Chapter 1

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Third Person's POV We often hear that we lose to our loved ones, not from enemies. We take steps that are hard to take but necessary for the safety and well-being of our loved ones. It seems not only humans but wolves and lycans are also not different from that. If not, why would Fenrir have to leave his own family and kingdom for their safety? Fenrir, a lycan prince who had everything in his life, is now left with nothing. Once, his life was filled with happiness, love, and care, and now he is looking for a place to live. A secret, a curse snatched everything from him. A full moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie light over the forest. Fenrir, the banished Lycan prince, stood atop a hill, gazing out at the vast expanse of trees below him. He had been wandering these woods for days, searching for a new home for himself. Fenrir was tall and muscular, with jet-black hair and piercing blue eyes. He wore a simple leather tunic and pants and carried a sword at his side. He looked like a warrior, and indeed he was one, but he also had a gentle heart and a fierce devotion to his people. That's the reason he left his family and kingdom behind to save them. As he stood there, a sense of melancholy washed over him. He missed his old life, the life he had before the curse had taken hold of him, and he got to know about it. He missed his family, his home, and his pack. But he knew that he could never go back. Not while the curse still hung over him like a dark cloud. The curse. Remembering the curse, Fenrir closed his eyes and tried to push the memories away, but they flooded back with a vengeance. The curse was the reason he had to leave his kingdom, his family, his pack. It was the reason he had to start over in a strange land with a new pack and new challenges to face. He took a long breath and spoke to himself, "Fenrir, it's not the time to look back. You have a long way to go. Do not let your family be an obstacle to your decision. Whatever you are doing is only for their safety." Fenrir closed his eyes for a few moments, then opened his eyes, and looked down at the woods again. He knew he couldn't dwell on the past forever. He had to find a new home for himself, a place where he could start his life again. And he had to do it soon before the curse got worse. With a deep breath, Fenrir turned and began to descend the hill. He would keep searching, keep fighting, keep hoping that one day he could find a way to break the curse and reclaim his old life. ------- After 5 years (Lunar Howl Pack) Mate, the word itself contains many emotions, and for wolves, it actually symbolizes strength, togetherness, love, dedication, protection, and whatnot. There would hardly be any wolf who wouldn't be waiting for her fated mate to show up so that they could live together for the rest of their lives, and Aurora was no exception to these feelings. Aurora was a simple, innocent, bubbly girl who always saw good in everything and everyone. She is 17 years, and soon she is going to celebrate her 18th birthday, and what makes this day more special is that she will soon meet her mate. Although she doesn't have any wolves, the stories she heard from her parents made her believe that it doesn't matter. Her destined mate will accept her since it is the bond created by the moon goddess, which no wolf would reject. Aurora had always looked forward to meeting her mate, believing that he would be her perfect match and the love of her life. As her 18th birthday approached, she felt a sense of excitement and anticipation building within her, eager to finally meet the one she was destined to be with. -------- Three Days Ago Before Her Birthday Aurora woke up three days before her birthday feeling excited and full of anticipation. She couldn't wait to go shopping with her two best friends, Lily and Emily, and find the perfect outfit for her special day. Aurora is still studying, so she wants to buy two dresses, one for her college and the other one for the party. Although she doesn't know who her mate is but she wants to be prepared to meet him. She wanted to look her best for her destined mate. She stepped out of our washroom wrapped in a long white towel that was covering her half-body. She looked at herself in the mirror and blushed, thinking that soon she would be standing with her mate. Her mate will have all the rights not only in her life but in her body, too, which makes her feel excited. She was lost in her thoughts when suddenly her friends barged into her room. "Good morning, Aurora! Ready for some shopping?" Lily said, beaming with excitement, and entered her room while Aurora was getting ready. She was wearing denim jeans and a cute floral top to spend her day with her friends. "I can't wait! I want to find something that will make me look amazing to my mate," Aurora replied, grinning from ear to ear. The thought of finding her mate was making her feel hotter than on other days. "Ooh, maybe you'll find something that will knock Alexander off his feet," Emily teased, making Aurora blush. Yes, Aurora has a crush on Alexander since she was 5 years old. She used to see him hiding from different different places. However, the case was different because Alexander didn't like her bit and always bullied her. But that doesn't stop the butterflies erupting in Aurora's stomach for him. Alexander is the son of the Alpha, and he turned 18 two years ago. Although he has been pretty popular since childhood and always have girls drooling over him, when it comes to Aurora, he just despises her a lot. Aurora never understood why and with time, his hate only increased for her. Since Aurora is not a beauty queen and not much into makeup, she always finds herself clumsy and less presentable. She thinks that it could be the reason that Alexander doesn't like her, but she never feels bad about it, all thanks to her friends and family. "Stop it, Emily! I'm not trying to impress him," Aurora protested, but her friends just laughed. Soon they left from their home to raid the shopping mall. As they walked through the mall, they tried on different outfits and giggled as they posed in front of the mirrors and spending their best friends' time. Emily had already found her mate, and Lily was still unknown who her mate was, so they were pretty excited to see what the moon goddesses had decided for their friend. "How about this one, Aurora?" Lily asked, holding up a blue dress. "It's beautiful, but I don't know if it's the one," Aurora replied, still searching for that perfect outfit. She was eyeing each and every outfit when Emily and Lily pushed her to the trial room. "You'll know it when you see it," Emily said reassuringly, giving her a hug. Aurora tried plenty of dresses in search of that one perfect dress that would make her feel beautiful to her mate. Finally, after trying on what seemed like a hundred outfits, Aurora found the perfect dress. It was a beautiful lavender color and hugged her curves in all the right places. "This is it! I love it!" Aurora exclaimed, twirling around in front of the mirror. "You look amazing, Aurora," Lily said, admiring her friend. "And Alexander won't know what hit him," Emily added with a mischievous grin. Aurora looked at both of them, turning serious, and the very next moment, they were laughing out loud. Aurora and her friends have been together since childhood, so she knows that no matter what, her friend will never leave her alone. The three friends continued to shop and joke around, enjoying each other's company and forgetting about their troubles for a little while. But little did Aurora know, her happiness would soon be short-lived. ------

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