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SKY “Where is my brother?! Take me to him, NOW!”  I yelled at the two guards in the front seat of the car. I knew this day was fast approaching; the day they’d take me away from my older brother, Valerian. They were taking me to the barracks, it’s where they had started keeping the single shewolves over the last few months.  The past two years had been one giant nightmare. After the humans had gone to war with each other and dropped the bombs, we were the only ones left. The werewolves. But our numbers had dwindled considerably. Shewolves didn’t possess the same ability to heal quickly like the males. We healed slightly faster than humans, but not by much. As a result, the majority of the shewolves had died off with the human population. The males outnumbered us close to ten to one. It was pure chaos in the beginning, but our Alpha quickly gained control of our pack. The males had been working nonstop over the past two years, building our secure community.  The Alpha had come up with a plan to have some sort of lottery system for the single males. It was all very hush hush; with few details actually being announced to the pack as a whole yet. The little information I had gathered had left me terrified. It sounded as though they planned to award us to the male wolves somehow.  Try to focus right now, Sky. My wolf, Azul, thought to me. I was blessed with an incredible wolf. She was a beautiful unique soul and I was grateful for her, especially now.   We drove through the guarded gates of the compound that housed the single shewolves. “Please. Let me go home. I just want my brother.” I pleaded with the guards again, hoping they would return me home to Valerian.  It was just my brother and I. Our parents Maddox and Aella, had died with the initial fallout, like a lot of the older wolves.  I was just 14 years old when they died and Valerian started looking after me, he was only 17 at the time. He’d been taking care of me for the past two years all by himself. After my 16th birthday I started getting nervous, I knew it wouldn’t be long before the Alpha sent the guards to collect me.  I’d seen it done with a few of the females on my street that had survived the fallout. Valerian tried to reassure me that everything was going to be alright. But I knew things were far from being ok. They’d purposely collected me when Valerian was at work. They’d given me just five minutes to pack any belongings that I wanted to bring. I’d quickly scribbled a note and left it on my bed for my brother. Letting him know what had happened and that no matter what, I’d always love him.  The guards parked the car and got out. I tried the handle to open the door but it was locked. So much for shifting and running away, not like I had anywhere to run off to anyway. It was dangerous outside of our community. Rogues were everywhere and would do just about anything to get their hands on a single shewolf.  One of the guards opened the door and reached for me. “Keep your f*****g hands off of me!” I shouted as he grabbed my arm and pulled a very reluctant me from the backseat. He rolled his eyes and pulled me along behind him. We approached a large brown brick building just to the left of a row of barracks. I knew that was probably where the single shewolves lived. The heavily guarded entrance was a dead giveaway.  “Come on little shewolf, stop fighting. We’re the good guys. We just want to keep you safe.” The guard behind me said as he nudged me forward.  Oh yeah, I’m sure it’s our safety they're worried about. I thought to Azul.  Just stay alert, we don’t know what they have planned for us. She thought back, sounding just as nervous as I was feeling.  I’d shift and let her out if I had too. The problem was, they were werewolves too, so it didn’t really give me an upper hand at all.  They continued to pull me into the building and up a flight of steps. I kept scanning the area looking for any possible exits. I’d shift and jump through the f*****g window if I had too. Second floor be damned.  They opened a door and sat my bag down at my feet. There was an older woman sitting on a small lounge and a very fit middle aged man behind a large oak desk. “It’s alright dear. My name is Ms. Anne, no one’s going to hurt you.” She said immediately upon taking in my facial expression. The man behind the desk nodded his head, dismissing the guards. They quietly closed the door and left me standing in the middle of the room, eyeing the two new strangers.  “Sit.” The man spoke up for the first time.  “Sit? What am I? A dog?” I said before I could stop myself.  “I’m Commander Koda. And I’ve been given charge of the single shewolves by Alpha Felix. You’ll mind your superior and obey my commands. Things will go a lot smoother for you if you listen when spoken too.” He said, rising from his seat. He was a large fit man, even for his age. He was probably in his early forties if I had to guess. Sky? Let’s just play along for now. Azul thought softly to me.  I lowered myself into the chair closest to the door, sitting on the edge of the seat. Commander Koda sat back down, satisfied now.  He opened a file in front of himself and scanned its contents. I leaned forward just enough to see my own picture and various sheets that appeared to be records of some sort.  “You’ve been brought here because you experienced your first heat last month. We can’t have unguarded single females roaming free. It’s far too dangerous.” He said, scanning the pages.  My cheeks had turned pink as I glanced at Ms. Anne. But she was sitting there as if this was a completely normal subject to be discussing with strangers. How did they even know that I had experienced my first heat? I’d locked myself inside my bedroom for two days with Valerian leaving food and plenty of ice at my door. Ice was the only thing that helped the burning pain… besides a male.  It had not been a very fun experience, to say the least.  “I was an unguarded single shewolf before I had my first heat too. I don’t see why that should change anything.” I said sheepishly. “Because you weren’t viable before then.” the Commander said, making direct eye contact with me.  He took in a breath to speak more but a loud thud followed by scuffling could be heard from the other side of the door. “Get your f*****g hands off of me, you asshole!” a shewolf’s voice yelled.  So I wasn’t the only one the guards had gotten handsy with.  The Commander quickly rounded his desk followed by Ms. Anne. He opened the door and the scuffling noises poured into the small room. I peered around The Commander to see a shewolf with long dark brown hair and bright green eyes. She was dressed in a bright red outfit and she was actually wrestling with a guard… and from the looks of it, she was winning.  Another guard laid on the ground cupping his nuts.  She must have nailed him in the family jewels; good for her. Azul thought to me, making me smile. “What the hell is going on out here?” The Commander boomed, taking in the chaos. He reached for the girl and pulled her off of the guard she was wailing on.  “Let go of me!” she yelled, trying to take a swing at him as well. But he was a lot faster than the dipshits that were still on the ground.  “Enough!” He yelled before dragging her into the office and slamming the door behind himself. He roughly pushed her down into the chair next to me. She immediately attempted to pop back up before the Commander spoke up “So help me God, I’ll tie you down to the f*****g chair, Amaris.” She huffed and folded her arms over her chest. “Where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?” He asked, turning his attention back to me.   “Please, I just want to go home to my brother.” I spoke up as I glanced between the girl next to me and The Commander. “He isn’t going to let us go anywhere, I’ve been trying to get out of here for weeks.” She told me while she continued to glare at him.  “My patience for you is wearing thin, girl.” He said before snapping his fingers. The two guards that Amaris had been wrestling with in the hallway opened the door. One of them had a bloody lip. I looked over at Amaris in shock and she winked at me. “Amaris, why don’t you show Sky where she’ll be staying? I think it might do you some good to focus on something other than yourself for a while.” He said, signaling the guards to take us away.  “No... please.” I could feel the tears coming to my eyes. I knew it was pointless to beg, but I couldn’t stop myself.  “Shhh…” Ms. Anne tried to comfort me. “Everything is going to be alright, deary.” I was no i***t. I knew whatever awaited me wasn't going to be a f*****g happily ever after.  The guards reached for Amaris and I, “Don't touch us. We’ll walk on our own.” she said as she reached for my hand. I locked eyes with her. She seemed genuine. I didn't know much about her but I was glad to have a friend in here, even if it was only temporary.
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