jane, earlier. "Fine suit yourself. Don't come running back to me though, because I would have found someone better by then." I storm out. I'm not going to get anywhere with this. I walk back to the car where the gang is waiting, all four of them leaning against it. "Get off the f*****g car before you scratch it." I shout. "Take it that didn't go too well then." Rodrigo said. "Club tonight, I need to find another bird to show off. Prettier than Teagan too." "That's gonna be difficult, Teagan is H.O.T." Says Ruben. "Yeah well, I'll find one." I say confidently. "Come on, canteen I've seen someone I wanna piss off more than Teagan." I laugh as I walk to the canteen. I see Jane sitting at a table, a couple of older guys have joined her. One's sitting opposite her the first thing I notice is his blue hair. The other one has his arm draped around the back of her chair. Has she got a boyfriend? I Never knew that. He's got the same scraggly hair as the twins and looks quite a lot like Nate too. Could be their brother? I head towards their table and stand directly behind Jane, waiting for her to face me. I can tell she's still pissed by the way she's tensed up and gripping her cup. She turns to face me and I realise maybe I wasn't standing in the best place as she comes eye level with my groin. I see her eye the area for a second and I'm sure she's thinking something, but I'm not sure what. I don't really think I want to know either. "What can I do for you Ace?" She asks through gritted teeth. She's seething.  "I wanna sit here. MOVE!" I shout, trying to see if she looks at all scared of me. No, just seriously pissed. "We were just leaving anyway, weren't we Jane?" Her friend steps in before Jane has a chance to open her mouth. "Of course, the table's all yours. We were just going home anyway." She says politely, but the glare gives her away. They all get up, the guys put their beanies on and Jane grabs her spiky backpack and walks away, clenching her jaw. I can't help feeling smug about how pissed I have made her. "So, which club tonight?" Asks Gabriel. "Havana nights. It's the on Latin club in miles and you know, that's where you find the hottest girls." I say with a smirk. And I hear the woman that owns it is hot as hell too!
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