Chapter 3

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Four powerful men could be seen riding horses around the pack market, they do not care if they destroyed the market women things, all they knew was that they were just having fun. Also there were beautiful ladies at a corner admiring their beauty with Emerald being their lead, Emerald was also known to be the most beautiful girl the pack had, also the beta's sister. "Oh my goodness, Osman is so handsome" One of the girls uttered, clasping her hands. She stared at Osman dreamingly as he was the one taking the lead. Osman is the heir apparent of Northern moon. He is a handsome man with a well defined feature. Riding fast behind Osman is Lucien, the thirteenth son of wei Pack and also Alpha Derek's beta. Lucien is also known as a tiger. A ruthless tiger because he is always associated with playing dirty games, he gets whatever he wants at the snap of his fingers. Playing dirty games is his sport, ravishing a woman is his favorite. No one ever prays to cross paths with him. Opposite Lucien was Damon, Alpha Derek step brother. He is a gentle man who prefers to keep silent. He is commonly known as the ladies girls. If there is anyone who stands in comparison with Alpha Derek, it is Damon. Lastly, there was Asher. The grandson of Southern wei. "The world is in chaos. If we want to race, shouldn't we go to an empty space?" Osman suggested, stopping the horse by pulling it's jockey. "Come on, I will take you to play a more exciting game! Let's go hear some terrified cries " Lucien smirked. "What's the price for today?" Damon asked. "A bottle of foreign wine also you will get to see that daughters of a b***h! Shanaya!" Lucien gritted.. "Really?" Asher's interest was prickled. "Yes! Derek captured her already. She is our captivity, to do with whatever we like " Lucien replied. "Alright" Osman smirked. "Damon, why didn't your step brother, Alpha Derek come? " Osman questioned. "He's always been like this. We will not wait for him. Let's go have some fun" Lucien said, "Cha!!" He led his horse. The drove to an empty field and soon the slaves were led in wearing the same white uniform. Osman smirked, "Lucien, why did you bring so many girls here?" "Would I have brought you to play a regular hunting? The targeted are the bull dogs and these fresh beautiful slaves " Lucien sneered, wickedly. "They have our names on their cloths. What exactly is this, Lucien?" Damon asked, in an equal state of confusion. "That's right. This is how it is so much fun. Our arrived can shoot the female slaves of the bull dogs. Who ever have the most girls left will be the winner " Lucien stated. "This is so cruel" Damon protested. He was sure Alpha Derek would be angry at Lucien is he finds out. "Looking at it like this, protecting our own female slaves gives us a better chance of winning than killing the dogs" Asher hurled. "This is so interesting. Older brother is right" Osman concurred. Damon was terrified, "Using people as hunting targets? This is a very rare way of playing. It is too cruel. I will not participate. How about we change the hunting targets? That would still be the same " "Why? They are criminals set for death anyways. I put them out to give them a chance. If they can stay alive, they will be spared from death penalty " Lucien uttered. He continued, "Damon you have a noble name engraved on top of bows and arrows. You created your name through your horses and swords and your brother is the greatest Alpha ever. Isn't there a saying? Like blood like brothers? Do not embarrass you and your brother's name " Damon scoffed, "My sword can kill traitorous court officials and my arrows can shoot those barbarians who dare to encroach on our pack boarders but I cannot let innocent blood stain my hands. I do not need your title, Lucien " "Cut the crap! If he doesn't participate then kill all his brother's slaves. Why talk so much? Guards release the wild dogs! " Asher stated. Damon scoffed. "Cha! " He called until his horse and made to leave. "Let us wait a little longer, alpha Derek isn't here yet" Osman suggested.. Lucien smirked, "I'm afraid Derek is having a nice night right now" |•••••••••••••||||•••••• (Palace) Alpha Derek could be seen in his royal chambers. He sat down on his golden chair and carefully opened a scroll but his reading was distracted by a girl who was tired of waiting for him on his bed. She carefully opened the sides of the bed curtains and popped her head out. "You're done, Alpha? My eyes are sore from waiting. I know you're afraid of being cold, so I used my body to warm your bed. Are you sure you still want to sit over there?" Derek dropped his scroll and walked towards her, she is Amelia, his mistress new mistress. "Why are you staring at me like this, I will get shy" Amelia smiled, shyly. "If the person who sent you over sees your performance, they will be very disappointed for sure" Derek replied. "What are you saying, Master? I do not understand " "Then what did you understand?" Derek raised his brows. "I understand a lot of things, do you want to see?" Amelia questioned. "I'm a girl, you should take the initiative" She added. "If I take the initiative, you will have no chance to show your skills" Derek replied, leaning into her until his hot breath fanned the soft flesh of her neck. "Then, I'm coming" Amelia smiled. Just as Derek made to kiss her, she stung out her sharp fang to kill him by piercing his neck but Derek was quick to see it. He slapped her away. Turns out she is an undercover assassin. Amelia fell to the floor but was quick to stand. She dipped her hand into her corset and brought out so many poisoned pins which she throw skillfully towards Derek. Derek saw it coming. He skillfully reversed the poisoned pins to her. Amelia lacked the skill to reverse it back and so she ran towards the window but she was two slow as threw of the pins pierced her naked back. She yelled and fell out. Blood was already running down her nose. Derek smirked. He went out to go see for himself. "What did I do to make you see me through?" Amelia asked in pains. "From the begining to the end, not a single movement of yours was right" Derek replied. "Then, why didn't you uncover my plot?" She asked. "I often run into assassins and get poisoned but having a woman tempt me is a first. Indeed there is nothing new" He told her and walked away. "Come back! "She shouted but he ignored her as his messanger was coming towards him. "Alpha?" Salvador called. Amelia grunted in pains on the floor, "I already poisoned you. The antidote is with me, don't you want it?" Derek swielved his head towards her, "The one poisoned is you. It looks like my step brother will have to be disappointed again. He should give up on sending assassins to kill me"... "It is not your step brother that sent.." Amelia was saying but she lost her self to consciousness. Damon smirked deadly and faced Salvador back. "Alpha, The slaves were take to the field, they are the targets for hunting " Salvador delivered. "What! Who ordered that?" Derek asked, frowning. "It's Damon order sir" Salvador said, as he was told. "What the f**k!! Get my horse ready! Tell the guards to take this piece of trash away!" He said, pointing at the dead Amelia.
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